Страница 1: ...oocj lZ doqooa Elz ap ng fh ueal 82 s2 pm am 92 olJ W T amq m cl Zi sd l a ieAAyoo S1 Zt ap ng fhpjoo Oi sf3u a IOWOO SI Q1 f3u qoo aaej m 17Z zz s suo ymilsu hqueala as 61 81 o ap n fhJpseoH fh lseo L1 9 fiu leaqa d Lz 1 m s o i luawaoelda qln w T 6 8 sfki uas 10J UO 8 Iaued jOJ UO 2 02 apyg l OJ 6U l OJ L1 sl a p ng u ye f iu qe bi ti 6 8 uaAc L 9 sa mlea 9 sd fhJp JaI i 6 Jat u Jpue qaol 11 sd ...
Страница 2: ...you cancorrectyourself Toobtainservice seethe ConsumerServicespagein the backof thisbook We reproudof ourserviceand wantyouto be pleased If for some reasonyouarenothappywiththe serviceyoureceive herearethree stepsto fol owforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthe peoplewho FDLW JX if yourproblemis still servicedyourappliance Explain not resolved write whyyouare notpleased In most MajorAppliande onsumer case...
Страница 3: ...okkm noistordamppot holdersonhotsurfacesmayresultinburnsfrom steam Donotletpotholderstouchhotheating elements Donotusea towelorotherbulkycloth lj oryour nt veruseym w f or the Iroom DO T fj OR Am m m m OR ANY oKeep and grease dean to mtirmin goodventingandtoavoidgreasefires not let cookinggreaseor other in or m 31r therangoe Q tisewateron gK MM filx se I WWIW pickup a pan Smother flamingpaqonsurfa...
Страница 4: ...faceunits at heat settings Boilovercausessmoking andgreasy spillovers thatmaycatchonfire Besuredrip pansand vent awe notCrowedand are in place Theirabsenceduringcookingcould damagerangepartsandwiring 8D0 9tU KW M to linedrip pans or anywhere intheovenexceptasdescribed inthis book Misusecouldresultina shock firehazardor ciwiiagetotheIange only e i rtain types of gkMxJ9 earthenware mother glared are...
Страница 5: ...vingfood Watchfoodswhenbringingthemquicklyto cooking Duringbaking avoidfrequentdooropenings Keep temperaturesathighheat Whenfoodreachescooking dooropenas shorta time aspossibleif it is opened temperature reduceheatimmediatelyto lowestsetting Cookcompleteovenmealsinsteadofjust onefood that willkeepit cooking item Potatoes othervegetables andsomedesserts Useresidualheatwithsurfacecookingwhenever wil...
Страница 6: ...r NOTE Notall doors have windows portRock Somemodelshavelift up cooktopsfol easiercleaning ...
Страница 7: ...dels 18 21 28 Donotcleanin Self Cleanoven 11 OvenVent Locatedunderrightrear surfaceunit 26 12 Ca lrod SurfaceUnits DripPans 25 28 onsomemodels 13 Lift UpCooktop on somemodels 25 14 ModelandSerialNumberLocation I 2 behindthe rangedooror behindthe storagedrawer 15 OvenInteriorLight on somemodels 14 27 Comeson automaticallywhendooris opened 7s 16 OvenShelfSupports 14 Forroasting bakingandbroilingposi...
Страница 8: ...hed lb ResetTimer ml cancel b w Poweroutage Press TIMERONVOFF padand PressTIMER01 VOFF paduntil Aftera poweroutage whenpower thenpressINCREASEor the word TIMER quitsflashing is restored thedisplaywillflash DECREASEpad untilthe time on thedisplay about4 seconds andtimeshownwillno longerbe youwantshowson the display correct for example aftera 5 minutepowerinterruptionthe clockwillbe 5 minutesslow Th...
Страница 9: ...Reduceheat settingafterwaterboils OFF MIHXUNIHBGH Setting halfwaybetweenHI and MED Maintainsa fastboilon largeamountsof food IWID aute andbrown keepsfoodat a medium boilor simmer LOVV Setting halfwaybetweenMID andLO Cookafterstartingat HI cookswithlittle waterin coveredpan LO Usedfor longslowcooking simmering to UNV HIGH tenderizeanddevelopflavors Usethissettingto melt butterandchocolateor tokeep ...
