Страница 1: ...ons 3 Consumer Services 23 SystemsMonitor 5 7 9 ConvenienceFeatures 2 User Maintenance Instructions 19 CycleFeatures 6 Warranty BackCover Detergent Detergent Guide 10 11 WaterTemperature 10 DispenserCups 11 Winter Storage 19 EnergySaverSwitch 5 6 Energ Saving Tips 2 Features 4 5 Front Pane Color Change I oading 12 14 Modeland Serial h umbcrs 2 operating uiclc 4 5 ...
Страница 2: ... findthemon a label fastenedto thetubwalljust inside thedishwasherdoor Thisdishwasher hasmanyconvenient features Amongthemare MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 Thesenumbersarealso onthe ConsumerProduct lwnership Registration Cardthat camewith yourdishwasher Beforesendingin thiscard pleasewritethese numbershere Controlsarearrangedlefttoright asyouusethem Au...
Страница 3: ...ot touchthe heating elementduringor immediately afteruse Do not operateyourdishwasher unlessall enclosurepanelsare properly in place Do not tamper with controls Do not abuse sit on or stand on the door or dish rack ofthe dishwasher Close supervision is necessary ifthisapplianceisused byor near children Do not allowchildren to playinside on or with this applianceor anydiscarded appliance Dispose of...
Страница 4: ...hlightsoils or soilsthathavenotdriedon It saveshotwateroverthehigher performancecycles thussaving energy o H NA cRY ALis forlightly soiledchinaandcrystal Thewash actionis softenedbypumpingair aiongwiththe watertoprotectyour delicateitem Pre rimsedishwae forelomii g I Now loading instructions onpages12throughM RINSE HOLD is forrinsing partialloadswhichwillbewashed L later Donot use detergent TOchan...
Страница 5: ...ughyourentireprogramand turnoffautomatically e fj shL ts off dryingheater Dishesair dry naturally It takeslonger butsaves energy Youcanpropdooropen about3 inchesaftermotorstops tospeeddrying Excellentfor overnightdrying Information displayed Selectedwashcycle Selecteddry option Minutesto endofcycle Cyclephase suchasWASHING RINSINGor DRYING Tochangea cycleafter washing starts touchtheCLEAR RESET pa...
Страница 6: ...1 Ogal I re Wash Pre llinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse minutes Pre Rinse Wash NORMALWASH 11 0 gal Pre Wash Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 44minutes Pre Rinse Wash LIGHT WASH 9 3gal Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 4Ominutes Wash CHINA CRYSTAL 7 7gal Pre Rinse Pre llinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 43 minutes Wash RINSE HOLD 3 7gal Pre Rinse Pre Rinse 10minutes WJnextencied times Thesecycl...
Страница 7: ...ycle Indicates RINSE HOLDcycle Remains onuntilthedoorisunlatched Indicates ENERGY SAVER DryOption HEATEDDRY WASHING IndicatesHEATEDDRYINGDryOption Displayed duringPm wash Pre rinseandMainWashperiods RINSING DRYING HEATING Displayed duringRinseperiodsfollowing theMainWash ndicatesHEATEDDRYINGhasbeenselected ndicateswaterbeingheated inwashperiod totemperature necessary forgood washability The minute...
Страница 8: ... NOTINUSE I Latchdoor 2 Selectdesiredcycle 3 Runcyclewhendesired Thisdishwasher isdesigned toautomatically compensate for longerthannormaldraintimes butcycletimewillbe extended Ifthiscodecontinues toappearfrequently then 1 Cleantheairgap seepage19 2 Checkforakinkinthedrainhose 3 Checkplumbingforsloworstoppedupdrains N E Warrantyservicedoesnotcoverhousehold drainproblems Locateandremovetheblockage ...
Страница 9: ...rafteraboutfive secondsandtry thecycleagain Checkthechartaboveforthings youcando tocorrecttheproblem 9 Unlatch thedoor Ifthereisnowaterinthebottomofthe dishwasher checkthewatersupplytothedishwasher ls thedishwasher watersupplyturnedon Valve usuallylocatedunderthesink Isthehousehold watersupplyturnedon Ifyouusewellorcisternwater isthesupplyadequate Ifthewatersupplyisadequate trythecycleagain If Es ...
Страница 10: ...oUtsea rime agent Arinseagentmakeswaterflow offdishesquickerthanusual This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofa rinseagentsuchasJET DRYbrandisrecommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusestheliquidform How tofilllthe rinse agent dispenser Unscrewthecap Add theliquidrinseagentuntilitjust reachesthebottomofthelipin...
Страница 11: ...foodbitsand flushesthemaway Itcanhandlesmallamounts of softfoods butlargeamounts will be difficulttohandle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay notcomecleanintheNORMAL WASH cycle Remember touse yourRINSE HOLDcyclefor small holding loads Note Thefoodsmentioned above areforexamples only Otherfo...
