GE WWA3650M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WWA3650M

Страница 1: ...ngGuide 6 7 UserMaintenanceInstructions 22 Detergents Other Additives 9 13 Warranty BackCover Energy Saving Tips 12 WashTemperature 4 Hard Water 12 LimestoneDeposits 10 Loading the Washer 4 8 Model andSerialNumbers 2 OperatingInstructions 4 Pre Treating 5 7 13 Problem Solver 16 21 SafetyInstructions 3 4 wer CenteP Soaking 4 5 8fl 62620f18 Model WWM650M 1 ...

Страница 2: ...lNumber SerialNumber LJse tl ese nun bers inany Correspondcrlcc orservicecalls concerningyourwasher ToobtainaSpanish language versionofthisbook call GEAnswer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Paraobtenerlaversion en espafiol deestemanual namea GEAnswerCenter serviciodeinformacibn parae consumidor telifono800 626 2000 FORYOUR SAFEW Toob inservice seethe ConsumerServicespageinthe back...

Страница 3: ... Dkposeoftiscarded appliances andsMpping or paclting matedaisproperly Before sCarding awmher or removing fromservicez remove thewasherlid Keep alllaundryaids suchas detergents bleaches fabricsokners etc outofthereachofchildren preferably inalock cabinet Observe allwarnings oncontainerlabelsto avoidpersonalinjury Keep theareaaroundand underneath yourappliances free fromtheaccumdation ofcombustible ...

Страница 4: ...wtheretaining ring Seepage8 formoreloading information Forinformationon bleachesand fabricsofteners seepage 13 Closethe lid Washerwillfillbut notagitateor spinwiththelidopen wash water Tempemture selection Forhotwaterwash setcycle selectorto HOTWASH 11min or 10 Forwarmwaterwash setcycle selectorto WARM WASH 8 min 6 4 or 27 Forcoldwaterwash setcycle selectorforwarmwashas explainedaboveandTURNOFF TH...

Страница 5: ...s hooks andbuttons Doanynecessary mending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain Remove stains ForSTAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGEU TurnPolyKnitsinside out to minimizefabricsurfacedamage SoakingandRe treating agoodwaytoloosendeepsoils andshins Athoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingcanbeeithera complet...

Страница 6: ...ledgarments if machine washingis recommended No bleach Warm Seldomneeded If needed use non chlorinebleach Warm White or colorfast liquid chlorine type Ordynon chlorine bleach when needed No bleach BabyClothes Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Blankets Wool Part Wool Cotton Hot Warm Warm Warm Hot or Warm Hot or Warm Hot or Warm Co...

Страница 7: ...heavilysoiled spotswith liquid detergent Use 5 minutesoakthen agitate2 minutes Onelectric blanket sew a strongpiece of clothoverplug to protect blanketand washer from damage Do one blanketat a time Pretreat heaviIysoiled spots with liquiddetergent Use 5 minutesoak then agitate2 minutes Vacuumout loose dirt beforewashing Washonly 2 or 3 rugs or mats at one time Shakebefore washingto removeexcessdir...

Страница 8: ...mtomovebecausetheyarenot packeddown norwrappedaround theagitator Ciothesareloadeddry sincewetitemsareapttopackdown whichencourages overloading This sizeloadrequiresa fullwaterfill what isthe best size load of cl thes large9medum or small save the9 energy and detergent byavoidingextrauseof thewasher Trytowasha fullload ofclothes If youcanit is betterto saveclothesHlltilyouhavea full load freely AMd...

Страница 9: ...precipitating watersoftener suchasCalgon brandwithphosphate Im pmctie my deky bane e b elomw Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisdso improvesoily soil removal If youwashinc...

Страница 10: ...dard measuringcup Howto use detergent granuiar or powdered Forbestresults adddetergent to thewashbasketbeforeloading clothes Ifyouloadyourclothes first adddetergent nexttothe agitator If yourdetergent doesn t dissolve well predissolve thedetergent in hotwater thenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket t Water Hatiness cups VERY HARD 10 20Grains 2 cups High Sudsing Powder Type HARD 4 10Grains 13A cups SOFT...

Страница 11: ...lent asconcentrates forremoving spots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Disadvanhges Arenotavailable insomeareas Generally donotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especially incoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonate asaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwater Seepage10 Maynotperfor...

Страница 12: ... above with detergent 60 ml 120 ml 160ml 240 M 30 240d plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains When using 1Acup zhcup cup 1cup 1 cups lti cups plus 1tablespoonforevery5 grainsabove with soap 80 ml 160ml 180ml 240 ml 360 ml 30 300 ml plus 15ml for each extra 5 grains b Ifyourclothesandhouseholditems don tlookcleanandfreshafter washing youwillprobablyre wash them and thatmeansyou llwaste energy Rememberto...

