Страница 1: ...ange 5 Burner Grates 16 22 Leveling 5 Control Settings 8 Lift Up Cooktop 17 Cookware Tips 9 Minute Timer 11 Drip Pans 17 22 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Flame Size 8 Oven Lighting Instructions 8 Air Adjustment 2 Warranty Back Cover Baking Baking Guide 12 13 Broiler Pan and fick 17 22 Broiling Broiling Guide 15 control Settings 9 Door Removal 18 Light Bulb Replacement 10 18 Oven Bottom Removal 18 Ove...
Страница 2: ...the dealer or builder that soldyouthe range save time andmoney Beforeyou request service e e Check the Problem Solver on page 25 It listscauses ofminor operating problems that youcan correct yourself If yol needservice e Toobtainservice seethe Consumer Servicespage in the back of this book We reproud of our serviceand wantyouto be pleased If for some reasonyouare nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive ...
Страница 3: ...othefloor byinstalling theAnti TiD devicesupplied Tocheckiftfie deviceisinstalled andengaged properly remove thedrawer on modelssoequipped andinspect therearleveling legs Makesure theyfitsecurely intotheslotson thedevice Formodelswithouta storage drawer carefillytiptherange forward tocheckiftheAnti Tip deviceisengaged withthe leveling legs Ifyoupulltherangeoutfromthe wallforanyreason makesure ther...
Страница 4: ...mbustion Qg coo ngsMrface ifthewokhas a roundmem ringwhichis p aeed overtheburner grateto supportthe wok Thisringacts asaheattrapwhichmaydamage theburnergrateandburnerhead Also itmaycausetheburnerto workimproperly Thismaycause acarbonmonoxide levelabove thatallowed bycurrentstandards resulting inahealthhazard floodsfor fryingShouldbe8s dry aspossible Frostonfrozen foodsormoistureonfreshfoods canca...
Страница 5: ...d othercookware beforeself cleaning theoven Cieaning YourRa e Cleanonly partslistedinthis UseandCareBook Keeprangecleanandfree ofaccumulations ofgreaseor spillovers whichmayigdte Flooring Under theRange Yourrange likeso many other llousellold items is heavy and ea settle into soft floor coveri lgs such as cushioned vinyl or carpeting Nhenmovingthe range on thistype of flooring use care Do not ins ...
Страница 6: ......
Страница 7: ...20 9 Door LockedIndicator 10 Oven CleaningIndicator 11 Oven On Indicator 12 SurfaceLightSwitch 13 Oven Vent 14 OvenInterior Light 20 21 I 21 9 9 10 15 Oven LightSwitch letsyouturn interior ovenlightonand of 16 Oven Shelves easily removedor repositionedon shelf supports 17 Oven ShelfSupports 18 Broiler Panand Rack 19 RemovableOven Door easily removed for ovencleaning 20 Lifi Up CooMop locksin up po...
Страница 8: ...s first turned on A blowing or hissing sound may be heard Flame will stabilize and curve upwar after a burner heats up or 30 to 45 seconds after it is turned on The biowing or hissing sound will stop After lighting a burner Check to be sure the burner you turned on is the one you wantto use Do not operate a burner for an extendedperiod of time without cookware on the grate The finish on the grate ...
Страница 9: ...ERATE THE ELE MC IGNITION OVEN DURING AN ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURE Resumption of electrical power when the OVEN TEMP and OVEN SET controls are in anyposition other than OFF will result in automaticignitionof the ovenor broiler burner and could cause severeburns if at the time you were attemptingto light the burner with a match Beforeusi Youroven Be sure you understandhow to set the controls properl...
Страница 10: ...n automatically when the ovendoor is opened For a modelwith theovenlightswitch on the u ercontrol anel turn the lighton nd off whe the door is closed Asyour ovenheats up the temperaturechangeofthe air in the ovenmaycause water dropletsto form on the door glass These dropletsare harmless and will evaporateas the ovencontinuesto heat up oven vent Yourovenisventedthroughducts at the rear of therange ...
Страница 11: ... clockwise without pushingin untilthe pointer reaches the number of minutes you want to time up to 60 At the end of the set time a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up Turn the knob withoutpushingin until the pointer reaches OFF and the buzzer stops Autimatic oven mmer This Timer willautomaticallystart and stopyour ove for you Iqere s whatyoudo 1 Make s rebothyour rangeclock andtheSTARTdialshowthe...
Страница 12: ...iom pm Burning around edges Edgesofcrust toothin Incorrect baking temperature Bottom crust soggyandunbaked Allowcrust and or fillingto cool sufficientlybefore fillingpie shell Fillingmaybe toothin orjuicy il ingallowedto stand in pie shell beforebaking Fillpie shellsand bake immediately Ingredients and proper measuring affect thequality ofthe crust Use a tested recipe and goodtechnique Make sure t...
Страница 13: ...es Cupcakes Fruitcakes ShinyOblongor Muffin Pans ShinyOblongor Muffin Pans For thin rolls Shelf B maybe used For thin rolls Shelf B maybe used AluminumTube Pan MetalJelly Roll Pan Metalor Ceramic Pan 325 3750 375 4000 325 3500 30 55 10 15 45 60 Two piecepan is convenient Line pan with waxpaper Metalor Ceramic Pan shinyMetal Muffin Pans Metalor Glass Loafor rubePan lhinyMetal Pan with atin finishbo...