Страница 12: ...oadthebottomrowfirst thenfolddownthe shelfandioadthetop row CLlps andglassesfitbest alongthesides T is isk placefordishwasher safe phNics too vkkesLIre smallpiasticitemsare lodged intighilyso thq can t 11 ontotheGdrod heating unit ArmIge skmwareso thatit cannotmove asily 011 t etthe ghSSCS tOLICh e2ChOtkr 7 WA7CH OUTF OR THIS The washer towerrises through the center of the bottom rack during the w...
Страница 13: ... wash arm is longutensilson two levels Load the lowerlevelfirst not blocked then fold the shelfdown Howto O d the BOTTOMRACK t i Pitplatesandsaucersbetweenthe pins Loadplatters potsandbowlsalongthe sides incornersor intheback J f I I Asshownherethisplateisbeingplacedwiththesoiled sidefacingthecenteroftherackso wateranddetergent fromwasharmcanreachsoiledsurfaces ...
Страница 14: ...the lower sidedoes not shieldthe soiled surface insidefrom the water m m ltion Takeoutanythingthat mayfallor extendthroughthe bottomof thebasket Putflatwareintheremovable basketwithhandlesupto protectyourhands Mixknives forksandspoonsso theydon tnesttogether Distributeevenly Thesecuritycellcover hingedinthehandle canbe loweredto eithersidetosecurelight weight itemsfrom theeffectsofthevigorouswasha...
Страница 15: ...stainiflefton Rinseifnotwashing immediately Saltyor acidfoodscan stainifIefion D ydetergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverware basketto avoidexposuretodetergentfromthedetergent cup YES I fiIi 1Stainless steel YES YES Sterling Silver and Silver Don tputinsamesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel J plate Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don twashcopperutensilsin t...
Страница 16: ...Check inlet water temperature It shouldbe atleast120 F Totest seepage10 Waterpressuremaybe temporarily low Turnona faucet Iswatercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureis normalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedair gap Seepage 19 Improperrackloading Seepages12through14 Aluminumutensilsoftenleavemarkswhentheyrubagainstdishes Removemarks withamildabrasivecleanser Watermaynotbereachingthedet...
Страница 17: ...watersoftener l Ifvinegarorcitricacidcrystalrinsedoesn twork thecloudinessis etchingl m __ Thefilmcannotbe removed m It can be prevented Uselessdetergentifyouhavesoftwater Washglasswareinthe shortestcyclethatwillgetthemclean W_ w Watertemperature enteringdishwasher exceeds150 F pm_z E E w E 7 Teaor coffeecanstaincups Remove thestainsbyhand usinga solutionof 112 cup bleachand3 cupswarmwater Anovera...
Страница 18: ...rom the tub Open the dishwasher Let sudsevaporate Add 1gallon of cold waterto the tub lose and latchthe dishwasher Topump out water touch START twotimes thenimmediately touchCLEAR RESET Repeatifnecessary DISHWASHER LEAKS Sudscancauseunittooverflow That swhyit ssoimportanttouseadetergent that s designedforautomatic dishwashers Spillingtherinseagentcancausefoamduringwashing Thiscanleadtooverflowing ...
Страница 19: ...enhaveone Notallplumbing codesrequireairgaps If youhaveanairgap checkit atleastoncea month ITISNOT PARTOFYOURDISHWASHER ITISNOTCOVERED IN YOUR WARRANTY The air gap is easy to clean Withmosttypes firstturnoffthe dishwasher thenliftoffthechrome cover Thenunscrewtheplasticcap andcheckforanybuildupofgrit Atoothpickmakescleaningeasy Checkthe air gap anytime your dishwasherisn draining well NotWiw your ...
Страница 20: ...o order this kit x 7 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I t ORDER FORM Use this f rm to order without charge o r choice of a color panel not supplied with your dishwasher or a wood panel trim ML Do not operate the dishwasher while changing panels or when lower access panel is removed I l lowto change the door panel i Take out trim screws on either side o the dishwasher door I I Remove the side trim i I...
Страница 21: ... I I I j i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I _ _ _ 1 Name Address City state__ _ _ Zip TAPEHERE PLACE I ___ STAMP HERE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEI Appliances ...
Страница 22: ...EAnswerCente informationserviceisavailableto help Yourcall and yourquestion willbe answeredpromptlyand courteouslyAnd youcan callany time GEAnswerCente serviceis open 24 hours a day 7daysa week Youcan have the secure feelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there afteryourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyourwar ranty isstillin effectand you llreceive a substantialdiscount Witha multiple ...
Страница 23: ... our FactoryService Centersor by our authorized CustomerCare servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your teiephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORY SERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT1SN COVERED Service trips to your hometo teach you how to usethe product Readyour Useand Carema...