Страница 1: ...r and Vacation Moving Tips 18 Dispenser Diagnostic System 8 9 warranty Back Cover Door Alarm 7 Water Filter Accessory 18 System Check Reset 7 8 Warm Temperature 7 Energy Saver System 5 Energy Saving Tips o 2 Food Saver System 14 Food Storage Suggestions 13 Storage Times 13 Ice Dispenser 1o 12 Icemaker 1o 12 Installation 3 4 Adapter Plug 4 Adjustable Rollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3...
Страница 2: ...rigerator Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequestservice check the ProblemSolveronpages19 through21 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself Locationofyourrefrigeratoris important Avoid locatingitnext toyourrange aheating ventorwhere thesunwillshinedirectlyonit Don topenthedoorsmoreoften thannecessary Closethedoorsas soonas possible particularlyinhot humidweather S Besurethedoor...
Страница 3: ...rongly reco end AgricultureinHomeandGarden thatanyseiwicing bepefio ed ti BulletinNo 69 says byaqualifiedindivi m _ Youmaysafelyrefreezefrozen B Beforeckning s foodsthathavethawediftheystill C efor replacingabwned out s containicecrystalsor iftheyare lightbulb therefrigemtorshouki z stillcbld below 40 FI beungdugged inorde rtoavoid theodoror colorofanyfoodis pooror questionable getridofit Thefoodm...
Страница 4: ...glephase AC Thisis recommended for bestperformanceandtoprevent overloading housewiringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazard fromoverheating wires Refrigerator Location Donotinstallrefrigerator where temperature willgobelow iO l becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures Doinstdi it on a floorstrong enoughto supporta My loaded refrigerator AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocatio...
Страница 5: ... moltatnight youmaywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D7 Coolertemperaturesinthe housemaycausethecompressor to operatelessfrequently thus allowingthefreezercompartment towarmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhatever periodoftimeyouareturning downyourthermostat Thisis especiallyimportantwhenthe thermosta...
Страница 6: ...thoroughlyon thefollowingpages System Checkpadputsa reviewofthe electronicdiagnosis offivecodedfimctionsatyour fingertipandalsoallowsyouto erasecodesfromdisplay Electronic controlallowsyou toturnnightlightinwater and ice dispenseron andoff Electroniccontrolallowsyou toselecticecubesor crushedice andgreensignallightconfirms yourchoice when yourrefrigerator is first phlggedin o Allpanellightscomeonf...
Страница 7: ...d Light Gkm vs a Atfirst it sprobablybecauseyour newlyinstalledrefrigeratorhasn t completelycooleddownyet Wait a fewhoursforittocool andthen thelightwillgoout Fromthenon theredlightwill glowwhenevertemperaturesinside gettoohighforproperfoodstorage If thishappens openthedoors onlywhenabsolutelynecessary andclosethemasquicklyas possible Assoonas insidetemperatures returnto normal thelightgoesout How...
Страница 8: ...solutelynecessarywhilethis codeisdisplayed Touchingthe SYSTEMC HECK RESETpad afterthe freezercompartment temperaturehasreturnedto norma willerasethe code This flashingcodetek youthe Thisflashingcodetellsyou powerto the refrigerator has something s wrongwiththedefrost been interruptedformorethan2 system keep doorsclosIM to seconds Checktheconditionof retaincoldandcallforservice foodinboththefreshfo...
Страница 9: ... what theynwm andwhat to do whentheyalertyou is 43m this panel m the insideofthe freezer compartment door Pane locatedontheinsideofthefreezercompartmentdooz 9 ...
Страница 10: ...dingonfreezercornp rlxm t temperature roomtemperature numberofdoo openings anddther usecoq itions bi fkk or o e beverage miiesa TMs willprevent ashi wh ich ismiiyhg knd which if theSplashreaciiks 6 ic andwaterselectorswitch could ctiusfj itto stickor bind m Beforeusing Yi mr and If youuseyourrefrigeratorbefore thewaterconnectionismade raise theiceaccessdoorandmakesure theicernakerfeelerarm is inth...
Страница 11: ...eeds theicemaker Continued consumption ofsuchdiscolored icecubesmaybe injuriousto health If suchdiscolorationis observed discardthe icecubes andccmtact yourGeneralElectric FactoryServiceCenteror an authorizedCustomerCare servicer lb k and Water Forice touchCUBESor CRUSHEDpad Forwater simply positionglassbeneathwords HILLED WATER L 5 Gripglassor othercontainer gentlynearrimandpressrim firmlyagainst...
