SecoGear Medium-voltage Switchgear Application and Technical Guide
SecoGear Switchgear Applications
©2017 General Electric All Rights Reserved
Automatic Throwover: For systems with a normally open
bus-tie circuit breaker that require automatic throwover,
add equipment listed under SSIL “Optional Equipment
Selection” in an auxiliary compartment above one of the
bus-tie compartments.
The control panel for automatic throwover of CPTs can be
placed on a swinging auxiliary panel, above a bus-tie,
behind the front door of an auxiliary compartment.
Instrumentation: For indication of current, add three
current transformers (if no CTs are present for
overcurrent relaying), an ammeter, and an ammeter
switch, or a digital three-phase ammeter.
Test Blocks: For circuits that require the provisions for
insertion of portable recording meters or other similar
devices, add current and voltage test blocks. Basic
current test block is wired to maintain the circuit when
the test plug is removed.
Indicating Lamp: Additional indicating lamps can be
provided, such as for circuits requiring a circuit breaker
disagreement or spring-charged indication function.
Optional features involving control voltage and a permissive
control switch are the same as for single source incoming
line equipment. For circuit breakers where AC control is
specified, include a secondary automatic-throwover
contactor for control power.
Figure 5-5: Bus Tie