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Содержание WWA7010G

Страница 1: ...Guide 1 7 CycleSettings 5 Storage VacationTip 23 Deterwmts Ot herAdditives 11 15 LJserl vlaintxmancelnstructions 23 Energy Saving Tips 8 Warranty BackCover Filter Flo Pan 4 8 23 Hard Water 14 Limestonel e osits 12 23 Loading 4 10 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Operatingthe Washer 4 5 Pre Treating 7 9 ProblemSolver 18 22 RepairService 23 Model i 2f5 q ...

Страница 2: ...mcmiilabelonthe lowerleftsidenearthefront Thesenumbers arealsoonthe Consumer Pmcluct Ownership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourwasher Before sendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerning yourwasher ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service Paraobtenerlave...

Страница 3: dryockaning solvents kerosene etc which may giveoffvaprs or H Mk3 Dom tWkItk sesuktames tothe wash water Donotusethesesubstinces around your washer andordryer e GM isproduced bythechermid action within your water heaterfmd thegas canmmunuhte inthewater heatermhr water pipes ifhot water hasnotbeenused fora period oftwoweeks orkmger Soto prevent the ofdamage orinjury ifyouhave notusedhot water fo...

Страница 4: ...deofthelidisagoodplace toputthepanwhileloadingor unloadingclothes Acidmeasuredmount of dctcrgcnt ScepagesHthrough15 forinformationondetergentsand otherlaundryaddi ivcs Loadclothesintothe wash M beingcarefuinottooverload Clothesshouki x Mow theretaining ring Seepfigc10fbrmoreloading in Ihrmation PositiontheFilter Flopanonthe agitator Lintwillcollectinthepan foreasyremovalwhenthewashis finished NOTE...

Страница 5: ...tains EkppIemin EachSetting Regular Pem Press Knits cycle Selector Heavy Normal LightSoil Soak NormalSoii Light Settings wash 19 15 6 10 4 Spin 31 31 31 2 2v2 21 _ Rinse 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 31 2 31 2 Spin 7 7 7 7 41 2 41 2 TotalTime 35 31 22 11 221 161 2 NOTES S Totaltime includespauses betweeneachphaseof cycle o Totaltime doesnot includewaterfill time Fill timesvary dependingon household waterpress...

Страница 6: ...s KnitsCycle NormalSoilSetting Warm Normalor LightSoilSetting depending onamount ofsoil BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls Hot RegularCycle _ BabyClothes Delicate Blankets Wool l t Wool Cotton Narm PermPress KnitsCycle LightSetting LightSoilSetting iVarm Regular Cycle Blankets Synthetic Electric egularCycle LightSoilSetting Varm Curtains DO...

Страница 7: ...MENT MUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertouseamildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersinacovered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateem brand Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knit garmentsbyhand Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketat atime Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliqui...

Страница 8: ...Donotputany itemstobewashedinthel ilter Flo pan Donotplacedetergent packets intheFilter Flopan Ifyourclothesandhouseholditems don tlookcleanandfreshafter washing youwillprobablyre wash them and thatmeansyou llwaste energy Rememberto sortyour clothescarefully andloadthem properly selectcorrectcycles use enoughdetergentandchoosea watertemperature warmenoughto ri lwsemd getridqfsoil _Jse HotWash up t...

Страница 9: ...nry mending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasof heavysoilor stain Remove stains ForSTAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE17 TurnPolyKnitsinside out to minimize fabricsurfacedamage ihakin andB re trea irqp a goodwayto loosendeepsoils andstains Athoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingcanbe eitheracompletely separatewashingste...

Страница 10: ...youmustwashsmaller loads savewater energyand detergentbyadjustingthewater levelforthesizeoftheload See page4 spew for pmmmentpress ifyoudonothfm 3 dryer Ifyouare machine washing Permanent Pressclothesthatyou plantolinedryordrip dry use extracaretominimize wrinkling inthewashprocess Becarefulnottooverload washer Permanent Pressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely AMediumsizePermanent Presskmdisth...

Страница 11: ... asconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Arenotavailable insomeareas Generally donotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especially incoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonate asaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combined withhardwater Seepage12 Maynotperformaswellas powdere...

Страница 12: ...l removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 I forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveenergy usemoredetergentto promotebetterwashing Alsobe suretousebleachonbleachable fabrics Usehotwaterwhenever possible Adddetergentandallowwasher to fillandagitateforthreeor four minutesto dissolvedetergent beforeadding...

Страница 13: ...wdered Forbestresults adddetergent tothewashbasketbeforeloading clothes Ifyouloadyourclothes first adddetergent nexttotothe agitator Uyourdetergent doesn t dissolve well predissolve thedetergent in hotwater thenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket amount of detergent for averagesoilkMMi Water Level Setting Water Harciness Large Medium Small VERY HARD 2 cups 1 cups IMcups High Sudsing 10 20 Gro Powder Ty...