Страница 12: ...iscard remainingclumps S Replacebinbeforeremaining cubesmeltandfusetogether Storaw ml Lifttheleftcornertofreethebin fromthe shelf andpullthebin straightoutwhilesupportingit at frontandback ToReplacek cube StmageBin Slidethebinbackuntilthetab onthebinlocksintotheslotin theshelf Rotate m 1 I Drive Mechanism If thebindoesnotgo alltheway back removeitandrotatethedrive mechanism1 4turn Thenpushthe binb...
Страница 13: ...ssary towrapcertain foods whichthey e beendesigned topreserve Thesedrawersare describedonpage14 Tostore icecream Fine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperaturesthan more airy already paclmged brandswithlowcreamcontent ItWM benecessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingtokeepyouricecreamat therightservingte...
Страница 14: ...air ducttoallowa streamofccddair fromthefreezer compartmenttoflowaroundthe drawer ltlloist nl esh drawer closetightly Convertible Meat Keeper ThevariabBe temperature contro regulatestheair flowfromthe freezercompartment II II I _ Setcontrolleverto IvHMT the coldestsetting to storefreshmeats If leveris leftin meatpositionfora longperiodoftime somefrostmay formonthe insideofthe drawer Setcontrolleve...
Страница 15: ...slotonthegasket withthe rubbergasketflapfacingyou Make surethegasketsnapsintoplace sealed snack Wek TheSealed SnackPack and shelfto whichit isattached can be relocatedwithintheFreshFood compartment Thesealeddrawer retainshighhumidityforconvenient storageofunwrappedmeatsand cheese bacon horsd oeuvres spreadsandsnacks Ili_d l Cooking serving storage dishes withLexan see throughlidsfit intoa slide ou...
Страница 16: ...n andenclosethreefixeddoor shelves providingmorestorage roomandgreaterstorageflexibility Torelocate shelves Selectdesired shelfheight Withshelffrontraised slightly engagetoplugsin tracksat rearofcabinet Thenlowerfrontof shelfuntilit locksintoposition Toremove lifttheshelfextender straightupuntilthemountinghooks comeoutoftheslotsin thedoor Toreplace lineup thehookswith theslotsinthedoorandpushinand...
Страница 17: ...cloth whencleaning around switches lightsorcontrols Usewarm water andbaking soda solution about atablespoon of baking sodatoaquart ofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughly withwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetable drawers icestorage binandallplasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Donotuse cleansingpowdersor other abrasivecleaners Tohel...
Страница 18: ...ato onequartof water Wipedry Topreventodors leaveopenboxofsodain refrigerator Leavedoorsopen For shorter vacations remove perishable foodsandleavecontrols atregular settings However if roomtemperature is expected to dropbelow60 F followsame instructions asforextended vacations J dove icemaker feelerarmtoOFF up positionandbesuretoshutoff watersupplytotherefrigerator YouMove Disconnectpowercordfromw...
Страница 19: ...Modernrefrigeratorswithmorestoragespaceanda largerfreezercompartment requiremoreoperatingtime Normalwhenrefrigeratoris firstdeliveredtoyourhome usually requires24hours to completelycooldown Largeamountsoffoodplacedinrefrigeratortobe cooledor frozen Hotweather frequent dooropenings Doorlefiopen Temperature controlsaresettoocold Refertoinstructionsforuseof TEMPERATURE CONTROLSonpage5 Grilleandconden...
Страница 20: ...ppingintothebinmd water runningin pipesasicemakerrefills Temperature controlnotsetcoldenough RefertoTEMPERATURE CONTROLS onpage5 Warmweather frequent dooropenings Doorleftopenfortoolongtime Packagemaybeholdingdooropen Foodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly Doormayhavebeenleftajaror packageholdingdooropen Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings Frostwithinpackageisnormal Doormayhavebeenleftajar Turntem...
Страница 21: ...R DEWENSER WaterSUpply lineturnedoffornotconnected DOESNOTWORK Supplylinemaybecloggedwithsediment DIVIDER13ETWEEN Normalwarmthiscreatedbyautomaticenergysaversystemcirculating warmliquid FRESHFOODAND aroundfrontedgeoffreezercompartment tohelppreventcondensation onoutsideof FREEZERCOMPART refrigeratorinhot humidweather MENTFEELSWARM MOISTUREFORMS Notunusualduringperiodofhighhumidity ONOUTSIDEOl REFR...
Страница 22: ...Notes 22 ...
Страница 23: ... servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youare stillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky4 0225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ...
Страница 24: ...warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE 1s Service trips to your home to teach you how to use th...