Страница 1: ...mA8310B Settigthe Controk p4i Ener satigtips p6 Sorthg and loatig p7 Choosing detergents p9 Stain removal p14 Save timeand monew Before youcdfor siwice usetheProblem Solver p18 Your Direct he toGeneral Electric The GEAnsIverCenteF800e626e200 ...
Страница 2: ...p CaU toll free The GE Answer c mterT 800 626 2000 COllmmker Mm nation Mm x or write includeyour phone number ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 Warranty E Jkcm write Fw B3 the MMMM Wd semi numbers You llfind them on a labelon the lowerleft sidenear the front Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProduct Ownership RegistrationCard that camewith your washer Before...
Страница 3: ...e wash water Do not usethesesubstances around your washerand or dryer during operation HYDROGEN GAS isproduced by the chemicalactionwithinyour water heater and the gascan accumulatein the waterheater and or water pipesif hot waterhas not been used for a periodof two weeksor longer HYDROGEN GAS CAN BEEXPLOSIVE UNDER THESE CH CLJM STANCES So to preventthe possibilityof damageor injury if you have no...
Страница 4: ...on Water Level Temperature WARM Autometic Two Speed kt50WM COLD Washar J swL LARGc E I Y T eev am TN B mm A Position Filter l lopan on agita tor and add measuredamount of detergent Seepages9 through 12 for information on detergentsand other laundry additives NOTE Do not usethe Filter Flo pan as a wash basket Do not put any itemsto be washedin the Filter l lopan Seepage 13for information on how to ...
Страница 5: ...but you can setthe selectorin between if desired Selectionof thesesettingsautomatically providesfor Normal Wash Speed Fast Spin Penn Press NC ASO erm Knits Cycle Press yl E Knits For Polyester Cycle GENTLE Knits deli SPEEO catesand permanent press OFF An extendedcool down spray rinseisprovidedto minimizethe settingof wrinkles Selectionof thesesettingsauto maticallyprovidesfor Gentle SpeedWash Slow...
Страница 6: ...othes 2 Under normal soilconditions washin water above80 1 27 C Thisgenerallymeansusingthe WarmWashtemperaturesetting on your washer temperatures approximately95 F 35 C If you noticethat soilhas accumulated after severalconsecutivewashings useHot Wash occasionally if safe for fabrics 3 Tryto washlessoften Save articlesof the sametype of fabric until you havea fullload 4 If you must washsmallerload...
Страница 7: ... Itpays tocheek and prepare dom s forWfashil ig Empty pockets brush out cuffs zipzippers snap snaps hook hooks and button buttons Do any necessarymending rips hems tears Checkall itemsfor areasof heavysoilor stain Removestains FOR STAIN REMOVALCHART SEE PAGE14 Turn Poly Knitsinside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage soaking Pr6 tr eating agood way to Kmsen d jl SOik MldSWM3 A thorough soakingwith ...
Страница 8: ...ler loads savewater energyand detergentby adjustingthe water levelfor the sizeof the load See page 4 Speciairemmmendations for washingpermmentpressif you do not havea dryer If you are machine washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to hang or drip dry useextra care to minimizewrinklingin the washprocess Becarefulnot to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must haveampleroom to move freely ...
Страница 9: ...excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completelydissolveevenin coldwater Perform wellin soft water 9 Disadvantages Are not availablein some areas Generallydo not cleanwellin hard water May be difficultto dissolve especiallyin cold water Should noi be used in cold water Those containingsodium carbonate as an ingredientmay causeharmful limestone depositson clothesand washer when combinedwith ha...
Страница 10: ...sty formations causedby lint adhering to the stickylimestonedeposits Increasedservicecallsbecauseof limestonedepositsin the pump recirculationwater hoses filters and other washer parts lled ceduseful lifeof washer How toreduce h mmme Ih amhps Rwmlmen kd Methods Usea powderedphosphate detergentor a liquiddetergentif theseare availablein your area Installa homewatersoftener Thiswillsignificantlyredu...
Страница 11: ...lterpan for normalcondi tions but for bestresults put the detergentnextto the agitator after the clotheshavebeenloaded If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well pre dissolvethe detergentin hot waterthen pour directlyinto the washbasket standard measuringcup Es3c Recommended Immlmt of ktergerht forWer age SON 1 bad highSudsingpowder Water Water Level Setting Hardness Large Medium Small VERY HARD 2 cups...
Страница 12: ...labout hard water If youhave HARD water less than 10 grains and youusephosphate detergent youalsohaveno problem But if youhavemorethan 10 grains you willneedto softenyour waterwitheither L An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For information on water softeners seechart h ow Addthismud water SOf R i With a f ti W8t4 km Grainsof hardness o 1o 10 15 15 20 20 25 ...
Страница 13: ...s 2 Someof today swashablefabricsshould not be chlorinebleachedsuchas 100qo cotton flame retardant children ssleep wear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleachbefore usingon any fabric 3 Checkmanufacturer shang tags for specialinstructions 1 Maybe usedon all kindsof fabrics 2 Is most effectivein hot water 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffy and soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Usec...
