GE WWA6600M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA6600M

Страница 1: ...ting Guide 6 7 Sorting 4 9 CycleSettings 5 Stains 16 Detergents Other Additives 11 15 Stain RemovalGuide 17 Energy SavingTips 8 Storage VacationTips 23 Filter Flo Pan 4 8 10 22 UserMaintenanceInstructions 22 Hard Water 14 Warranty Back Cover Limestone Deposits 12 22 Loading the Washer 4 10 Modeland Serial Numbers 2 GEAnswercenf r Operating Instructions 4 8oa82 2 oo Model WWA6600M ...

Страница 2: ...sionofthisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Paraobtenerlaversi6nen espafiolde estemanual Ilamea GEAnswerCenter serviciode information paraelconsumidor tel fono800 626 2000 FORYOUR SAFEW 1 open Windowsa 2sDon ttouch electrical switches 311 Extinguish any open flames 4 Immediately call your gasSuppliera Don tturn electric switches on oroti because sparks may ignitethe ...

Страница 3: ... tripped vcrc rotherwise subjected to d iI12 i C3 or stress Closesupervision isnecessary ifthisappliance isusedbyornear children Donot8I1ow children toplayinside onorwithtfi applianceOranydiscarded appliance Dispose ofdscarded appliances andshippingor packingmaterials properly BeforeWscarding awasher or removing fromservicey remove thewasherlid Keepall laundryaids suchas detergents bleaches fabric...

Страница 4: ...yadditives Load clothes into the wash l sl ct being carefil not to overload Clothesshou dbc belowtheretaining rir g Sec page 10for more Ioading i lfor atiorl Position the Filter Flo pan on the agitator Lint will collect in the pan for easy removalwhen the wash is finished N E Do not use the Filter Flo pan as a wash basket Do not put any items to be washed in the Filter Flo pan For information on b...

Страница 5: ...Soak Crcle I LIGHT NORMAL EAW SOIL o e SOIL Ie LIGHT NOi iAL EAV SOIL wu KtIW70 STMT WSH roSTOP W1l EllOB 10 SIAX1 PUSH TO S1OP what Happem inEach setting ApprotiafiMnuks Regular Permanent Press cycle Selector I Heavy Normal Light Soak Soil Normal Light Settings Cycle Wash I 19 15 6 10 4 Spin 31 2 31 2 31 21 2 2 Rinse 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 Spin 7 7 7 7 41 2 41 2 I 1 Total Time I 35 31 22 1...

Страница 6: ...m Permanent Press Cycles Normal Setting Down filledgarments if machine Warm washingis recommended _ Regular Cycles Normal Soil or Light Setting depending on amount of soil BabyCIothes Sturdy such as I Hot Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls Permanent Press Cycles Light Setting BabyClothes Delicate I Warm Blankets Wool Part WooI Cotton I Warm Regular Cycles I Light Se...

Страница 7: ... at a time or add towelsto balance 3ARMENTMUST BETUMBLE D ED OU mayprefer to use a mild type detergent Do babyclothes separately Pretreat spots tinse diapers nightgowns pads and sheets after use Keep diapers in a coveredpail of cold vaterand conditioningagent like Borateem brand OU mayprefer to use a mild type detergent Do hand knit garments by hand illwasher add detergent allow to dissolve before...

Страница 8: ... Flo pan as a washbasket Do notputany itemsto be washedin the Filter Flo pan Do not placedetergentpackets in the Filter Flo pan Enewy savingmps If your clothes and household items don tlook clean and fresh after washing you wi lprobably re wash them and that means you llwaste energy Remember to sort your clothes carefully and load them properly select correct cycles use enough detergent and choose...

Страница 9: ... Check all items for areas of heavy soil or stain Removestains For STAIN MOVAL GU E SEE PAGE17 rn Poly Knits inside outto minimize fabric surfacedamage Soaking andPre treating a goodwayto loosendeepsoils andstiins A thorough soakingwith detergent or special soakingagent is another wayto removeheavy soils embedded dirt and even some stains Soakingcan be either a completely separate washingstep or a...

Страница 10: ...nergy and detergent by adjusting the water level for the size of the load See page 4 iL special recommendations for washing prmanent press if you do not have a d er If youare machine washing PermanentPress clothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extracare to minimizewrinkling in the wash process Be Carefil not to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must haveampleroom to move freely A ...

Страница 11: ...ticsand fabric blends well Are excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completely dissolveevenin cold water Perform wellin softwater Disadvantages Arenotavailableinsomeareas Generallydo notcleanwellin hard water Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnotbe usedin cold water Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas an ingredientmay causeharmfil limestonedeposits on clothesand washerwhen ...

