GE WWA8606M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA8606M

Страница 1: ... 6 7 User MaintenanceInstructions 22 CycleSettings 5 warranty BackCover Detergents Other Additives 11 15 Energy Saving Tips 8 FiIter Flo Pan 4 8 10 Hard Water 14 LimestoneDeposits 12 22 Loadingthe Washer 4 10 Modeland SerialhTumbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 5 Pre treating 7 9 15 Problem Solver 18 22 SafetyInstructions 3 4 GEAnswerCentera SoakSetting 8 800 626 2000 ...

Страница 2: ... versionof t isbook call GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer informationservice Para obtenerla versi6nen espafiolde este manual name a GE Answer Center servicio de informaci6n para el consumidor telgfono800 626 2000 FORYOUR SAFETY Ifyou smellgas 1 open windowsB 2 Don ttouch electrical switchesB 3 Extinguishany open flames 4 Immediately Call your gas Suppliera Don t turn electric switches on or ...

Страница 3: ...onor Witil ttis apptiance or my ardd apptimee Disposeof tismrded apptiancw and SMpping or paetig matetialsproperly Before Wsmrting a Wa her or mmotig from sertiee9remove the washer tide Keepalllaundryaids suchas detergents bleaches fabric sofieners etc outofthereachof chldren preferably ina locked cabinet Observeallwarningson container labelstoavoidpersonal injury KeeptheareaCaround and unde neath...

Страница 4: ...he lid is a good place I put the pan while loading or unloading clothes wAdd nleasLlr ed amount of Ic crgent see pa es 1 thrOLl hi5 for in tirrnationon cietergentsand othrr Idundry additives 0Load Clo h sinto wash l askct bcing care LIl not t overload ol esshI LI d be below rc aining t illg Scc lJ gc j ff r l r l ling iii i l l ic ll Position the Filter Flo pan on the agitator Lint will collect in...

Страница 5: ...these settings automaticallyprovidesfor Gentle Speed Wash Slow Spin I l OFF START Permanent Press Use with most soakingaids to loosen embedded soils and stains See page 8 Soak C c e o NORMAL SOIL OFF I I o o AUTO EXTRA RINSE F For modern fabrics with heavy or oily soil A second rinse is provided to help remove the additional detergent that is required for these soils Permanent Press o Regular Cycf...

Страница 6: ...ts if machine washing is recommended Warm Permanent Press Cycle Normal or Light Soil Setting Baby Clothes Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls Hot Regular Cycles Permanent Press Setting _ 5 min soak then Light Soil Setting Babj Clcthes Delicate Blankets Wool Part Wool Cotton Warm warm Permanent Press Cycle Regular Cycles 131ankets Synthetic Electric 1 W...

Страница 7: ... 2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance GARMENTMUST BE TUMBLEDRIED Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent Do baby clothes separately Pretreat spots Rinse diapers nightgowns pads and sheets after use Keep diapers in a covered pail of cold water and conditioningagent like Borateem brand Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent Do hand knit garments by hand Fill washer add detergent allow to...

Страница 8: ...wtousethe Filter Flo Pan I I The Filter Flopan is the lint filter Position the Filter Flo pan on the agitator after loading clothes into tie washer Lint is easily seen and removed after the wash is finished NOTE Do not use the Filter Flo pan as a wash basket Do not put items to be washed in the Filter Flo pan Do not placedetergentpackets in the Filter Flopan A Energ sating Tips If yourclothesandho...

Страница 9: Check all items for areas of heavy soil or stain eRemove stains For STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEE PAGE 17 eTurn Poly Knits inside outto minimize fabric surface damage Soaking and Pre treating a good way toloosendeep soils and stains A thorough soaking with detergent or special soaking agent is another way to remove heavy soils embedded dirt and even some stains Soakingcan be eithera completely separa...

Страница 10: ...ze of the load See l lgc 1 If you are machine washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extra care to minimize wrinkling in the wash process Be careful not to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must have ample room to move freely A Medium size Permanent Press load is the largest that should be washed oUsemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload LTse a Medium Water...

Страница 11: ... Are excellent as concentrates for removing spots Completely dissolve even in cold water Perform well in soft water Are not available in some areas Generally do not clean well in hard water May be difficult to dissolve especially in cold water Should not be used in cold water Those containing sodium carbonate as an ingredient may cause harmful limestone deposits on clothes and washer when combined...