Страница 14: ...astsis 10to 20 minutes I his allowsroaststo firm up and makes them easier to carve Internal temperaturewill rise about5 to 10 P to compensatefor temperature increase if desired removeroast from ovenwhen its internal temperatureis 5 to 10 F lessthan tem eratureshownin the Roasting Guide mozen Roasts Check the RoastingGuide or temperaturesand approximate cookingtimes Frozen roasts ofbeef pork lamb e...
Страница 15: ...xception is thin fillets offish oil one side place that side downonbroilerrackandcookwithout turninguntil done Time foodsfor aboutone half the total cooking ime turn food then continue o ook to preferred doneness Turn OVEN SET and OVEN EMP knobs to OFF Remove roiler pan from ovenand serve bod immediately Leave pan utsidethe ovento cooi BeefSteaks Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone l in thic...
Страница 16: ...k knobsand screwssecuringtie light switches 5 Carefi y removethe glassmd placeit on a smooth flat sutiace Cleanit with mildsoap and water rinse with clean waterand dry with a soficloth Caution Do not useabrasive cleansers strongliquidcleanersor ovencleanerson glassor enamel controlpanel surfaces they WM damagethe fiish SwfaeeL t onmodels so eqtippd WHEN C NGNG A SURFACE LAMP DO N UCH THE METALATEN...
Страница 17: ...l wool they ll scratch the surface Instead soak the drip pans for about20 minutes in slightlydiluted liquid cleanser or mild solutionofammonia and water 1 2cup of ammonia to one gallon of water After soaking wash them in hot soapy water Rinse with clean water and polish with a clean SOfi cloth Do not attempt to clean the drip pans in the self cleaningoven When replacing drip pans the notch on the ...
Страница 18: ...e ovendoor is removableto make the interior moreaccessibleduring the replacementof the lampbulb 7 Open the ovendoor fullyand removethe twoPhilips screwsthat hold the door to the hinges Then close the door to the automaticstop position at about3 inchesopen and lift the door straightup and off the hinges Dueto the largeamount of insulationand the construction 2 Removethe two knurled hold of the door...
Страница 19: ...un down through openingin the top ofthe door C Make sure the ovenlight bulb cover D is in place Neveruse a commercial ovencleaner in or aroundthe self cleaningoven Ill liI A OveMI Front Frame B oven Door Gasket c openings ill Door D oven Light Bulb cover step4 Close the oven door and make sure the ovenlight is off Caution Chrome drippans from the top of your range should never be cleaned in the se...
Страница 20: ...ime Oven will automaticallyturn on and off at the set times A short time later the LOCKED lightcomes on and the door locks The glowingLOCKED light indicatesthat the ovenis hot and the door cannot be opened The ovendoor gets hot during self cleaning DO N UCH Afkr self c ea ling Sometime after cleaningis completed whenthe ovenhas cooledandthedoorcanbe unlocked the LOCKEI lightgoesout step 1 Movethe ...
Страница 21: ...et around the oven door A No this gasketis essential for a good oven seal and care must be taken not to rub damage or move this gasket Q What should I do if excessive smoking occurs during cleaning A This is caused by excessive soil and you should switch the OVEN SET knob E Open windows to rid room of smoke Allow the oven to cool for at least one hour before opening the door Wipe up the excess soi...
Страница 22: ...od oven seal and care must be taken not to rub damage or move this gasket IQ What s louldI 10if excessive smoking occurs during cleaning A This is caused by excessive soil and you should switch the OVEN SET knob Open windows to rid room of smoke Allow the oven to cool for at least one hour before opening the door Wipe up the excess soil and reset the clean cycle 3 j x Q Is tl e cracklii g solIn iI...
Страница 23: ...equent wipingwith mild soap and water will prolong the time betweenmajor cleanings Rinse thoroughly N E Soap left on liner causes additional OvenLiner tainswhen ovenis reheated She ves Soapand Water Soap FilledScouringPad Shelvescan be washed in dishwasher or cleaned byhand using soap and water Rinse horoughly to removeany soap after cleaning Shelves may also be cleaned in self Ieaningoven but may...
Страница 24: ...terfor the top broil burner is in the upper righ handcorner near the rear wall of the oven Toadjustthe flowof air to either burner loosen the Phillipshead screwand rotatethe shutterto allowmore or lessair intothe burner tube as needed The flame for the top roil burner should be steady with approximately l inch blue cones and should not extendout overthe baffle edges The shutter for the bottom oven...
Страница 25: ...he back side There is a disc in the center of the knob skirt with a series of marks opposite a pointer Loosen only the locking screws Note to which mark the pointeris pointing Tomakean adjustment carefullyloosen approximately one turn but do notcompletely removethe two screwsthatholdthe skirt to the knob Hold the knob blade in one hand and the outer skirt in the other hand Toraise the oventemperat...
Страница 26: ... usedimproperly inoven Ovenventblockedon topofrange Incorrect cookwarebeingused Check each cookingsectionforcookwaretips Ovenbottomnotsecurely seatedin position OVENTEMP knob setincorrectly or not turned on Check common baking roastingand brotiingproblems on pages 12 15 DOOR WON TOPEN DUWNG BROILING OR BA NG Doorlatchmovedtothe rightduringbroilingor bakingcan causedoorto lock when ovenis hot Wrn o...
Страница 27: ...antyexpires Pur chase a GE contract while your war ranty is stillin effect and you receive a substantialdiscount With a muhiple year contract you re assuredof fiwre service at today s prices Whateveryour questionaboutanyGE major appliance GE AnswerCente information service is availableto help Your cdl and your question willbe answeredpromptly and courteously And you can call any time GE Answer Cen...
Страница 28: ...ch you how to usethe product Read your Use andCammaterial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or tail toil free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer You are responsible for providing ad...