GE JVM172G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание JVM172G

Страница 1: Simmer 25 Repair Service 35 CareandChmrsing 28 29 Safety 3 4 Control Fanel 6 7 Temperature Cook 10 Conversion Guide 26 Temperature Proh K 24 25 Cooking Complete Reminder 5 Iln le cook 8 Delayed Cooking 11 TimeDefrost 9 Exhaust Fan 6 27 Back Cover Extension Cords 29 Ratures 5 GreaseFilter 27 kounding instructions 29 HoldTime ii LightBulb 29 Tip 2 Use andCare of model ru GEN fyy pfsl t I H7 47 EL...

Страница 2: ...ervice Rark LouisviHc KY4W25 Ifyou a ovens thedealer or thatsoldyotJ the oven and won you checkthe S 3IVW on pqges 32and33 I listscauses Mrnirw that youcancorrect Tips Make sureallcookware usedin yourmicrowave ovenissuitahle for microvvwing NM glasscasseroles cooking dishes measuring cups custard cups pottery orchina dinnerware which doesnothave metallic trimorgkum withametallic sheen canbeused So...

Страница 3: ...the electric shock fire injury topemons orexposure toWessive energy 3 E ...

Страница 4: ... Donotuseshelfwith Automatic feature Have it andproperly seethe peckd packed withthemicrowave oven Theexhaust b in yowoven wilhperate under certain eondUms see Autmna Fan Feature page6 fkn is required toprevent thestarting andspreading cooking o fankin Us lb this hi theevent da grease fire M1 Mxher pm II W fhce unitbycovering pan with lid cookie sheet orflattray Neverflame fbodstinder theowm Witht...

Страница 5: ...ched foroventooperate 2 DoorLatches ML Hood ntmls Ran Press HI IX orOH IJgW PressON NK3HT orOFF 3 Window withMetal ShMd Screen allows tobeviewed while confined inoven 17 Smoke SpstterSMeld This convenient shieldishinged When usingtherangetop fliptheshield downintotheOUTposition where itwilldirectsurface smoke tothe exhaust system Whentheventfim isnotinuse fliptheshieldup undertheoven moven molt ov...

Страница 6: ...stopstheovenand erases ailsettings except timeofday 9 7 Auto Cook Touch thispadandthen fordesired codenumber andovenautomatically microwaves atpre prog rammed power ievels and determines theproper amount ofcooking timeuntilthe foodisdoneandovenshutsoff Seepages 12and13 Exhaust Fan PressIll LOorOFFforfanspeed 9 he D rust Gentle thawing atautomatic power level3 orchange power level afterentering tim...

Страница 7: ...c Q o a o 49 iD 43 0 ...

Страница 8: ... l werM Aftersetting cooking time toudlPOWER LEVEL pad Ihentouchdesired for newprover level Step6 ThichSTARK Step7 10 is andC k Time1isshown down Step8 AttheendofCooic Ilmc L the power levelis andCookTime2isshown down Step9 Whentimeisup theoven signtihi andfIashes End The oven lightandfan hut off Step10 openthedom 8 EIowto UseAutoStart AutoStart ailows youtoprogram e youroventobegin cooking ata pr...

Страница 9: ...ckage andseparate strawberries tofinish defrosting FbO K3z ft inpaperorplastic em be inthepackage Questions andAnswers Q WhmipressSTART Ihear adullthumping noise Whatisit A Thissoundisnormal Itis letting youknow theovenisusing a power levellower thaniO High Q Canldefrostsmalliternsin ahurry A Yes Mtheywillneedmore frequent attention thanusual Raise thepower levelafterentering the timebytouching th...

Страница 10: ...Step probeandfood fromtheoven u aklwer power kwel hwill hemmoreevenlyeven moretime Besurefrozen fbodhasbeen inserting probe Probemaybreakoffifused infr awxm fbods thecliptokeepthePmb in placewhileheating Coverhods loosely for controlandquick even QAfterIfollowed thesteps andtouched theSTART pad 661 RROR flashed inthedisplay andasignal smmded What wrong A ERRC R flashes ifyouset thetemperature eith...

Страница 11: ...dplaceinoven W DEFI OSTpad Thedisplay shows O and POWER 3 ENTER LXX TIME flashes Step3 Touch pads1 5 0andOfor U time i5 O0 appears on is setonpower level 3 butcanbe bytouching the LEVEL padandthe desired power level Step6 WuchTIMECOOK i pad The shows 0 m K ENTER COOK TIME1 flushes Step7 Touch 2 5 0andOfor twtmty five minutes ofcooking time COOK TIME1 flashes 25 00 and POWER 10 appear ondisplay DEF...

Страница 12: ...ith Automatic Coaking isNOI recommended EasytoUse Simply touchthreecontrol pads AUK XXX desired CODE and START Theword AUl13 appears onthedisplay andthesensoris activgted tosensesteamfromfood Keep FwdsRecommended Awidevariety of foods including meats fishcasseroles vegetables leftovers andconvenience foods canbeAutoCooked F oodd t DtInotopentheavendcmr while Ile word ALlm is steanl escaping fromIh...

Страница 13: ...XXpad AUTO COOK appears ondisplay and ENTER CODE flashes Touch number padfordesired code COOK and CODE 2 shows and START flashes Touch START Codeslb SuitYour Thste Bysimply adding a 1afterany AU R3 COOK codenumber from2 through 9 youcansettheovento cookfor20 lesstimethanthe codewould regularly provide Forexample ifCODE 4cooks yourseafood moredonethanyou likeit setCODE 41nexttimeand you ll get20 sh...

Страница 14: ...d 1useAutoCmkto cookpudding a sauces A Most pudding andsaucerecipes require stirring manytimes during cooking therefore llme Cookis QbMyscdiopedpoWoeswere notcompletely cooked when1 removed thedishafterAuto Cook Whatiswrong A Myou prepared thesauceinthe owm priorto thesauce withpotatoes theremayhavebeen toomtmh moisture in theoven Make sureyoudrythe ovencompletely before usingAuto cooksincethis op...

Страница 15: ...sseroles or bowls forentrees andvegetables Cover withlidsthatfit Iflidswe notwaiiable useplastic wrapor waxpaper Plastic wrapshould be loose over hodtoallow fbrexpanskm sealbypressing plastic wrap firmly aroumi edges Forfrozen entrees inpaperboard nays may fromboxbutdo notremove filmovertray Thick maytake torook see guideonpage16 Forfrozenfbods inmetal trays remove foilcovering andbaked reinsert t...

Страница 16: ...fisnot recommended MYIll 3ven wiJl notaccept Auto Cookcodeifthemmishot You mustcooltheovenbefore using Auto CmRk Or youmaychoose tousetimeor microwave cooking Auto Cook code Food cmttahtw Approx Time cannedFoods Thinhodssuch as Wup broth fJrfiVy Thickfoods such as canned ravioli chunky SOUfEi beef stew 211 canned vegetables Coverwithlidtodishorwaxpaper Coverwith lid todishorwaxpaper container matc...

Страница 17: ...role 60 65min with lid 7 13x9x2 in iss 65 90min 2 dish 1 hrimp upwIlb P4 glass dish 4 6 min Covertightlytoensure even WMlM mmking Rice Regular raw cup 6 2 qLcasserole 21 2 min Folkwv instructions cmrice withiid package Instant 1L lp 2mqL casserole 5 min Follow instructions onrice withlid package I rwh wdiaS XNXIOIS wtich jkm 4 2 q ctmse w e 10 15 min Add1 4 to 1 2 cupwater aulifiowwr broccoli brus...

Страница 18: ...breastbonewith mali stripofft i Mierowm usingAtIto CookW 6 HowtoAdapt Microwave Casserole Recipes e Toadaptyourcasserole recipes for Automatic Cooking 1 Select recipes thatdonot require adding ingredients at different stages during cocddng or recipes thatrequire extraattention stirring orrotating 2 Usemicr ve safe eonhiners thatare insizetothe foodamount Use3 qt containers orsmaller Forsaucy casse...

Страница 19: ...nals remove chicken andprepare Iisriyaki sauce Ink pt glassmeasuring cup stir water andcornstarch Cutoffonecomerofcooking bag withscissors anddrain juicesinto cup atHigh 10 2 Remove chicken frombag iK9 serving platter Poursauce over justbefore M Ham Loaf Auto CO Code 8 Approx Clinking Time 36 mine Makes i lb grwndcooked ham 1 2lb ground freshpm 1 2eup ofth ead 112 ap water 2 minced onion 1 4 peppe...

Страница 20: ...withlidorplastic wrap FrozenVegetables Piecesor dicesOfvegaabks require1 4to 1 2cupofwater vegetables use shcdd be placed inround sizecovered container imilar insizetoamount Micrmwtve onAutoCookcode4 beingcooked leasthalffull Dryroot likecarrots Microwave onAuto Cookcode2 mayneedtoh stirred afteroven Stirbefore serving signals andtime appears ondisplay Re cawer andtouch START tofinishcooking 20 ...

Страница 21: ...eeggin 1 qt casserole and beatwellwithfork Stirinmilk sugar corn crackers andbutter cover MhX owave onAuto cook code3 Whendone centerwillbe justbarely set Sprinlde with paprika before serving Eggplant Baiiaml AutoCoQk M 5 Approx Cooking Tirne 1 min Mskes4to6servings GreenRice Auto CookCode 6 Approx CookingTime 16min Makes 44 servings 1pkg 10oz frozen chopped spinach thawed andwelldrdned 1 1 2cupsc...

Страница 22: ...g NutTapped Cakes areeasyto cook Grease andsidesofrnic fluted wake andsprinkle bottom W II1Ywith X4p nUt or xxXmut Cm ef idly pourbatter fromonebox 24ayersize cake mixovernuts coverwilhwax paper onAuto Cook code69 Whenovensignals rotate dish1 2turn Letstand15minutes before inverting tocool Cmmd Ring spread 1 4cupmelted MMi 1 2cup brow sugarinfl in round glass dish with and 1 2cup nutsifdesired 1ca...