Страница 12: ... Good washing practices may delaylimestonedamage toclothes The following recommendations will temporarily delay the effects of limestone on your clothes These are generally good washing practices and will give better soil removal whether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent e Use hotter wash water for example Llpto 150 F for cottons This also improves oily soil removal If you wash...

Страница 13: ...oblems Alwaysmeasuredetergentin a standardmeasuringcup How tousedetergent granular I or powered Add detergentnext to the agitator after the clotheshave been loaded If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergenti hot water then pour directly into the wash baslcet Comended amount ofdetergent for averagesoiIload Higl Sudsing Powder rype Water Hardness I Large I Medium Small VERY HARD ...

Страница 14: ...have HARD water lessthan 10 grains and you use phosphate detergent yoLlalso have no problem But if you have more than 10 grains you will need to soften your water with either 1 Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For more informationon water softeners seeguidebelow Addthismuchwatersoftener witha fullwater level Grains of hardness o lo 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 ...

Страница 15: ... s washablefabrics shouldnot be chlorine bleached such as 100 cotton flame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach before using on any fabric 3 Check Manufacturers Care Labels for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kindsof fabrics 2 Is most effective in hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluffy and soft 2 Reduces static electricity 3 Use c...

Страница 16: ...allon 3 8 liter of cool water approximately80 F 27 C ina sink or pan Soak stained area for 5 minutesand launder in washer The Case of tile 661nvisible99 Stain see next page for stain Removal Guide Food or cookingoilson your syntheticgarmentsmay cause stains which are virtuallyinvisibleand which you may not noticeas you put your clothesinto the washer If these stainsare not completely removed in th...

Страница 17: ...Lipstick Mascara Liquid or Pancake Makeup Rouge Powder Crayon Grease Oil Tar Cod Liver Oil Sponge with a safe dry cleaning fluid Then launder in warm detergent water esh Fuit Fruit Juices Vne Vegetablesor Food Coloring Spongewithwarmwater Bleachremaining stain with non chlolinebleach leak stain in cool water If stain remains bleach according to tainRemovalHinton oppositepage launder Grass Foliage ...

Страница 18: ...atea whitedeposit Usesoftenersinrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifies adding to wash cycle See page 15 Q Y Pilling usually on polyester cotton blends is caused by lint Turning clothes inside out may provide some help normal wear and may look like Static electricity y caused by overdrying will cause attraction Use fabric softener in rinse cycle These are sometimes called InvisibleStains becauseyou ...

Страница 19: ...rough complete cycle Repeat if necessary 2 If you prefer to use the Soak Cycle see page 8 Use the water softener in place of soak agent or prewash detergent and allow clothes to soak for about 20 minutes Incompleteremovalofbodysoildueto constantuse ofinsufficientdetergent Check hemofT shirtor pillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenteris yellow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowingprocedureson Gra...

Страница 20: washer load at a time Do not combine loads Improper loads Avoid laundering heavy Permanent Press items such as work clothes with lighter Permanent Press items such as shirts or blouses Do not wash Permanent Press with regular laundry Too many clothes in washer Permanent Press loads should always be smaller than regul loads no more than medium loads to give clothes room to move freely Incorrect...

Страница 21: ...en possible eRoughness or burrs on agitator may cause rips or tears Check agitator and file rough spots if necessary May be caused by the use of Regular Cycles for delicate articles Use Permanent Press Cycle Refer to Garment Manufacturer s Care Labels QGments weakened by age sun or atmosphere This is inevitable and is not caused by washer Slow process by washing on Permanent Press Cycle 0Too large...

Страница 22: ...s self cleaning Leave Iid open after washing tocillobi Jinoist t to JI Il Jrc e D not use harsh or gritty cicansers Tile exterior Wipe off any spills of washjng conlpounds Wipe or dLls with danlp c oth Try no o hit surfilcc with sharp objcc s I I Ask scrvicc technician to remove Y lter from drain pLlmp ilIld hoses e AetiVatOT sIagititoF Remove 10prcvcn freezing Do notstore hc washer Ivhcrc it t il...

Страница 23: ...ust one visit J You can havethe secure feeling that GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there after yourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyourwar ranty isstillin effectand you ll receive a substantial discount Witha multiple yearcontract you reassuredof fiture serviceat today s prices majorapfilianc GE swer Cen e informationserviceisavailableto help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answeredprompt...

Страница 24: ...orized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE m II WHATIs NOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the product resetting of circuit b...
