GE JMT10F Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание JMT10F

Страница 1: ...TM 3 bake Use andCare of JMTllF Features p5 Microwaving p7 Baking p9 Toasting plo Cooking Guide andRecipes pll Questions Use theProblem Solver p2 5 YourDirect Line to AmendElectric TheGEAnswer 4737 ...

Страница 2: ...dthatcamewithyour oven Beforesendinginthiscard pleasewritethesenumbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Use these numbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyouroven Thefnicrowave dtxtrk output ofthisovenisf WLlttS Besure youroven is registered Itkimportantthn weknowthe locationofyourovenshoukia need occurforadjust merits Yoursupplierisresponsiblefor registeringyouastheowner Pleasecheckwith...

Страница 3: ...hes or more backfromthecmmtertq edgeto avoid mxkkntal tipping of the applimwe inmxmml usage ifwwdOn countertop Do not cover orMock any openings ontheappliance Donotuseoutdoors Donotimmerse power cordor pluginwater IIQwp power cordtiwiry frOm hwmxi surfaces BDonotletpower cordhangover edgeoftableorcounter oDonotoperate thisappliance ifithasadamaged power cordor plug ifitisnotworking properly orifit...

Страница 4: ...ilover more rapidly thanfoods containing lessmoisture Should thisoccur refer topage 24forinstructions on bowtoclean theinside oftheoven oDO HOt UM5 egdtt cooking oroven thermometers when microwave cooking Themetal andmercury inthese thermometers could cause arcing andpossible damage tooven ti utensi s i r wa r safeplastics maybeusedduring microwaving butmustbechosen carefully Usetheminstrict compl...

Страница 5: ...roventooperate _ 8 ModelandSerial Numbers 9 OvenControlKnob T rI knobtoselectrnkx owave HIGH or LOW E EF Thermall ike temperatureor Toastfunction ForBAKEorTOAST Removeover Tray Use onlytheWireOvenShelf 4 id 10 60 minute l ner with MM Color andSlices Guide SW timer todesiredmicrowave cook defrost or thermalbaketime Set I is ColorandSlicesGuidetothe numberofslicesanddegreeof browningyouprefix Settin...

Страница 6: ...ucts but especiallywherebrowningor crustingis important Darkor dlfinishmetalpansare bestforbreadsandpiesbecause theyabsorbheatandproduce crispercrust Shiny aluminumpansarebetterfor cakes cookiesor muffinsbewiuse thesepansreflectheatandhelp producealight tendercrust GLASSORGLASS CERAMIC casseroleor bakingdishesarcbest suitedforeggandcheeserecipes duetothecleanability ofglass Bake YES YES YES NO No ...

Страница 7: ... Answers Q Whydon thedefrosting timesinthe DefrostingGuide seemrightformyfood A DefrostingGuidetimesare average anddefrostingtime requiredcan varyaccordingtothe temperatureinyourfreezer Set yourovenforthetimegiveninthe guide Ifyourfd isnotcompletely thawedattheendofthattime reset theovenandadjustthetimefor additionaldefrosting Q Can1openthedoorduring theMicrowave Defrostcycle A Yes Youmayopenthedo...

Страница 8: ...time Step4 V hentimeisup theoven soundsandtheovenlightandfan shutoff Questions and h vww Q Isetmyoven forthetime calledforintherecipe butatthe endofthetimeallowedtthefood wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehorsepowervaries duetotimeor location manytime cookingrecipesgiveyoua time rangetopreventovercooking Set theovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordoneness andcookthe fooda littlelonger if necessary Q Wh...

Страница 9: ...lfsupport Thewireshelf andsurrountlifig mm surfhceswill he HOT Becarefulwhenplacing fbodintoa hotmm Step Placefoodontuwireshelf slit ic shelfintoovenml ckxwdoor Seecookwurc information onpige6 Step 7 SetOvenControlknobto desiredbakingtemperature Step SetOvenTimerControl to preferredbakingtimeupto60 minutes Whentimeis up ovenwill signalandturnoff Usea potholder to removefoodfromoven Step1 If your r...

Страница 10: ...oast1to6 slicesof breadusing yourchoiceof threetoasting Ievek Howto Toast Step 1 Tiltwireovenshc ftoCICW stoppercmuppershelfsupportand slidcintooven Step2 PlaceI to6 slhxsofbread onwireovenshelf and closedoor LIGHT MEDIUM 13AF K a ...