Страница 13: ...hlorine bleached such as 100 cotton flame retardantchildren s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilute bleach beforeusingon any fabric 3 Check Manufacturers Care Labels for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kinds of fabrics 2 Is most effective in hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluffy and soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Use carefully Toomuch maycause stainingon...

Страница 14: ...3 8liter of coolwater approximately 80 F C in a sinkorpan Soak stainedareafor5minutesand launderinwasher TheCaseofthe 6htisible99 Stain Foodorcookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevi ally invisible and whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher Iftiese stainsarenotcompletely removed inthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery visible...

Страница 15: ...launder stain with non chlorinebleach Fresh Fruit Fruit Juices Wine Vegetables or Food Coloring pply undiluted liquid detergent Launder Treat mildew spots Spongewith warm water Apply undiluted vhilethey are fresh before mold has a chance to weaken fabric If liquiddetergent Bleach remaining stain ithertype stain remains bleach according to StainRemovalHint with non chlorine bleach then launder Inop...

Страница 16: ...Washfeweritemswith correctwaterlevel Too muchbleach Usecorrectamountofbleachaccording topackage directions Not enoughdetergent toholdlintinsuspension duringwashcycle Increaseamountof detergent Seepage11 kcorrect useoffabricsofiener Ifusedinwashcycle sofieners mayreactwith detergent tocreateawhitedeposit Usesofteners inrinsecycleotiy unlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle Seepage13 Pillingusually...

Страница 17: ...orrectloadingprocedures forsizeofload e pro r so g with sufficient ete gent sually a qo rninute soak issufficient However whenusingextendedsoaksfor heavilysofledgarmentsyoumayneedtouse twicetie recommended amountofdetergent Useofsoapinhardwater Switchtoaphosphate detergent orfo owsixsteps describedabove Washingtoolongmayresultinincreasedsoildeposition Useshorterwashtimesfor srn er loads Detergentd...

Страница 18: ...vaiiable rustscaleremover following packageinstructions If porcelaindamagecanoccur donotusei thewasher usea plasticcontainer Improperuseoffabricsoftener Neverpourfabricsofienerdirectlyonclothes aiways dilutebeforeaddingtorinsewater Toren ove s ins dampenstainedareaaridrub withundilutedliquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachif safeforfabric Somefabricswillshrinkwhetherwashedina washeror byhand ...

Страница 19: ...cumulation ofIimescaleduetouseofcarbonatedetergents If youmustusea non phosphate detergen avoidtie useofhigh embonate built detergent Failuretousefabricsofiener Properusewillminimizewritiing ToremovewrinkBes Retumbleon PermanentPress setting Rerinseanddryon PermanentPress setting if unsuccessful retumbleonhighheatfor 10to 12minutesandhangimmediately Ironcarefully Sendtodry cleanersforpressing Some...

Страница 20: ...rmentsweakened byage sunoratmosphere Thisisinevitable andis ot caused bywasher TOO largeloads Load washeronlywithnumberofitemsthatwi movefreely Pretreatwithliquiddetergent Makesurebothhotandcoldfaucetsaretimed on Makesurelidis closed Washerwillfillbutwillnotspinor agitatewithlidopen Checkhousefusesor circuitbreakers If anotherapplianceis sharingtheelectrical outlet removeit Washershouldhaveseparat...

Страница 21: ...dofeachspinperiodasthemotor stopsandthespinbrakeinsidethetransmission locksin Thissoundisnormal Heavilyunbalanced loadscancausethewashertovibrateexcessively duringspin andmaycauseittomovefromitsoriginalposition Inextremecases usuallyoccur s whenwashinga single heavyitemora smallloadwhenwaterlevelissethigherthan necessary thespinbasketmaystriketheoutertub creatingaloudbutha ess noise Tocorrect open...

Страница 22: ...rom hosesifweatherwillbebelow freezing A Lubricate withgrease or Petroleum Jelly TheActivator agititor Remove atregularintervals about4 to6 months and removeanylinttiat mayhaveaccumulated Notools areneeded simplygraspagitator withbothhandsandpullstraight upsharply Theslottedsectionat tie top themetalshahhasa light coatingoflubricanttopreventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appearstobedry applya ...

Страница 23: ...ideandout so mostrepairscanbe handIedinjust one visit I You can havethesecurefeelingthat Whatever yourquestionaboutanyGE majorappliance GEhswer Cen F information serviceisavailable to help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answered prompdymd courteously And youcancdl any time GEAnswerCente serviceis open 24hoursa day7 daysa week GEConsumerServicewillstil be thereafteryourwarranty expiresPur chasea ...

Страница 24: ...e or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL EL ECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATisNOTCOVERED ervice rips 0your ome 0 teach you how to usethe product Read your Use and Care material If you then have anyquestions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs ...