Страница 14: ... lf youhave HARDwater lessthan10grains andyouusephosphate detergent youalsohavenoprobleril But ifyouhavemorethan10 grains youwillneedtosoftenyour waterwitheither 1 Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofapackaged water softener Forinformationonwater SoftenersseeguideM hm v AddW muchwater softener with a water kvd Grainsof hardness o lo 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing A cup 2 cup...

Страница 15: ...ection bykillingmostbacteriaand viruses AT EI SO E ER ion precipitating uchasCalgonbrand Suspends hardnessmineralsinsolution keeping waterclear Combines withwaterhardnessmineralstoformprecipitate whichgivescloudyor milkyappearance towater Followpackagedirections Addatstartofwashcycle Followpackagedirections Usewithdetergentor soapinwashcycle Precipitating suchas Boraxbrand SOAKAGENT SuchasBizbrand...

Страница 16: ...rinwasher The Case ofthe visibk W n Foodorcookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher Ifthesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythewashcycleitself once thesespotsbecomevisible howcan youremovethem Ru...

Страница 17: ...espraycleaner Apply mdilutedliquiddetergent Oldstains bleachaccordingtoStain emoval Hintonoppositepage often withoil lardor Vaseline thenspongewithturpentineor anana oil Launderinwarmwater pplyundilutedliquiddetergentandlaunderinwarmwater If olorhaschangedyoumaybeableto restoreit bytreatingwith mmoniaor vinegar3 Ifanystainremains treatwithsafedry leaningfluid or bleachaccordingto StainRemoval Hint...

Страница 18: tocreateawhitedeposit Usesofteners inrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifies addingtowashcycle Seepage Pillingusuallyonpolyester cotton blendsiscausedbynormalwearandmaylooklike lint Turningclothesinside out mayprovidesomehelp s tic electricitycausedbyoverd yingwill causeattraction Usefabricsoftenerin rinsecycle Thesearesometimes called InvisibleStains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washing cl...

Страница 19: ...ousetheSoakSetting seepage8 Usethewatersoftenerinplaceof soh a entor prewashdetergentandallow lothestosoakforabout20minutes Iwml _ mw IiaYsm m w9 mr Cssa kzisaa W Incomplete removalofbodysoilduetoconstantuseofinsufficient detergent Check HEK E hemofT shirtorpillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenterisyellow it containsbody WJ oil Restorewhitenessfollowing procedureson GrayedClothes above u _ s Chlorinebl...

Страница 20: ...rtainknitfabricsthathavebeenheat shaped Whenwashing dryingor ironingtemperatures exceedthetemperatures used to shapeset shrinkage mayoccur Thiscannotbecorrected butitcanbeprevented by washingincoolorwarmwater dryingonLowor Delicateheat Leavingclothesindryeraftertumblingstops Removeandhangclothesimmediately Toomanyclothesindryer Dryonlyonewasherloadata time Donotcombineloads Improperloads Avoidlaun...

Страница 21: Donotwipeupbleachspillswithclothes Chemicalssuchashairbleach dye permanentwavesolutions batteryacidsand toiletbowlcleanersmaycausefabricholes Rinsealltowelsandotherarticlesthat cameincontactwiththesechemicalsbeforeputtingtheminwash Donotcontaminate clothingarticleswiththesechemicals Small unnoticedtearsmayenlargeduringwashingprocess Checkgarmentsbefore washingandmendallripsandtears AsPermanentP...

Страница 22: ...rheatertomakesureit isdeliveringwaterat 140 to 150 F Mike suredrainhoseis notkinked TOP ofdrainoutletshouldbelessthan8ft abovefloor Makesurehoseconnectionsaretightatfaucets Makesureendofdrainhoseiscorrectlyinsertedinandsecuredtodrainfacility Makesurewasherislevelandfirmtothefloorwithrubberfootpadsinplaceand frontjam nutstight SeeyourInstallatianInstructions A sharpdistinctivesoundwillbeheardatthee...

Страница 23: ...r Do notovergrease Excessgreasemay getintoclothesload Whenreplacingtheagitator carefidlylowerstraightdownonto theshaftsothatit fitsintotheslots Thenapplydownward pressure untilagitatorsnapsintoitsnormal position Howtoremovehmstmle fmm mo pan Soakfilterpanin apreheated 160 F 71 C solutionofhalf vinegarandhalfwaterfor 15 minutes Thenbrusheachsideof panwitha stiffbristlebrushwhile flushingwithrunning...

Страница 24: the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL EL133TRlC I IOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE 1s Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product ReadyourLk and Care material Ifyou then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affai...
