GE WJSR2080T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WJSR2080T

Страница 1: ...ntSafetyInformation TheControlson YourWasher OtherWasherFeatures Careof Product HelpfulInformation SpecializedFabricGuide Preparingto Wash StainRemovalGuide If Something GoesWrong Before YouCallForService GEServiceNumbers Warran Back Cover GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 GEAppl ances ...

Страница 2: ...ructions washer Model number Serialnumber Dateofpurchase Helpus helpyou 800 626 2000 Before you call for service there are afew thingsyou can do to help usseineyou better Readthis manual It contains instructionsto help you use and maintainyour washerproperly Savetime andmoney Check the section titled If Something Goes Wrong before calling This sec tion wasdesigned to solve common problems you migh...

Страница 3: ...NDERTHESE CIRCUMSTANCES IF YOU SMELLGAS 1 2 3 4 Do not tryto lightanyappliance Do not touch anyelectrical switch do not useanyphone in your building Cleartheroom buiiding or areaof alloccupants Immediatelycallyour gas supplierfrom a neighbor s phone Follow thegas supplier sinstructions If you cannot reachyour gas supplier callthefire department If the hot waterhasnot been used for twoweeksor more ...

Страница 4: ...lumbing and drainfacilitiesasdescribed in the InstallationInstructions Turn off waterfaucetswhen the washerisnot in use to relieve pressureon hosesand valvesand to minimizeleakageif a hose or valveshould breakor rupture partof the appliance or attempt anyservicingunlessspecifically recommended in thisOwner s Manualor in published user repairinstructionsthatyou understandand havethe skills to carry...

Страница 5: ...nts kerosene etc which mayigniteor explode Do not add these substancesto thewashwater Do not use thesesubstances around yourwasherand or dryerduring operation SAVET SE INSTRUCTIONS The laundryprocess can reduce the flame retardancyof fabrics To avoid sucha result the garmentmanufacturer scare instructionsshould be followed verycarefully Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acidssuch asvinega...

Страница 6: ...ults selecta size thewashand thebasketduring spin appropriatefor theload you arewashing WiththeNormalwashspeed theagitatormoves faster Usefor cottons denimsand playclothes Withthe Gentlewashspeed theagitatormoves slower Usefor delicateand knititems The Fastspinspeed isfor durable items The Slowspinspeed isfor delicateitems likesweaters and lingerie Clotheswillbe lessdrythanwhenusingafastspinspeed ...

Страница 7: ...orhgerie md specid carefabrics with fight to normal SON AUTOSOAK Forheatiysofled clothes Begins with abriefagita tion soaks foraspecified period oftime then mow throu therestof the cycle automatic y SOAK Forheati sofied cloties hat needtobesoaked beforewashing SelectingCycle StafiingWasher Pushin the Cycleknob to selectthedesired cycle See theabove CycleDescriptions Add detergent Pullout the Cycle...

Страница 8: ...thesesteps Pour liquid bleach into bleach dispenser 1 2 3 Check clothing care labelsfor specialinstructions Measureliquid bleach carefully following instructionson bottle Before startingthewasher pour measuredamount of bleach directlyinto bleach dispenser Avoid splashing or over fillingdispenser If you prefer to use powdered bleach pour it into thewash basketwithyour detergent NOTE Neverpour undil...

Страница 9: ...dispensergets clogged seeCleaningsectionbelow Pour liquid fabric softener and water into fabric softener dispenser Do not pour an hing into the agitator if the top is removed 2 3 jeparate for cleaning Remove the dispenserfrom the 4 top of the agitator Separatethedispensercup from thecoverbygraspingthetop and pushingdownon theinsideof the cup withyourfingers Dispenser 5 cupwillpop freefrom thecover...

Страница 10: ...and blends Syntheticand poly knits Delicates Separatelint producersfrom lint collectors Lintproducers ter cloth and chenille Lintcollectors velveteenand corduroy Sortbysoi Light Medium Heavy ron colwfast fatics may bked wfade T t indiz idualco or Alwaysadd detergent Usingtoo littledetergentis t before adding clothes a common causeof laundry so thatthe detergentcanwork problems Use more detergentif...

Страница 11: ... clean ing fluids etc in your washe Leavethe lid open afterwashing to allowmoistureto evaporate The washbasketispracticallycarefree Ifyou wantto clean the basketuse a clean soft cloth dampened with liquid detergent then rinse Do not use harshor grittycleaners To rinse f Choose the largestload size 2 Turn the Cycleknob to any rinsesetting 3 Startwasher Fi Noses Hosesconnectingwash er to faucetshoul...

Страница 12: ...agitatefor severalminutesand thenadd pillowsin pairs This willkeep the load balanced Use the largestload water level available BIAets Letthewasherfill withwater add detergent allowdetergentto dissolve thenadd blanket Washonly one blanketata time mwtic Bltiem Sewa strongpiece of cloth overtheplug to protect the blanketandwasherfrom damage Washaccording to pillow instructionsabove Pemment Pres aotic...