Страница 11: cook andstirgroundbeefandonionuntil onionistender Drainofffat Stir inrice salt pepper andgarlic Divideevenlyintopeppers Arrangepeppersuprightin in squaredish Blendsoupmidwateruntilsmooth pouroverpeppers Cover Bake at 3S0 for45minutesto1hour Sprinklewithcheese recoverand letstand5 to 10minutestomck cheese cut offtopsOfgreenpeppers mrnove seedsmldfnelnbrwle Mix rawbeef withonion rice salt pepper...

Страница 12: ...yolks andchickenliverstoprevent bursting Rotating Occasionally repositioning a dishintheoven helpsfoodcookevenly Torotate 1 2turn turnthedishuntiltheside whichwastothebackoftheovenis tothefront Torotate1 4turn turn thedishuntilthesidewhichwasto thebackoftheovenis totheside Emx ts ofFood Characteristics Density ofFood Inboth conventional andmicrowave cooking densefoods suchas potatoes takelongertoc...

Страница 13: ...needtoadjustthebaking timesofyourconventional recipes whenbakingintheOmni3 oven Preheating Allowapproximately 10minutes forpreheating seeguidebelow andpage9 I Preheating Guide I I Oven Temp I Thne Min I I 325 F 151 I 350 F 161 I 375 F 1 7 I I 400 F I 8 I I 425 F 191 I 4X F I K I Utensils Thesamecookwareandutensils thatarenormal y usedwhen conventicmdiy baking eanbeused inthisoven Checkthesizeofthe...

Страница 14: ...or5 7min Spaceevenlyonplate Casserok l Meatcasserolcswithprecooked No Highfor6 15 min TOrcducccooktime coverwithlidor meatandingredients waxedpaper Cereal Oatmeal quick 1serving No Highfor 1 2min 2 4servings No Highfor3 6min Stirafter 1 2time old fashioned 1serving 1 Highfor4 5min stir after 1 2time 2 4servings No Highfor6 7min Stirafter 1 2time CrcttmofWheat 1smving Highfor2 3min Stirtifler1 2tim...

Страница 15: ...F Highfor8 10min Phtcehotdoginbun Wrapcachsandwiching papertowcL Putcmpapertowel lincdplatc For6t08sliccs microwave lminutcperslicc Itmwmgeafter7minutes TiecunnedhamswcHtoretainshfiW Turnover after i 2oftime Rotateorrewmmgeafter5minutcs Poultry Chickcn 2 2filbs pieces Waxed paper Highfor K 20tnin Rotate112turn afier9 minutes Cornishhcns 2 Waxed pitper Highfor24 26min Brushwithmarinadeor butterandr...

Страница 16: ...first1 2oftime 4 5 4 5 S hicld thiriendswithfoil Arrangeinccmking dishwithlight 4 6 3 5 umhxskkKp llwn overafterfirst 1 2oftimc kf standon 2yt 3 2 314 countertocompletethawing Meat Elwm 1 pkg Franks 1 lb M 1b Ground Ixxfm i pork Mb 24bs Spareribs pork lbjpieces Steaks chp andWtkXs beef Iwnb porkandveal Stiustige bulk 1 lb tray usagc 1 lb roll link 12 02 pkg putties 12 oz pkg 2perlb 1 iti 2 6 7 8 2...

Страница 17: ...erwaterbased 6 oz perserving i to2cups High 1 3 Cocoa othermilkbased 6 oz perserving i to2cups High 2 4 Meats MainDishes ucymaindishes 4 cup serving Thinly sliced rcmstcd meat 3 to4 oz serving Steaks chops othermeatpieces Hamburgers 2to3 oz Meiitloiif 4 oz serving Chickenpicccs Hcf logsand sausages Ricettfd pasta afpkwrvittg i to2servin fs 3 to4 serviry s 1to2scwvitq s 3 to 4servings 1to3servings ...

Страница 18: ...wmvcpapertrayfromcarton turnbackovenfilmtoexpose 6u 0Z withsausageand potatoes hashedbrownpotatoes Welshrarebit 10 oz High 7 8 Stircvc92 minutes Fish WMIM iih Crabor shrimpnewburg High 1 jy2 Puncturepouchwithforkmvent 6 oz pouch Breaiicdfish 5to10 04 High 5 6 14to 16 oz High 11 13 Breadedshellfish 5to 1O 3Z High 5 7 I4to 16 02 High i w Meat MainDish canned tneuls upto16 OZ High 6 8 stir ttfter3rnh...

