Страница 1: ...nCords 9 Features 5 GroundingInstructions 9 LightBulbRepIaeement 8 MimowwingTips 2 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Precautions 3 ProblemSolver 10 Removal fiOR3 CabinetMount 10 Repair Service 11 SafetyInstructions 3 4 Timer 5 7 Warranty BackCover use and Of m I eekctric ofthis microwaveoven isw watts J y TK 4 s ...
Страница 2: ...eived a oven Immediately contactthedealer or builder thatsoldyoutheoven save the and Before yourequest service checktheProblemSolver onpage10 It listscausesofminoroperating problems thatyoucancorn yourself Accessories available atextracostfromyour GeneralElectricsupplier JXXi Kitconvertsthis oventoa built inwalloven VVM26 Kit allowsthis oventobemountedona wail q yo oven youshouldfind an installati...
Страница 3: ...tfliclwringof lights blowing offuseor tripping ofcircuitbreaker Installor locatethis appliance onlyin accordancewiththe providedinstaHationinstructions Q DOnotcoveror blockany pcning on the appliance Do notoperatethisappliance ifit hasa damagedpowercordor plug ifit is notworkingproperly or if it hasbeendamagedor dropped e Seedoor Sufiacecleaning instructionson page8 w r Thisapplianceshouldbe servi...
Страница 4: ...easons 1 Usemicrowave plasticsonlyandUsethan in strict with theutensil Do notsubjectemptyuterisiks to 3 Do not permit childrento use plastic Conlpleie pi fobw ouriiirectkmexactly My ahvq cookthemeat to aninterl kal temperature ofatleastIXY I Thisassures that intheremote possibility thattrkhhwnaybe present inthemeat itwiiibe killedandmeatwiIlbesafetoeat 43 g k not ina mm Pressure canbuildup insidet...
Страница 5: ...ve en rgydistributing 2 1 0071 3 M hes defrostingtime Settingthetimer system Do notremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven startstheoven whenthedooris 3 DOW ScreeB Metalscreen closed pcrr ilsviewing t f kxx ls findkeeps Gh Ns CookingTray Traymust 10 Val iable Power LeVel Knob III icr wwcs confllmdinsick own be inplacewhenusingtheoven Thisknobcanbe setatWill cookingpcrfbrmm x willbc uns itisfactory wi...
Страница 6: ...minutes turnthetimercontrolknobpast2 andthenbacktothedesiredtime Step4 Whentimeisup theoven sounds ovenlightandfanshutoff Questions andI mfm3rs Q I set myovenforthe time calledfor in the recipe but at the end of the time allowed my food wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue to time or locationmanyTime Cook recipesgiveyoua time range to preventovercooking Set the ovenfor minimumtime te...
Страница 7: ...It isletting youknowtheovenisusingapower levellowerthanHI Q Can I defrostsmail itemsin a hurry EmW A Yes but they will need more S 8y frequentattentionthan usual Set timer and turn variablepower myB controlknob to desired setting PowerlevelMED cuts the total defrostingtime aboutin 1 2 power levelHIcutsthe totaldefrosting time to approximately 1 3 During either rotate or stir food frequently Q Whyd...
Страница 8: ...opped Remember do not operate the oven withoutthe cookingtray in place Special note when using Brown N Sear Dish If greaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theoventray Thismayberemoved v ith a cleansersuchasBonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructions oncan Do notuseBonAmi brandcleanser onthepai...
Страница 9: ...aptermust usage q imce spwver cordwill be Donotwe an adapterplugin these situationsbecause disconnectingof the powercord placesundue strain on the adapterand leadsto eventual tiiiureoftheadaptergroundterminal Youshouldhavethe two prongwall receptaclereplaced with a three prong grounding receptacleby a qualifiedelectricianbeforeusing the appliance Becauseofpotentialsafetyhazards undercertainconditi...
Страница 10: ...u ly inserted into wall receptacle Door notsecurely fastened C il gt me may Vawbecause of tafiing fOOd emperature fooddensityoraMCNMt offoodsinoven Setadditional cookingtimeforcompletion oIncorrect o ver eve set che cookbookforrecommended POwer ievel Orch ging ICVC S duringcookingifnecessary Dishwasriotrotated turrmdorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions Checkcookbookorrecipefortheseimtrw...
Страница 11: ...RST contactthepeoplewho servicedyour appliance Explain whyyou are not pleased In most cases this will solvethe problem iNEXT if youare still not pleased writeall the details including yourphone number to Manager Consumer Relations General Electric Appliance Park LouisviHe Kentucky40225 FINALLY if your problem is still notresolved write Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel 20 No hWackerDrive Chica...
Страница 12: ...PANY GENERAL ELECTRICFA XORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC I OTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCIJSTONIER CARE SERViCE i s Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read yaw Use and Care If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your deaier or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free The GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 co...