Страница 14: ...up dirt from the wash water Then they wiIIbecomevery visibleand you may think they were causedby the wash cycleitself once these spots ibecornevisible how em l youremovekm Rub in undiluted liquid detergentand let stand 30 minutes Re washusinghottest water the fabric can stand How canyou preventthese After You Wash stains Increasethe amount of detergent normally used Increasewater temperature where...
Страница 15: ...then spongewithturpentine or banana oil Launder in warmwater Applyundiluted liquiddetergentand launder in warmwater If color has changedyou may be able to restoreit by treatingwith ammonia or vinegar If any stain remains treat withsafe dry cleaningfluid or bleachaccordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage launder and dry Applyrust remover usingmanufacturer sdirections Rinseand launder otherwasha...
Страница 16: ...lastics aprons bibs tablecloths chair covers bowlcovers curtains Pillows cycleWection RegularCycle Perm Press Knits Cycle RegularCycle RegularCycle Perm Press Knits Cycle DelicateSetting RegularCycle Perm Press Knits Cycle 5min soakthen RegularCycle Light SoilSetting 5 min soak then RegularCycle Light SoilSetting Perm Press Knits Cycle Perm Press Knits Cycle RegularCycle RegularCycle Perm Press Kn...
Страница 17: ...ldwaterand conditioningagent likeBorateem Youmay prefer to usea mildtype detergent Do hand knit garmentsby hand Fillwasher add detergent allowto dissolvebefore addingblanket Do one blanket at a time Pre treat heavilysoiledspotswith liquiddetergent On electricblanket sewa strongpieceof cloth overplug Do one blanket at a time Pre treat heavilysoiledspots withliquiddetergent Vacuumout loosedirt befor...
Страница 18: ...rgentor usewarmer wash water Seepage 11 eoverloading wi causeabrasion whichcreatesexcessivelint Wash feweritemswithcorrectwater level TOO much bleach Usecorrect amount of bleachaccordingto packagedirections eNot enough detergentto hold lint in suspensionduring wash cycle Increaseamount of detergent Seepage 11 Incorrect useof fabricsoftener If used in wash cycle softenersmay react with detergentto ...
Страница 19: ...ficientdetergent Usuallya 30 minute soak issufficient However whenusingextendedsoaks for heavily soiledgarmentsyou may needto usetwicethe recommendedamount of detergent Useof soap in hard water Switchto a phosphate detergent or follow sixstepsdescribedabove Washingtoo longmay resultin increasedsoildeposition Useshorter wash timesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolvestoo slowly Detergentmust be presen...
Страница 20: ...yavailablerust scaleremover followingpackage instructions If porcelaindamagecan occur do not usein the washer usea plasticcontainer Improper useof fabricsoftener Neverpour fabric softenerdirectlyon clothes alwaysdilutebeforeaddingto rinsewater Seepage 13for useof fabric softener To removestains dampen stainedarea and rub with undilutedliquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachif safe for fabric S...
Страница 21: ...ener Proper usewillminimizewrinkling m removewrinkles 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retumbleon Permanent Press setting Rerinseand dry on Permanent Press setting If unsuccessful retumbleon highheat for 10 12 minutesand hang immediately Iron carefully Sendto Drycleanersfor pressing Somewrinklesmay remainwhichcannot be removed Pins on garmentsor sharp objectsleft in pockets Checkto make sure all such objectsare remove...
Страница 22: ...dby age sun or atmosphere Thisis inevitable and is not causedby washer Slowprocessby washingon Permanent Press Knits Cycle GentleSpeed Toolargeloads or too littlewater Load washeronlywithnumber of itemsthat willmovefreely Selectcorrectwater level Pretreat with liquiddetergent I is Make sure cord ispluggedinto outlet eMake sure both hot and cold faucetsare turned on Make sure controlsare set and cy...
Страница 23: ... at the end of each spin period as the motor stopsand the spinbrake insidethe transmission locks in tThissound isnormal Heavilyunbalancedloadscan causethe washerto vibrate excessively during spin and may causeit to movefrom itsoriginal position In extremecases usuallyoccurswhenwashinga single heavyitemor a smallload whenwater levelisset higherthan necessary the spinbasket may strikethe outer tub c...
Страница 24: ...te with grease or Petroleum Jelly meAcm afor agitator Removeat regularintervals about 4 to 6 months andremove any lint that may have accumulated No tools are needed simplygrasp agitator withboth hands and pullstraightup sharply The slottedsectionat the top of the metalshaft has a lightcoating of lubricantto preventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appears to be dry applya light coat of greaseor P...
Страница 25: ...y40225 FINALLY if your problemis still not resolved write MajorApplianceConsumerAction Panel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois 60606 service Cxmtrads p your appliancein goodoperating Rx WM31e free serwkx beyond condition during the contract periodat the written warranty period m no additional charge Servicecontracts t you paytoday s pricesfor service If you preferto budgetyour repairexpenditu a...
Страница 26: ...e sameexceptthat it is LIMITEDbecauseyou must pay to ship the productto the service shopor for the servicetechnician s travelcosts to your home All warrantyservicewill be provided by our FactoryServiceCentersor by our authorizedCustomerCare servicersduring normalworking hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephonedirectoryfor GENERALELECTRIC COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENE...