Страница 1: ...er 5 Temperature Controls 5 Energy Saving Tips 2 Vacation MovingTips 14 FoodStorageSuggestions 9 Wmranty BackCover StorageDrawers H WaterFilterAccessory 8 StorageTimes 6 IceDispenser 6 8 Icemaker 6 8...
Страница 2: ...Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequestservice check theProblemSolveronpagesB 17 It listscausesofminoroperating problemsthatyoucancorrect yourself Locationofyourrefrigeratoris important Avoidlocatingit nex...
Страница 3: ...s 13uIhXin No 69 says Note Westrongly exmrrqend Yiumays fe y refreezefrozen thatanyservicingbe performed fo thathavethawedi they tifl bya qualifiedindividual containicecrystalsoriftheyare B B fore cle...
Страница 4: ...se wiringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazardfromoverheating wires Refrigerator Location DonotinstaUrefrigerator where temperature willgobelow60 E becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertempe...
Страница 5: ...rsforthe refrigerator to reachthe temperature youset Ifyouturnyour housdddthermostat beIow60T atnight you maywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfkom C to DVCoolertemperaturesinthe housemayca...
Страница 6: ...beyondtheglass placeglassclosetoicechute butnotsoclosethatitMocks outcorningice k shotdd not bed gkksses flm china or delicatec ystak theycancrackor chipfromthecombinedpressureof yourhandpressingthema...
Страница 7: ...ics of loca waters household plumbing andthe accumulation ofcopper saltsinan inactivewatersupply iinewhichfeedsthe icernaker ontinw consumptionofsuch disccdoredicecubesmaybe k i health If SUCt discokx...
Страница 8: ...f Drive Mechanism If bindoesnotgoalltheway back rerrmvc it androtatethedrive mechanism1 4turn Thenpushbin backag iinuntilthetabonthebin OCkS intothefiletinIheShCif 4 Q Eke Is N ot used Oldicecubeswill...
Страница 9: ...L IInitialquality Freezeonly top qualityfoods Freezingretains qualityandflavor it cannot improvequality 2 Speed f he quickerfruitsand vegetables arefrozenafterpicking hebetterthefrozenproductwill be...
Страница 10: ...ntinghooksdisengage 1 relocate Selectdesiredshelf height engagethebin shookin slotsonthetracksofthedoor and pushin Thebinwilllockinplace in lmr eezer Shelvesinthe freezez compartment areeasilyremoveda...
Страница 11: ...oVEG13 TABLES toconvertthe drawerto normal refrigeratortemperatureand provideextravegetablestorage space cold airductis turnedoff Variablesettingsbetweenthese extremescanbe selected Asinanyrefrigerate...
Страница 12: ...pencompletely pullthe draweroutuntilit hitsthedoor Thenlifithedrawerupuntilitis higherthanthedrawersupports tilt it andtakeit out 6 If tapeholdsConvertibleMeat Pancoverto drawersupports removethetape...
Страница 13: ...about a tablespoonof bakingsodatoa quartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetable drawers icest...
Страница 14: ...first 3 Pullplasticlightshieldtoward you Itwillbendtofreetabsfrom grooves 4 Replacebulbwithsamesize bulb 5 Reinstallshieldandshelf im Plugi refrigerator For vacations or abSeMMXX9 shutoffpowerto refri...
Страница 15: ...omaintiin even temperatures STOPSFREQUENTLY VIBWTION OR If refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit isnotrestingsolidlyonthefloorandfront RATTLING rollerscrewsneedadjusting or flooris weakor uneven Refel...
Страница 16: ...Unsealedpackagesinrefrigeratorand orfreezercompartmentsmaybetransmitting odorhastetoicecubes Interiorofrefrigeratorneedscleaning Referto page13 Poor tastingincomingwater Installwaterfilter see page8...
Страница 17: ...be ascoolasin succeeding glasses Hwaterreservoirhasbeendrained allowseveralhoursforreplenishedsupply tochili W D H Watersupplylineturnedoffor notconnected DOESNo W ISupplylinemaybecloggedwithsediment...
Страница 18: ...FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager C...
Страница 19: ...n c T a v a t r c h a y m t a t d r t a b i o A p p l P a M a a p u a r e p l a T w a i e x t t o r p u a a s u c o f p p u f o r h u i t 4 m a s H a W a s D I A t w a i t s e t i i L b e y m p t s t...