GE JE47A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание JE47A

Страница 1: ...ProblemSolver 26 ControlPanel 6 RepairService 27 ConvenienceI 30d hide 14 Safetyhstructims 3 4 Choking 9 Warranty BackCover ChokingChide 13 22 ChokingTechniques 22 Ckx3kware hide 23 8 Guide 10 12 ExtensionCords 25 F mm 5 Choumiinjz Instructions 25 nit ekxtric mtput of this oven k 500W1 wh i 8 Y5 9 ...

Страница 2: ...e Product Service Appliance Park Louisville KY40225 Ifyoureceived a damaged oven e contact thedealer or builder thatsoldyouthemicrowave oven More ou requestsemdeee check theProblem page26 Itlistscauses ofminor thatyoucancorrect yourself atextracostfromyour GE Kitallows this oventobe underacabinet Makesureallcookware usedin yourmicrowave ovenissuitable for microwaving Mostglasscasseroles cooking di...

Страница 3: ...venfrontfkceand thedoororalbwsoiiorcleaner residue toaccumulate onsealing Surfaces tikmrnf Readall beforeusingthis Whenusing electrical appliances basicsafety should be followed thefoUowing therkdmfburns dectric shock fire injury topersons orexpostw toexcessive U this Only for its intended useas in thismamaL e RMdandfohw theSpxifk IO H EWtGY atleft 3 Do mot M Pow E card w over edge oftabk orcounte...

Страница 4: ... pressure canbuildup Thiscancamethe toburst in injury Use metal onlyasdirectedin guide j nlay13C in fbiltrayslessthan3 4 high tq foilCWg andrettum myWbox whenusingm dh k mm keepmetal at kmt inch fmmsides of oven may hot bwxise of heat from theheated food Potholders my be Mhandlek 9 eggs k W I ecommended ina microwave oven Pressure canbuildup inside theeggyolkandmaycause ittoburst resulting ininjur...

Страница 5: ...t permits viewingd foodsandkeeps 7 N tie StirrerCover I otects microwaves confinedinsideoven themicrowave energy Donotrcmovethiscover u wi i damagetheoven Wcooking nay Traymust be in pkc whenusingtheoven Cooking willbe withoutthetray inplace Thetraymaybe removed forcleaning _ mr r mr ...

Страница 6: ...43 6 START Afterallselectionsare made touchthispadto startoven e 7 TIME DEFROST Gentle generallyuniformthawingat automaticPowerLevelLO or changepowerlevelafterentering defrostingtime Seepage8 CLUCK Touchthispadtoenter timeofdayor checktimeofday whilemicrowaving Tosetclock firsttouchCLOCK padandthenentertimeofday For example if timeis 1 30 touch numberpads 1 3 andOand 1 30 willappearindisplay Touch...

Страница 7: ...hentimeisup theoven signalsandflashes End Questions andAnswem Q Whatwillhappenif I accidentallyreversemydefrost holdandcookinstructions A Theovenwillautomatically rearrange yourprogram Defrosting wiHalwayscomefirst thenhold andthenthecookingfunction Q CanI defrostandholdonly A Yes Sometimesyoumayonly wanttodefrosta food holdit and cookitlater Allyouneedtodo is progrm inDefrostandamountof time Then...

Страница 8: ...o finishdefrosting Foodsfrozeninpaperor plastic canbe inthepackage Questions andAnswers Q WhenI pressSTART I heara dull thumpingnoise Whatis it A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenisusing a powerlevellowerthanHI Q CanI defrostsmallitemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequentattentionthanusual Raise thepowerlevelafterenteringthe timebytouchingthedesiredpower levelpad PowerlevelMEDc...

Страница 9: ...eisup theoven signalsand flashes End then shutsoff Step6 Open thedoor Questkmsand Answers Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforintherecipe butatthe endof thetimeallowed myfood wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor iocationmanyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovercooking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordoneness andcookyour fooda littlelonger if necessary Q I to...

Страница 10: ...ime breakupand M stand5minutes W Turnpackageoverafterfirsthalfoftime Scrapeoff softenedmeataftersecondhalfoftime Setaside Break upremaining blockandcontinuemicrowaving 3 5minutes ifnecessary Spareribs 2 4 2 3 Placewrappedpackageinmicrowave oven Ihrn over Pork 2NM perpound pcrpound afterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftimeseparate pieceswithtableknife Letstandmcompletedefrosting Steaks 4 6 4 5 Pla...