Страница 23: ...4cupchoppedwalnuts a 4cupslh redahnorids 1 4cupJackcheese cdzwd 1 2chopped Jlppk 3 4to1cup l 3 4cupsmilk 1 4cupbutter 2eggs beaten Spread breadcubesevenly in 8 inch rounddish Mixsugar salt raisins walnuts almonds cheese andapple together Sprinkle evenly over breadcubes Measure milkintoi qt upe Addbut r Miaowave at High 10 4 minutes untilbutteris melted Rapidly stirineggswitha forkaridmixwell pouro...

Страница 24: ... inovenwithprobeto theright Insertcableendofprobe fifrnl into receptfde on ovefi wall HW AutoRoast Beefto 1 AUK ROAST pad AUTO appears ondisplay and ENTER coDEe flwhx Touch number pad2 CODE 2 appears cm and START fltishes Touch START Display shows and CODE 21 2 At90 F display switches to show meat s internal temperature 3 Afterapre prograrnmed temperature isreached depending onthecodeyouselected o...

Страница 25: ... I Approx Time Temp Min perlb Poultry Whole Chicken lbs 5 190 13 15 Turkey Breast 4 175 13 15 Insm probehorizontally intomeatiest area set Aufomatk Simmer likeAUtO Roast example atleft Display shows COOL un il foodis 90QF thenswitches toshow food until180 F Own toHoldal HXYF tmtilyouN3move food MKi RMn off own is youWIresetovenby START Touch aftercooking Hold Minutes 5 1o 10 15 30 20 5 10 20 20 IA...

Страница 26: ...ti NOTE Before youbegin check theAuto codeguidelocated atthe oftheoven Wh6Nl you Oper thedoor TM wS and hod foreachcodenumber M willneedmknow yourfbod and code before N0EX 2 If Y MKX sfter bud weight check the AutoDefrost codeguidetomake surethatweight tothe codenumber entered Step2 TWdIAuto Refmst pad ENTERCXN3E KXXX3 4 and LBS shows ondisplay ENTER WEIGHT flashes St p5 Touch START pad Defrost ti...

Страница 27: ...F Thenpullfilterdownward andm thefront Thefilterwilldropout If i To replace grease filter slkiethe filter intheframe slotontheback ofthe I Pullfib andmthefrom tohixkinto pkm h cleangrease filter sink then agitate filterinhotdetergent solution Don t useammonia or otheralkali bwxtuse itwilldarken metal Lightbrushing canbeused toremove embedded dirt Rinse shake andremove moisture before replacing Fil...

Страница 28: ...generated on bottom ofaBrown NSeardish maycausethegrease toburnonto theoven floor TM mayberemoved withachxmser suchasBonAmi brandcleanser Afterusingthiscleanser rinse anddrythoroughly following instructions onam Donotuseit onthepainted surfaces suchasthe walls it mayscratch thepainf Temperature Probe Probe issturdy butcareshould be takeninhandling Donottwistor bend avoid temperatu probe Manassoon ...

Страница 29: ...rfaces because ammonia tends todarkenmetal Wash thesmoke spatter shieldwithawarm solution GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS Thisappliance mustbegrounded Intheevent ofanelectrical short circuit grounding reduces therisk ofelectric shockbyproviding an escape wirefortheelectric current Thisappiiance isequipped witha power cordhaving agrounding wirewitha plug The plugmustbeplugged intoanoutlet thatisproperly ins...

Страница 30: ...ed fds ovw 3 inches high or3pounds arenot forshelf Cookwm efm shelf HeatingandReheating Bebre placing fbod inthedishes check toseethatthey willfittogether onorunder theshelf Also besure cookware ismicrowave safe 6 Cookware include 1eup cup 8x4x3 inch 9x5x3 inchloafdishes or9 inch pieplates Shelf Toinsertshelf tipthebackslightly andfittheshelf support guides onto thesupport guides located oneach si...

Страница 31: ...rring and reversing positions afierhalfoftime Twofrozen individual entrees 5tO7OZ each ortwoTVdinmm loto OZ etwh areboth y to serve atthesametime Remove trays of fd fromtheirboxes and turnbackonecomeroftheplastic cover tovent Ifthereareanyfoil covers remove themandreturnthe trays offoodtotheirboxes Batter fds should beremoved fromthe traysandcooked Pkw inmm withoneTVdinner on rightshelfandthesecon...


Страница 33: ...hile TV w around thedoor ovenis might benoticed whil using your oLight reflection around dooror oven light andChange It ssimilar tothe outercase hiblower sound may occur while caused byothersmall atpower levels otlmr appliances anddoesnutindicate a thanhigh problem withyouroven ...

Страница 34: ...furtherhelp FIRST contact thepeople who serviced yourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenurnbw o Manager Consumer Relations GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblem isstill notresolved write Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel 20NorthWacker Drive Chicago I...

Страница 35: ...yourFactoryServiceCentersor byourauthorizedCustomerCare ers duringnormalworking LookintheWhiteorYellowPages of yourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERALELECTRIC COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACIQRY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC H POINT FACIORYSERVICE or GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE II ad yourUseandCm materiel Ifyouthen haveanyquestions o Failureofthe productif itisused forotherthanitsintended purpose abouto...
