Страница 1: ... WA83M Semgthe Controk p4i Bleach mdF tic Sofiener Dispensers p6 Using the Mhi Basker tub Jp7 Ener savhg tips p p Choostig Detergenk Stti removal p16 Save tiemdmoney Before youcdlfor semice usetheProblem Solver p20 he nSWerCenteF800e626s2000 ...
Страница 2: ...ur phone number ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 The l robkrn Sdwx Ekw TOCare for Y W Yvadler Consumer Services Warranty 20 25 26 2 7 B k Chw FORYOURSAFETY 2 lowerleft sidenear the front Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProduct Ownership RegistrationCard that camewith your washer Beforesendingin thiscard pleasewritethese numbershere ModelNo SerialNo Usethe...
Страница 3: ...e washwater Do not use thesesubstances around your washerand or dryer duringoperation ISHYDROGEN GAS isproduced by the chemicalactionwithinyour water heater and the gascan accumulatein the water heater and or water pipesif hot water has not beenused for a period of two weeksor longer HYDROGEN GAS CAN BEEXPLOSIVE UNDER THESE CIRCU MSTANCES So to preventthe possibilityof damageor injury if you haven...
Страница 4: ...find completedetailson how and when to usethe Mini Baskettub on page 7 Load clothesinto the wash basket being careful not to over Ioad Clothes should be belowthe retainingring Seepage 10for more loading information Position Filter l lopan cmagita tor and add measured amount of detergent see pages 11through 14 for information on detergentsand other laundry additives NOTE Do not usethe Filter l lo p...
Страница 5: ...nens work and play clothes Extra Rinse can be se ected if desired Knits 3 g ie A COITI nit effectivepolyesterknits laundering Plus an ex Perm Presscyck An extended cool down spray rinse ispro y y vialedto minimize the setting of wrinkles Mini Quick cyck For small cl i lightly soiled START loads you need in a OFF IVlini hurry Use with NHNI Quick cycle BASKETtub only See page 7 tended co61 downspray...
Страница 6: ...llybe dispensedat the proper time 1 DUD notstop thewasherduring the firstspin This willcausethe dispenserto emptytoo soon When usingFabric Softener Dispenserwith the Mini Basket tub useone 1 teaspoon 5 ml of concentratedsofteneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml of diluted softener Do notuse the FabricSoftener DispenserwiththeSk Settingor theMini QuickCycle OFF Ilfl m SOIL NORMAL HEAVY 66SOAK9 settingtemper...
Страница 7: ...gof delicatehand washables Here showto usethe Mini Basket tub Removel ilter Fiopan PlaceMini Baskettub on agitator Pull the agitator toward the front of the machinefor easier installationand removalof Mini Baskettub e Load clothesin Mini Baskettub Seepage9 sortinghelp After loadingclothesin the Mini Baskettub be suretorep ace the Fi ter i lo pan The pan servesas a lid to keepthe clothesin the Mini...
Страница 8: ...ullload 4 If you must washsmallerloads adjust the amount of water Small loadsshouldhavelowerwater levels 5 Washin off peakutilityhours Yourlocalutilitycan tellyou whichare the off peakhours 6 Useyour washer sNormal SpeedSpin Thiswillremovemore water during spin whichwill shorten dryingcycleto savemore energy The dryingwillremoveany wrinkleswhichmayresultfrom the Normal Spin 7 Useyour Mini BasketTM...
Страница 9: ...d 19 9 It pays tocheck md pl epart clothes for washing Empty pockets brush out cuffs zipzippers snap snaps hook hooks and button buttons DOany necessaryrnending rips hems tears Checkallitemsfor areas of heavysoilor stain Removestains FOR STAIN REMOVALCHART SEE PAGE 16 Turn Poly Knitsinside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage soaking Pre treating a good way to loosen deep soils and stains A thorough...
Страница 10: ...ler loads savewater energyand detergentby adjustingthe water levelfor the sizeof the load See page 4 Specialrecommendations for washingpermanentpressif you do not hive a dryer If you are machine washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to hang or drip dry useextra care to minimizewrinklingin the wash process Becarefulnot to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must have ampleroom to move fr...
Страница 11: ... excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completelydissolveevenin coldwater Perform wellin soft water Disadvantages Are not availablein some areas Generallydo not cleanwellin hard water May be difficultto dissolve especiallyin cold water Should notbe used in cold water Those containingsodium carbonate as an ingredientmay causeharmful limestone depositson clothesand washer whencombinedwith hard ...
Страница 12: ...tions causedby lintadheringto the stickylimestonedeposits Increasedservicecallsbecauseof limestonedepositsin the pump recirculationwater hoses filters and other washerparts Reducedusefullifeof washer How toIredwi e hw 3tone ibuiki ups RecommendedMethods Usea powderedphosphate detergentor a liquiddetergentif theseare availab e in your area Installa homewatersoftener Thiswillsignificantlyreduce lime...
Страница 13: ...t Granular or Powdered Placein the filterpan for normalcondi tions but for best results put the detergentnext to the agitator after the clotheshavebeenloaded If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well pre dissolvethe detergentin hot water then pour directlyinto the wash basket standard measuringcup E4 s x e Recommendedamount ofdetergent fortavemgesoil I M Swking powder Water Water Level Setting Hardnes...
Страница 14: ...If youhave HARDwater less than 10 grains and youusephosphate detergent youalsohaveno problem But ifyouhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedto softenyour waterwitheither 1 An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For informationon water softeners9 seechartbehv Add this much water softener with a fu m water kd Grainsof hardness o 1o 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 When...
