GE JGBC16GPJ Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание JGBC16GPJ

Страница 1: ...16 BurnerGrates 16 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 Burners 17 Oven 9 10 Clockand Timer 9 AirAdjustment 20 ControlSettings 8 Baking BakingGuide 11 12 CookwareTips 9 BroilerPanand Rack 19 DripPans 16 Broiling...

Страница 2: ...sNRches Cm 43P CM betxw e Sparks may ignite the C m FOR YOUR SAETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammablevapom and liquidsinthe vicinity of thisor anyother appliance TheCalifornia Safe1 3rink...

Страница 3: ...henyou pushtherangeback 63 t lNUTMTgratu and other surfaces coolbefore touching themm leavingthemwhere Chihk n canreach them Neverwearloosefittingor hanging garmen whileusing theappliance Flammable ma...

Страница 4: ...dremaincool Useonlygbss cookwarethat isrecommended foruseongas burners Keep811 plasticsawayfrom topburners Toavoidthepossibility ofa burn ahvays becertainthatthe controlsforallburners areat OFFpositio...

Страница 5: ...cushionedvinyl When movingtherangeonthistypeof flooring usecare Donot installthe range over kitchencarpeting unlessyou placeaninsulatingpador sheetof l 4 inch thick plywoodbetween therangeandcarpeting...

Страница 6: ...JGEKx6GPJ with Standing PiJotIgnition XX 3C16GM withAutomatic PilotlessIgnition K C17GNwithBrushedChromeCooktop Automatic Pilotless Ignition...

Страница 7: ...e 8 OvenLightSwitch 10 e e letsyouturninteriorovenlighton andoff 9 OvenShelves 10 19 2 2 easilyremoved or repositioned onshelfsupports 10 OvenShelfSupports 10 e e H BroilerPanandRack 19 e e 12 Remova...

Страница 8: ...youwillhearalittleclicking noise thesoundoftheelectricspark igniting theburner I Aftertheburnerignites turnthe knobtoadjusttheflamesize Note Donotoperateaburnerfor extended periodsoftimewithout having...

Страница 9: ...urerrecommends TheClockandTimerarehelpful devicesthatserveseveralpurposes The clock TOset the C ock pushintheknob andturntheclockhandstothe righttothecorrecttime Thenlet theknoboutandcontinueturning t...

Страница 10: ...enburnerbe uninterrupted Avoidtouchingthe ventopeningsor nearbysurfaces duringovenor broileroperation theymaybecomehot Ventopeningsand nearby surfaces maybecomehot Donot touch them Handles of pots and...

Страница 11: ...round edges Oventoofill avoidovercrowding Edgesofcrusttoothin Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrust soggyand unbaked A11ow crustand orfillingtocool sufficientlybeforefillingpieshell oFillingmaybetoot...

Страница 12: ...B A 350 3750 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakes without shortening Angel fd Aluminum TubePan A 325 3750 30 55 Twopiecepanisconvenient ellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxe...

Страница 13: IhozenRoasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbe startedwithout thawing butallow15to 25minutes perpoundadditionaltime 15 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostf...

Страница 14: ...ilerpanfrom compartmentandservefood immediately Leavepanoutside compartmenttocool piercedmaatlosesjuices Broiling Guide least 1inch thick forbestbroiling results l wl broilthinnerones T M Sid Broil ll...

Страница 15: ...ia coating isnotused onoven shelves Shelvesshouldbe cleanedoutsidetheoventoavoid damagetothespecialcoating insidetheoven lb fckmtheContinuom ckmirg oven L Letrangepartscoo before handling Werecommendr...

Страница 16: ...thegratesina slightlydiluted liquidcleanser Althoughthey redurable the grateswillgraduallylosetheir shine regardlessofthebestcare youcangivethem Thisisdueto theircontinualexposuretohigh temperatures...

Страница 17: It sa goodideato wipethecontrol panelscleanaftereachuseofthe oven Fora morethorough cleaning thecontrolknobscanbepulledoff theknobstemsand onmodelsso equipped theglassuppercontrol panelcanbecleaned...

Страница 18: ...uch a hot bulb with a damp cloth as the bulb wiUbreak Replace with a high temperature appliance bulb ofthesamewattage Removable Own Door Theovendoorisremovable to maketheinteriormoreaccessible Openthe...

Страница 19: ...otcook perly Theovenfinishmaybe aged Andtheremaybean increase h heatontheoutside wrfacesoftheoven oven shdves Ovenshelvesmay be cleaned with a mild abrasive cleanser following manufacturer sdirections...

Страница 20: ...eranadjustment has beenmadetotheOVENTEMP knob OFFandBROILwillnot lineupwiththeindicatormarkon thecontrolpanelastheypreviously did Thisconditionisnormaland willnotcreatea problem OV DoorI Height Adjust...

Страница 21: ...nysoapaftercleaning inted Surfaces SoapandWater Shelves SoapandWater Soap Filled ScouringPad o PlasticScouringPad e SoapandWater e Soap Filled ScouringPad Non metallic Liftoutwhencool Soak5to 10minute...

Страница 22: ...sides andnotcoatedwithanything QAluminumfoil ing usedimpro erlyin oven QQvenvent blockedontopofrahge e Incomct o being used ch eachcookingsectionforcookwaretipsor reco nendations Ovenbottomnotsecurel...

Страница 23: ...FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager C...

Страница 24: ...ips 0 your ome 0 oReplacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the product resetting of circuit breakers Read your Use and Carematerial If you then have any questions Failure of the product if i...