Страница 13: can stillsoakbyallowingthewasherto fillandagitatefor afewminutesto help loosensoils Thenpushin the Cycleknob to stopthewasher keeplid closed andallowto soak for aslong asdesired After desiredsoakperiod pullout the Cycleknob to completethecycle or soap Forbestresults wait 1 2 hour before washing To remove stainson whiteor bleachablefabrics trysoakingthe stainedareain a containerfor five minutes...

Страница 14: ...sewatertemperature Washsynthetics often OtherWashableFabrics Stain WhiteandBleachableFabrics Rubwithiceorimmerse inverycoldwater Sameaswhiteandbleachable Usedull toolto careful smapeoffas much fabrics adhesiveor m w possibti Rubthestain with undiluted liquiddetergent Rinsewell thenwashas usual Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Rinse Sameaswhiteandbleachable Ifstain remains usetheBleachSolution fabric...

Страница 15: ...bleach launder Solution launder Severescorch stainscan Old mildewcannotbe removed seldom be removed Scorchcan seldombe removed Freshstains Placestainface down on an Sameaswhiteand bleachable absorbenttoweland usea spraycleaneror fabricsexcept launderusing sponge withdrycleaningfluid rinsewell non chlorine bleach thenwashasusual Old stains use the BleachSolution launder Soakstainin cool water If st...

Страница 16: ...op lycomected makesurehosesare connected to c orrect faucets Water tiw screens are Turn off thewatersource and remove the stopped up wdterconnectionhosesfrom theupperback of thewasher Use abrushor toothpickto cleanthescreensinthemachine Reconnect the hosesand turnthewaterbackon Housewater heater isnotset Makesurehouse waterheaterisdelivering properly waterat 120 F 1500F 45 C 650C Drain hoseisMed o...

Страница 17: ...e cle selected matches the selected load you arewashing Thisisnormal forsomefabtics Separatelintproducers from lintcollectors Washing toolong Washsmallloadsfor a shortertime than largerloads Detergent notdissoltig Forbestperformancealways add detergent and startwasherbefore adding clothes If you usepowdereddetergent predissolve detergent inhotwater beforeaddingtowasher Trya liquid detergent Usewar...

Страница 18: ...s beltbucMes zippers md sharp objects Remove loose itemslikepins objectsin pocketsand sharpbuttons Turnknits whichsnageasily insideout UnMutedchlorine bleach Check bleach packageinstructionsfor proper amount Neveradd undiluted bleach to washor allowclothesto come in contactwith undilutedbleach Smd tears orholes Repairtearsand holes before washing present beforewash emic We hairbleach Rinseitemstha...

Страница 19: ...etc Washer isoverloaded MakesureLoad SizeSelectormatches load size So timeistooshort Soakatleast30 minutes So g withtoofitiedetergent Usemore detergent especiallywith heavysoil Detergent k notdissolving c Add detergentaswashbasketfillswith waterbefore you load clothes Torestore Grayed Clothes Putclothesthroughawashcycle usinghot oneof thefo owing water Check thegarment smanufacturing carelabel to ...

Страница 20: ...roccasionally To removespotsspreadstainareaoverapan L of boiling waterand squeezelemonjuice through the stain Incorrect useof fabticsoftener Check fabricsoftenerpackage forinstructions seeF bric oftener Dispenser section To remove spotsdampen the spots and rubwithundiluted liquid detergent Rewash usingchlorine bleach if itissafe for the fabric TWe of detergent Switch to a lowersudsingdetergentbran...

Страница 21: ...Notes 21 ...

Страница 22: ...uled ata time that sconve out somost repairscan be han nientfor you ManyGEConsumer died injust one visit Servicecompany operatedloca tionsoffer you semicetodayor tomorrow or atyour convenience 7 00 a m to 7 00 p m weekdays 9 00 a m to 2 00 p m Saturdays Upon request GEwillprovide Consumerswithimpaired hearing Braillecontrols for avarietyof or speechwho haveaccessto a 800 626 2000 GEappliances and ...

Страница 23: ...anted VISA MasterCard and Discovercards Instructionsconvdinedin thisman ualcoverproceduresto be per formed byanyuser Otherservicing generallyshouldbe referredto qualifiedservicepersonnel Cautionmustbe exercised since improperservicing unsafeoperation may cause areaccepted We re proud of our semiceand FinallE if your problem isstill wantyou to be pleased If for some not resolved write reasonyou are...

Страница 24: ...stpayto ship the product to the serviceshop or for the servicetech nician s travelcoststo your home All warrantysemicewillbe provided by our Facto ServiceCentersor by our authorizedCustomerCare servicers during normalworkinghours Shouldyour applianceneed service duringwarranty period or beyond call 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 Sewice tripsto your home to teachyou If you havean installationproblem how...