Страница 10: ...uallyharmcooktopsurfacessurrounding surroufidingthe surfaceunit surfaceunits observe h Pointsin canning L Be surethe cannerfitsoverthecenterof the surfaceunit If yourrangeor its locationdoesnot allowthe cannerto be centeredon the surfaceunit use smaller diameter pots forgoodcanningresults 2 For bestresults use cannerswithflatbottoms Cannerswithflangedor rippledbottoms oftenfound in enamelware don ...
Страница 11: ...sarejust set about3 to 5 moreminutes If youdonotcoverskillet baste eggswithfat tocooktopsevenly HI Meltbutter LO thenaddeggs When bottomsofeggshavejust set carefullyturnoverto cookotherside Uncovered Skillet LO Carefullyaddeggs Cookuncoveredabout5 minutesat MEDKJMHIGH RemovecookedeggswithW ted spoonorpancaketurner Poached Scrambledoromelets Covered Saucepan HI In coveredpan bring watertoa boil Unc...
Страница 12: ...oth ick battezhikesslightly longertime Turnover pancakeswhenbubbles riseto surface MEDIUMHIGH Heatskillet8 Cook2 to 3 minutesperside Pancakesor French toast to10minutes Greaselightly Pasta Noodlesor spaghetti MEDIUMHIGH Cookuncovered untiltender Forlargeamounts HImaybe neededto keepwater at rollingboilthroughoutentire cockingtime Uselargeenoughkettleto preventboilover Pasta doublesin sizewhencooke...
Страница 13: ...supports theywillstopbeforecomingout completelyfromthe oven and till not tiIt whenremovingfood fromor placingfoodon them I nII TO REPLACE placeshelfon shelfsupportwithstop locks curvedextensionundershelf facingup towardtherearof the oven Tiltup frontandpushthe shelftowardthebackof theoven untilit goespast stop on theoven wall Thenlowerthefrontof the shelfandpushit allthewayback ml REMOWETHE smLvEs...
Страница 14: ...ressINCREASEpad The lastovensettemperatureappearsin thedisplay CLEAR OFF 1 Step 6 PressCLEAR KN F when bakingis finishedandthenremove foodfromoven How to set start and stop Theoventurnsonrightaway cooksforpreset lengthof time andturnsoffautomaticallyat the presetStopTime S q 1 Positionthe shelfor shelvesin the oven If cookingon two shelvesat the sametime place shelveson alternateshelfsupportsand s...
Страница 15: ...il 3 00 appearsin the display Step5 Press STOFTIMEpad I 5 00 appearson thedisplayand A controlautomaticallysetsStopTimeby addingthe CookTimeto thetimeof day In thisexample the timeof dayis 2 00andtheCookTimeis 3 hours Adding3 hoursto the timeof dayequals5 00 Step 6 ChangeStopTimefrom5 00to 7 00by pressingINCREASEpaduntil 7 00 appearsin thedisplay Step7 PressBAKEpad u BAKE tm8 PressINCREASEpad Thel...
Страница 16: ...an cakes withoutshortening Angelfood Jellyroll Sponge Aluminum TubePan MetalJellyRollPan Metalor CeramicPan 325 3750 375 4000 325 3500 30 55 10 15 45 60 We piece panis convenient Linepanwithwaxpaper Cakes Bundtcakes Cupcakes Fruitcakes A B A B B B B 325 3500 350 3750 275 3000 350 3750 350 3750 350 45 65 20 25 2 4k 20 35 25 30 40 60 MetalorCeramicPan ShinyMetalMuffMPan Metalor GlassLoafor TubePan P...
Страница 17: ...s the ovenheatsup Whenthe oven reachesthe settemperatureatone will sound TochangeoventemperatureduringBAKEcycle pressBAKEpad andthenINCREASEor DECREASEpad to getnewtemperature Step6 Pressthe CLEAR OFFpad CLEAR whenbakingis finishedandthen removefoodfromoven Step 7 Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhile standing afterbeingremovedfromthe oven Standingtimerecommendedfor roastsis 10to 20 minutes Thisal...