Страница 19: ...sfir dwr 1 2 fime Frozen Pouch 5 to6 oz High 6 7 Slitpouchbeforemicrowaving Mnindish 12to 17 cz High 7 14 CbK l Stirafitir6 minutes Friedchicken 2 pcs High 5 6 l lb 6 pieces High 8 9 If labeldoesnotstate fullyeookc checkforcionencss Swws9 Am x Canned 10to M oz High 3 4 covers 32 oz High KI 12 Cover stirQftw 5minutes Vegetabks Canned f to9 02 15 017 M t 32 i z Frozen Io oz box IO M pouch lnstimtmti...

Страница 20: ...r Oven Temp Preheat Minutes Comments Bread Biscuits H in thick 14x9 in metal cookiesheet Coffeecake 8 in round Cornbread 8 in round Muffins 6 12 Mctd muffinpan Fruitor nutbread Glassor metal loafpim Frozenturnovers 14x9 in metal cookiesheet 400 Yes 14 16 Cannedrefrigerator biscuitstake 143 minutes 375 Yes 26 30 Usesametimeforcoffeecake froma m x 425 Ycs 14 400 Yi s 11 13 Usesametimeformuffinsfroma...

Страница 21: ...raisins 1egg beaten 2 tablespoonsbutter melted 1 2teaspooncinnamon 1 2teaspoonsalt 1 teaspoon pepper inmixing bowlcombine apples raisins egg butter cinnamon salt andpepper Divideevenlyaillong chops SweetGlim Mixtogether1 3cup currantjelly and2 tabiespwms orangejuice 20RNMWAD TUWWWl WITH SAVORY GLAZE 2 CUPS crumbledcornbread l 4msp chopped onion 1 4cupchopped greenpepper 1 4cupbutter melted 1egg be...

Страница 22: ...xerbowlplace1 1 2 cupsflour sugar yeastandsalt StirtoMend Addwater butterand egg Beat2 minutesonmedium speed Byhand stir inremaining flourto formsoftdough Cover let riseuntildoubledinsize about 45to60minutes Toshapebraid Afterrising stir downdough Tossonflouredsurface untilnolongersticky Rolldough into 12x6 in rectangle9 Cutinto3 longpieces12x2 in each Roll eaehpieceintoa strand On lightly greased...

Страница 23: ...arityintheconnection ofthc powercord Gttitkm Attaching theadapter ground tennimd tothewall receptacle cover screw doesnot ground theappliance unless the coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewailreceptacle isgroundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfromtheadapter alwayshold th...

Страница 24: ...eunitto ieftandpluginto receptacle Makesureit ispushed allthewayintothereceptaclefor goodconnection Cleanupperheatingunitwith a dampclothbeingcarefulnotto get ckming matefial on the coil hl N X kndlc the unit before it is cool N N YT Wxnpt to dean ina self ckmoven DONOT immersethe plug inunits in water orinmy kindof liquid a slidingoutofreceptaclelocated on leftwallofovenatbottom Slide tothe right...

Страница 25: ...bjectsonthepanel they can damageit DoorSurface Whencleaning surfacesofdoorandoventhat cometogetheronclosingthedoor useonlymild non abrasive soaps ordetergentsappliedwitha sponge orsoftcloth drythoroughlybeforeplugging cordintooutlet Ifovenlightburnsout youmay replaceit bycarefullyfollowing thedirectionsbelow tep1 Disconnect oven power cordfromelectrical outlet To the C dinet Step3 Clpen thecabinet...

Страница 26: ... completion Dishwasnotrotated twrnedorstirrediftheseinstructionsweregiveninrecipe Toomanydishesinovenatsametime AllTheseThingsAreNormal onYour Oven oSteamor vaporescapingfromaroundthedoor SomeTV Radiointerferencemightbe noticedwhile usingyouroven It ssimilartothe interferencecausedby Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase othersmallappliancesanddoesnotindicatea problem e Dimmingovenlightandchangein...

Страница 27: FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvethe problem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetaik including yourphonenumber to lManager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FiNALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ...

Страница 28: ...uthorizedCustomerCare ers duringnormalworking o LookintheWhiteor YellowPages of yourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC I KITPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE s s 11 Om Ii p is 1 x ISNOT tmproperinstaiiation Failure oftheproduct ifitisusedfor Ifyouhave anInstallation problem otherthanitsintended purpose or u...