Страница 11: ...Iffishis frozeninwater placeincookingdish Ihrnoverafter firsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime holdunder coldwatertoseparate Letstand5 minutes Shclifish 6 6 8 Spreadshellfishinsinglelayerinbakingdish Rearrange mud pieces pieces afkwfirsthalfoftime 1A stand5 minutes 1th Shtdlfish 4 2 J PlaceMockincasserole Turnoverandbreakupwith blocks forkafterfirstht dfoftimc Cralwntxtt 16w 4 6 sl Shcllfisb 4 3 4 ...

Страница 12: ...ave safe plateif 17 19 oz necessary Letstand20 30minutes tocomplete defrosting Fruit Pies Fruit 10 16 oz 6 8 None Remove fromfoilandplaceinmicrowave safe container ifnecessary Placepackageinmicrowave oven After minimum time breakupwithfork Repeatifnecessary orletstand5minutes Fruit in 4 5 None Placepackiige inmicrowave oven Flexpackage once plasticpouch 10oz Fruitpie 10 16 None Letstand20 30minute...

Страница 13: ...ymaindishes chili 1to2 servings 5 8 chopsuey spaghetti stew 3 to4 servings 7 10 1cupserving i can 16oz 6 8 Hamburgers or meatIoaf i to2 smwings 2 4 4oz perserving 3 to4 servings 4 6 HotDogsandsausages 1 02 3 to4 Riceandpmta 1to2 servings 1 cup serving TtJpped or mixedwithswcc 1to2servings 5 7 3 to4 servings 7 9 1 ip Coversaucymaindisheswithplasticwrap Coverothermaindishesandmeatswithwaxedpaper sou...

Страница 14: ... 5 8oz 6 10 IfPouchpackageisused puncturewithforktovent Stir 10 16 oz 8 18 meatpiecesor rotate1 4turnafterhalfoftime Frozen Dinners Hearty T V Style I7oz 12 15 Remove tiil coverandreturntraytocarton Ifmetaltray RegularT V Style 11oz 10 12 ismorethan3 4 inch deep placefoodinmicrowtwe safe e PremiumEntree 8 902 10 12 container Rotate1 4turnafterhalfofcookingtime If 10 13 cm 1244 foodisinpouch ditpou...

Страница 15: ... 4patties dinnerplatc fir 1or 2 minutes 2 pattiesusepaper platelinedwith doublethickness papertowels 3 5min 6 8min Meatloaf Pieplate Plasticwrap HI 2 mjnr Letstand10minutesaftercooking RoundIoaf Rork I rkChops I in squaredish Plasticwrap MED Brushwithbarbecuesauceor browning 2 1 2to3 4 lb 14 16 min agent ifdwired Nmchopsoverandrotate 3 3 4 0l lb 164 min dish 1 2turnafterhalfoftime Letsumd 4 1 to I...

Страница 16: ...cwrap 7 9min Stironceduringcooking peeled Shrimp 2lbs 2 qt casserole Lidor 7 9min Stirtwiceduringcooking unpeeled Piasticwrap ll oultry Letchickenandothersmallpouitrystandaftermicrowaving for5 to 10minutes Rower Level HI Container Cover Time Comments Chicken Pieces Plateor 8 Waxpaper 3 4rnin Brushwithbrowning agentifdesired Arrangein 1 4 2 jb squm dish perpiece singlelayerincookingdishsothickest m...

Страница 17: ...til or picplate 5 7min thickened Addeggs Blendwell Pourfilling intoprecooked shell Microwave additional timeshownat left Breads Crust on breadswillbesoil outsideof fimdswillnotbrown ifdesired sprinkleto ofbatterwithcinnamon sugar mixture choppednutsor 1 othertoppingfbrbrowncolor or increasebrowncolaronupside down breadsby iningdishbefore withbrownsugarcaramel mixture or savoryloppinglikecrwihed ca...

Страница 18: ...salt Stirafler longgrain 1cup plasticwmp 10minutes Letstandcovered5 minutesbefbreserving Rice minute 1 qt casserole Lidor 7 8min Add1 4cupshottapwater Stirafter4 minutes 1 cups plasticwrap cereal 1 Alwaysusemicrowave safe utensils glassor plastic Uselargeenoughcontainertoavoidspillowx 2 Startwithhottesttap watertoshortencookingtime 3 Donotcover preventsspilkwer 4 Stirhalf way throughcookingtime Ib...