Страница 18: ...5 onbroilerpanor othershallowpan withtrivet Do not to 10 F to compensatefortemperatureincrease if cover Do not stuffpouhryuntiljust beforeroasting desired removetheroastfromovensoor er at 5 to Usemeatthermometerformoreaccuratedoneness IO F lessthantemperaturein thisguide I3onotplacethermometerin stuffing 5 Frozenroastscanbe conventionally roastedby as desired 3 Removefat anddrippingsas necessary B...
Страница 19: ...leaning use Foil 1 Youcanuse ah u ninum foilto lineyourbroilerpanandbroilerrack However youmustmoldthe foiltightlyto the rack andcutslitsin itjust liketherack Withoutthe slits the foilwillpreventfat andmeatjuicesfromdrainingto the broilerpan Thejuices couldbecomehot enoughto catchonfire If youdo not cut the slits you arefrying not broiling i Am wers Q Whimbroiling isitnecessary toalwaysuse a racki...
Страница 20: ...ellDone 1lb 4patties 1 2to 3 4in thick I D Hr 8 9 I 6 7 Beefsteaks Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone 9 12 13 13 7 6 7 8 9 Steakslessthan1inchthickcook throughbeforebrowning Panfrying is recommended Slashfat i inchthick 1to 1 4lbs D D D HI 6 7 9 12 16 18 lfi in thick 2to 2Xlbs D D D 10 15 25 18 20 Reducetimeabout5to 10minutesper sideforcut upchicken Brusheachside withmeltedbutter Broilskin ...
Страница 21: ...lusthehigh cleancycletemperaturesmaydamagethe porcelain finishof the oven Important me ovendoormustbe closedandlatched d dl controlsmustbe setcorrectlyforthe cleancycleto workproperly How to set oven for ckming Step 1 Followstepsaboveto preparethe oven for cleaning Step2 Closethe oven n sfx as it willgo Step 3 PressCLEANpad Step 4 PressINCREASEor DECREASEpaduntil desiredCleanTimeis displayed Clean...
Страница 22: ...w Step 5 CleanTimeforheavysoilcanbe setfor 4 hours If a longeror shorterCleanTimeis desired pressINCREASEor DECREASEpaduntildesired CleanTimeis displayed Step 6 PressSTOPTIMEpad u STOP 1000 appearson display md STOPTIME flashes Thecontrol TIME automaticallysetsStopTimeby addingthe CleanTimeto thetimeof day In thisexample thetimeof dayis 7 00andthe CleanTimeis 3 hours Adding3 hoursto thetimeof day ...
Страница 23: ...nshelvesdo notslide easily Whatis the at ter A Aftermanycleanings oven shel ves maybecomeso cleanthey donot slideeasily Tomakeshelves slidemoreeasily aftereachself cleaningfunctiondarnpenfingers witha smallamountof cookingoil andrub lightlyoversidesof shelf wheretheycontactshelfsupports Q My ovenshelveshavebecome grayafterthesdfmciean cycle Is thisnormal A Yes Afterthe self cleancycle the shelvesm...
Страница 24: ...fke units amDrip Pans Tocleanthe surfaceunits turnthe controlto the highestsettingfor a minute Thecoilswillburnoff any soil CAUTION Donotimmersethesurfaceunitsinliquidsofanykind eDo not cleanthe surfaceunitsin a dishwasher Do not bendthe surfaceunitplugterminals Do not attemptto clean adjustor in anywayrepair theplug inreceptacle Do not Hftthe surke unit more than 1 inch If you do itmay not k M on...
Страница 25: ...elampfromthe socket makingsureit doesnothit thehunpcover Toreplace placefingers on the topneareachendof thelamP Pressthelampintothe slotsuntilit smipsintoplace eMovelampcoverdownandsnapintoplace Contrd Paneland Knobs Cleanup anyspillsor spatterswitha dampcloth Removeheaviersoilwithwarm soapywater Cleancontrolpanelwithmildliquiddishdetergent anda softcloth Rub controlpanellightly CAUTION Do not use...