Страница 12: ...recipitating water softener such as Calgon brand with phosphate w w pladica may delay bane e b Clotia The followingrecommendations will temporarily delaythe effects of limestoneon your clothes These are generally good washing practices and will givebetter soil removalwhether or not youhave hard water or use carbonate detergent Use hotter wash water for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimproves...

Страница 13: ...granular or powdered For bestresults add detergent to the washbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first add detergentnextto the agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergentin hot water then pour directly into the washbasket Water Level Setting 1 Use recommended amount of Water Extra I I I detergentfor yourload and water Hardness Large Large Medium Small VERY...

Страница 14: ... all abouthard water If youhave HARD water less than 10grains and youuse phosphatedetergent you also haveno problem But if youhavemore than 10 grains you will need to sofienyour water with either 1 An instilled water sofienerin your home or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For information on water softeners see guide below Grains of o lo 10 15 hardness 15 20 20 25 25 30 over 30 When using o hcu...

Страница 15: ... swashablefabrics shouldnotbe chlorine bleachedsuch as 100 cotton flame retardantchildren s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach before usingon any fabric 3 Check Manufacturers Care Labels for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kinds of fabrics 2 Is most effectivein hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluf and soft 2 Reduces static electricity 3 Use carefull...

Страница 16: ...llon 3 8liter of cool water approximately 80 F 27 C in a sinkor pan Soak stainedarea for 5 minutesand launder in washer The Case of the gInvisible Shin Foodor cookingoils on your syntheticgarmentsmaycause stains which are virtuallyinvisibleand whichyou may notnotice as you put yourclothes intothe washer If these stainsare not completely removedin the wash the oily spots maypick up dirt fromthe was...

Страница 17: ...stick Mascara Liquid or Pancake iMakeup Rouge Powder Crayon Grease Oil Tar Cod Liver Oil Soak stain in cool water If stain remains bleach according to Stain RemovalHint on opposite page launder Fresh Fruit Fruit Juices Wine Vegetables or Food Coloring Spongewith warm water Bleach remaining stain with non chlorine bleach Spongewith warm water Apply undill ted liquid detergent Bleach remaining stain...

Страница 18: rinse cycleonly unlesspackage specifiesaddingto washcycle Seepage 15 Pillingusuallyon polyester cottonb endsis causedby normal wearandmay looklike lint Turningclothes inside outmayprovidesomehelp Staticelectricity y caused byoverdryingwillcause attraction Use fabric softenerin rinsecycle Theseare sometimescalled InvisibleStains because youmaynot noticethem before washingclothes However ifoily s...

Страница 19: ...lete cycle Repeat if necessary If you prefer to use the Soak Setting see page 8 Use the water sofienerin place of soak agent or prewash detergentand allowclothes to soak for about 20 minutes Incompleteremovalofbodysoilduetoconstantuseofinsufficientdetergent Check hemofT shirtor pillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenterisyellow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowingprocedureson GrayedClothes above...

Страница 20: ...r than regular loads no more than medium loads to give clothes room to movefreely Incorrect washand dry cycles Use Permanent Press Washcyclewhich providesa cooldownrinse to minimize wrinkling Also use Permanent Press Dry cycle Incorrect water level Use Large Water Level for Medium Load Medium Levelfor SmallLoad Repeated washingin water which is too hot Wash in cold or warm water with plenty ofdete...

Страница 21: agitatorand file rough spotsif necessary MaybecausedbyuseofNormalWash Spin Speedfordelicatearticles UseGentle Wash Spin Speed RefertoGarmentManufacturers CareLabels Garmentsweakened byage sunoratmosphere Thisisinevitable andis notcaused bywasher SlowprocessbywashingonGentleWash Spin speed Toolargeloads or toolittlewater Loadwasheronlywithnumberofitemsthatwill movefreely Selectcorrectwaterleve P...

Страница 22: ...aeexterior Wipe off any spills of washing compounds Wipe or dust with damp cloth Try not to hit surface with sharp objects To store wasBRer Ask service technician to remove water fronl drain pump and hoses to prevent freezing Do not store the washer where it will be exposed to the weather l orlo12gvacations Ed sl rc water supply is shut off at Q i cclsa l i Iraiilall water from hOsesif lvu l ler W...

Страница 23: ...ableto help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answeredpromptlyand courteouslyAnd youcan callany time GEhswer Cente serviceis open 24hoursa day 7 daysa week Youcan havetie securefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewfllstillbe there after yourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyourwar mty isstillin effectand you llreceive a substantialdiscount Witha multiple yearcontrac you reassuredof fiture service...

Страница 24: our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELE RIC HOTPOINTFA ORY SERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE II II WHATIS Nm COVERED eservice trips toyour home to teach you how to usethe product I Read your useand cammaterial If you then h...