Страница 15: ...ashablefabricsshould not be chlorinebleachedsuchas 100 o cotton flame retardant children ssleep wear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fastcolors Dilutebleachbefore usingon any fabric 3 Checkmanufacturer shang tags for specialinstructions 1 Maybe usedon all kindsof fabrics 2 Is most effectivein hot water 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyand soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Usecarefully Too muchmay ...
Страница 16: ...to the washer If these stains are not completely removed in the wash the oily spots may pick up dirt from the wash vater Then they will become very visibleand you may think they were caused by the wash cycle itself Blood Chocolate Cream IceCreamand Milk Coffeeand Tea Cosmetics EyeShadow Lipstick Mascara Liquidor Pancake Make up Rouge Powder Crayon Grease Oil Tar Cod LiverOil FreshFruit Fruit Juice...
Страница 17: ...ine or banana oi Launder in warmwaler Applyundiluted liquiddetergentand launderin warmwater If color has changedyou maybe ableto restoreit bytreatingwithammonia or vinegar If any stain remains treat withsafe dry cleaningfluid or bleachaccordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage launderand dry 1 Applyrust remover usingmanufacturer sdirections Rinseand launder other Sameas Sameas bleach washable F...
Страница 18: ...RGLASS ChenilleBedspreads Robes 13athmats and Rugs Denims especiallyindigobluejeans and other fabricsthat bleed Plastics aprons bibs tablecloths chair covers bowl covers curtains Pillows I Wash Speed Normal Gentle Normal Normal Gentle Light SoilSetting Normal Gentle 5 min soak then Normalspeed Light soilsetting 5 min soak then Normalspeed Light soilsetting Gentle Gentle Normal Normal Gentle Light ...
Страница 19: ...fore addingblanket Do one blanketat a time Pre treat heavilysoiledspotswith liquiddetergent None On electricblanket sewa strongpieceof clothoverplug Do one blanketat a time Pre treat heavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent None For whiteor colorfast useliquidchlorinetype Vacuumout loosedirt before washing For whiteor colorfast useliquid chlorinetype If unusuallysoiled useNormal WashSpeed Washonly2 o...
Страница 20: ...detergentor usewarmer washwater Seepage 13 overloading will cause abrasion which Creates excessive lint W h feweriternswith correctwaterlevel TOO much bleach Usecorrectamount of bleachaccordingto packagedirections Not enough detergentto hold lintin suspensionduring wash cycle Increaseamount of detergent Seepage 13 Incorrect use of fabricsoftener If usedin wash cycle softenersmay react with deterge...
Страница 21: ...is sufficient However whenusingextendedsoaks for heavily soiledgarmentsyou may needto usetwicethe recommendedamount of detergent Use of soap in hard water Switchto a phosphate detergent or follow sixstepsdescribedabove Washingtoo longmay resultin increasedsoildeposition Useshorter wash timesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolvestoo slowly Detergentmust be presentin the wash solutionat the start of ag...
Страница 22: ...ccur do not use in the washer use a plasticcontainer Improper use of fabric softener Neverpour fabric softenerdirectlyon clothes alwaysdilutebefore addingto rinsewater Dilutesoftener before fillingyour Fabric SoftenerDispenser Seepage6 Also do not lift lid during spin Thismay causeimproper dispensing resulting in stains To removestains dampen stainedarea and rub with undilutedliquid detergent Re w...
Страница 23: ...sewiIlminimizewrinkling To removeW rhkks 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retumbleon Permanent Press setting Rerinseand dry on Permanent Press setting If unsuccessful retumbleon highheat for 10 12 minutesand hang immediately Iron carefully Sendto Drycleanersfor pressing Somewrinklesmay remainwhichcannot be removed Pins on garmentsor sharp objectsleft in pockets Checkto make sure allsuch objectsare removed Also checkwa...
Страница 24: ...un or atmosphere Thisisinevitable and isnot causedby washer Slowprocessby washingon Gentle Wash Speed eToolargeloads or too littlewater Load washeronlywithnumber of itemsthat willmovefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreat with liquiddetergent o 1 Make sure cord is pluggedinto outlet Make sure both hot and cold faucetsare turned on Make sure controlsare setand cycleselectorknob ispulledout to ON p...
Страница 25: ...eard at the end of eachspin period as the motor stopsand the spinbrake insidethe transmission locksin tThissound isnormal Heavilyunbalancedloads can causethe washerto vibrate excessively during spin and may causeit to movefrom its original position In extremecases usuallyoccurswhenwashinga single heavyitem or a smallload whenwaterlevelis sethigherthan necessary the spinbasket may strikethe outer t...
Страница 26: ...r Petroleum Jelly mef4divtttor agitator Removeat regularintervals about 4 to 6 months andremove any lint that may haveaccumu lated No tools are needed simply grasp agitator withboth hands and pull straightup sharply The slotted sectionat the top of the metal shaft has a lightcoatingof lubricant to preventparts sticking together If this area appearsto be dry applya lightcoat of greaseor Petroleum J...
Страница 27: ...Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if your problemis still not resolved write MajorApplianceConsumerAction Panel 20 North WackerDrive Chicago Illinois 60606 servicecontracts p your appliancein goodoperating For troubie free service beyond ndition during the contract periodat the written warranty period no additional charge Servicecontracts t you paytoday s pricesfor service If you pre...
Страница 28: ...ectory for GENERALELECTRIC COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICEor GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER Xi Il CARE SERVICE WHATIs NOTCOVERED Servicetrips to your hometo teachyou how to usethe product Readyour Use and CarernateriaL If you then haveany questions about operatingthe product pleasecontact yourdealeror our ConsumerAffairs office at the addressbelow or call...