Страница 26: ...cover Do NOT REMOVE ANYSCxEwse oReplacebulbwith40 watthomeappliancebulb TOreplacecover aPlaceit intothegrooveof thelampreceptacle Pull thewireforwardtothecenterofcoveruntilit snapsin place Wheninplace the wireholdsthecoverfirmly Becertainthe wireisin thedepressioni thecenterdf thecover III Connectelectricpowerto therange Ekn v to Removethe StorageDrawer or Kick Palld to mm under theRange Theareaun...
Страница 27: ...Use soapandwatertothoroughly cleanthetop sidesandfrontof theovendoor MsideandInside ofOvenDoor SoapandWater DO NOT IJSBoven cleaners9 cleansing powdersorhwh abrasives SoapandWater IWashallglasswithclothdampened insoapywater Rinseandpolishwithadrycloth Ifknobs areremoved donotallowwatertorundowninsidethe surfaceofglasswhilec eaning MsideGiassFinish AvoidgettingANYcleaningmaterialsonthegasket Soapan...
Страница 28: ...tthe abovespecifications itisrecomend d thata licensedelectricianinstallan approvedoutiet Becauserangeterminals arenotaccessible allw rangeisinposition flexible serviceconduit orcord mustbeused 1 4 spacing is recommended fromthe rangeto adjacentverticalwallsabovecooktopsurface Allow 30 minimum clearance between wu face units and bottom ofunprotected wood or metal top cabinet and 15 minimum between...
Страница 29: ...ed in a mobile home or where local codes do not permit grounding through the neutral 3 1 Locateconnector Mockat the bottom rear of range and Eemove rear wiring cover 2 Directly below the connector block is a hole with a knockout ring for accommodating conduit fittings Brackets provided are used to support the flexiblecord strain relief which must be securely attached to the cord set TOR STRAINRELI...
Страница 30: ...e securedbyANTI TIP bracket supplied 2 Seeinstructionsto install supplied with bracket 3 Unlessproperlyinstalled rangecouldbe tippedbysteppingor sittingondoor Injury mightresultffornspilledhotliquidsorfrom rangeitself Typicalinstallatim ofAnti Tip bracket Attachment to Wall Bracket ScrewMust Enter WVaflFYate W mdoriWeta 1 7 Therangemustbe leveLLeveling feetarelocated ateachcornerofthe baseofthe ra...
Страница 31: ...ectly Con o s inc fie tly Revieweach COOkiIIg Secti n QJ Shelf p tion is ficorrect Check Bt g9 Wasting and Broiling G ides XM I M1 knob not set at o X7EN MP l ob not set at H CNL ool not left ajaras retiorn enckxi Impropershelfpositionbeingused CheckBroilingGuide Food beingcookedon hotpan Cookwareis not suitedfor broiling Aluminumfoilusedon thebroil panrackhasnotbetmfittedpro erly ahdslitas recomm...
Страница 32: ...re the ekixtrical plugispluggedintoalive prOperly unded poweroutlet Checkfor poweroutage Review C3mtrd Clock and Timer section of this book This isremindingyouto entera baketemp lUd 2 1 If the timedisplayflashes F anda number y bu havefunctionerrorcodia PressCLEARKX F Allowovento coolfor onehomlIf thefailurecoderepeats di ect 1powerto therange Callfor servide Ifyou needmom Jheqhedl M free GEAnswer...
Страница 33: ...eceive a substantial discount TVitb a rnuitiple year contract you re assured of fiture service at today sprices TelecommunicationDevicefor the Deaf Idividu ds qudifkd toservicetheir owma itmces can haveneeded parts or accessories sent directly to their home The GE parts system pro vides access to over 4 7 000parts and all IGEGenuine Renewal Parts are fi dlywarranted VISA MasterCard and iscovercard...
Страница 34: ...sto yourhometo teachyou howto usethe product Readyour Useand Care Ifyouthenhaveany questions aboutoperatingthe productplease contactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeat the addressbelow or call toll free GEAnswerCenteP 800 626 2000 consumerinformationsewice Improperinstallation Hyouhavean installationproblem contactyourdealeror installer Youare responsible for providing adequateelectrical gas ...