Страница 19: ...rcookingor putsaltinthecasserolewiththewaterbeforeaddingvegetables Rower Level HI Vietabie Amount Time Cmnments Fresh 1lb 7 9 4min CutintoI inchpieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen spears 1002 8 10 5 min Fresh ken or Wax 1lb WA lib min Cutintol inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen 9 oz 8 11 min Broccoli Fresh spews 1lb 840 min Add1 4cupwater Frozen choppedor spews 10oz 1042 min Cabbage Fresh chopped shredded...

Страница 20: ...s Frozen mixed 100Z 9 1 rein zucchini Sliced fresh 1lb IO 12min Slicel 2 inchthick Add1 4cupwater Frozen 10oz 8 10min CannedVegetables Amount Undrained Drained Comments Ailkinds 8oz 3 3 min Piacevegetablesinmicrowavesafesawingdish Coverwithplastic 15 17oz 6 8min 3 4min wrap Chtxkat minimumtime Stirandserve Vegetable Foods vegetable Amount Time a Breaded Vegetables 7 OZ pkg frozen 4 6mitt Placeontr...

Страница 21: ...eforeinverting inthe mix i2 cupbundt No HI 1S 18 rein Useallbatter Rotate1 4turnevery5 rninutm Letstand 5to20minutesbeforeinverting cool Candies 1 AlwiIysuscmicrowtivc siifc uttmil glas or plmtic Foreasyclamup Inchchocolateinpitpcrwrappersscamsickup or placechocolatein paperbowlmtnch 2 Candies whichare boihxi bccomcvery hot lx sureto himdlccookingcotttiiiners carefully Power Level Time cover OrInt...

Страница 22: ...irringafterhalfoftime swe sour Continuecooking4 to6 minutesuntilsauce sauces 2cups isslightlythickened stirringtwice Let stand5to 10minutestodevelopflavor Marshmallow Smallmicrowdve No MEW 4 5min Mix2 tablespoons milkand2 7 oz each C remeSauce safebowl jars marshmallow cweme Microwave Stir well Goodonchocolateicecream Chocolate i qt glass No MED 3 5min Place I mint MintSauce measure patties oz in ...

Страница 23: ...Nordic Ware Republic Tara JWarever Nupac l per or StyrofoamPlatesandCups Heating andserving fbodsand beverages Styrofoam should beused forshort term heating tolowtemperatures andforserving OvenGlasssuchas Anchor Hocking Cooking andheating FireKing Glassbake Hellcr Jena Pyrex RegularDinnerware suchas Heating andsomecooking Corelle byCorning Dansk Denby ElCamino Francis an Stoneware ILenox TemperWar...

Страница 24: ...trayintowater justafter cooking W hitcarefhlly inwarm sudsywaterorinthedishwasher Thetraycanbebroken ifdropped donotoperate theoven without thecooking trayinplace SpeeiaInotewh n using Brown hi earDish Ifgrease is present highheatgenerated on bottom ofaBrown NSeardish maycausethe toburnonto theoventray Thismayberemoved witha suchasBonAmi brand xmser Aflerusing BonArr brand rinseanddry instructions...

Страница 25: ...nthe wallreceptacle toprovide proper polarity inthecxmmwtion ofthe power cord the dapter ground terrniriid tothewall coverscrew doesnot ground theappliance unless the coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewailreceptacle isgrounded thehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checked byaqualified to surethereceptacle is properly When thepower cordfromtheadapter always hold theadapter withonehand Ifth...

Страница 26: ...imedlertouching TIMECOOK CLWOFF wastoughed accidentally Reset cooking program md uchSTA FOODS AREEITHER OVERCOOKED OR hccmeetpower level entered Check cooking guidefbrrecommended power hw4 ifnecessary Allthesethings menormal withyourmicrowave oven Steamorvaporescapingfrom sDull sound while around thedoor oven isoperating Lightreflectionarounddoor or sf j fj dio n rf nc outercase might benoticed wh...

Страница 27: ...rtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager Clmsumer Relations GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblem isstill notresolved write MajorAppliance Consumer Action Panel 20NorthWacker Drive Chicago lili...

Страница 28: ... byourFactory Sewice Centers or byourauthorized Customer Care i ers duringnormal working LookintheWhiteorYellow Pages ofyourtelephone direotory for GENERAL ELECX RIC COMPANY GENERAL ELE XRIC FAC71T RY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC l l POINTFACX RY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSR3MER C E SERVICE WHATISNOTCOVER ED Service tripstoyourhome to teachyouhowtousetheproduct ReadyourUsaandCM matarlal Ifyouthenh...
