Страница 1: ... User Maintenance Instructions 15 Detergent Detergent Guide 6 7 Warranty Back Cover Dispenser Cups 7 WaterTemperature 6 Electrical Requirements 11 Winter Storage 15 Energy Saver Switch 4 5 Energy Saving Tips 2 Loading 8 9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 5 Cycle Selection 5 Drying Options 4 5 GEAmw r C tVter Problem Solver 13 14 8 a6262f180 Convertible Model GSCM02 ...
Страница 2: ...r Beforesending inthiscard pleasewritethese numbershere Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerning yourdishwasher TO obtainHispanicversionof thisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service Pamobtenerlaversi6nen espaiiolde6stemanual Hamea GEAnswerCent er serviciodeinformaci jn paraelconsumidor te16fono 800 626 2000 Thepowerconsump...
Страница 3: ... unlessallenclosure panelsareproperlyinplace Donottamperwithcontrols Donotabuseysitm or stand m thedoorordishrackofthe disk washer e Close Wpe rvisicm is necessary if this apphmm is W ed by or mixil d lmkm Do I 3t allow dtikkn to play imkk m or Ivitththis appkrice u any ca d app ifirg Dispose of discarded appliances and 5 E Mpping or packing Imwrid properly I 3efore dkm rdin a the washing cmnpamil...
Страница 4: ...as overnight If youneedyourdishessooner openthe dishwasherdoorailer the cycleis completetoreducethe naturaldryingtime Useof thisoptionreducesthe electricalenergyusedbythis modelapproximately9 for Normalcycle STEP 4 SelecttheCycleandstart dishwasher If yourdishwasher drainsintoa foodwastedisposer operatethe disposeruntilitisemptybefore startingthedishwasher SeeCycle selectionhintsonnextpage Toobtai...
Страница 5: ...g Duringthedryingperiod sounds Themotorstopsduringdrying Soft fooddisposershredding Water vaporcomesthroughthe action ventunderthedoorlatchduring Drainvalveopeningtopump dryingandwhenwaterisbeing waterout circulated Timercontrolascycle progresses Detergent cupopening Wash WaterUse CycleTime Wash Gallons approx cycles approx minutes CycleSequence INORMAL WASH 10 7 56 EEIIEIMBIEIEEI ILIGHTWASH 8 9 5...
Страница 6: ...gandmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofarinse agentsuchasJET DRY brandis recommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher usesthesolidform If youcan tfind any rinse agent write BENCKISER CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC JETDRY 1210 W CountyRoadE ArdenHills MN55112 How tochoose andI E3e theright d tergent First use onlypowderor liquid detergentspecificallymadefor u...
Страница 7: ...ally with no harm Dete entusage GuideQMYwdt r or Equid 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdri d onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay requireadditional preparation for goodresults Remember touse yourRINSEONLYcycleforsmall holding loads Note Thefoodsmentioned above areforexamples only Otherfoods notmentioned mayalsoneedtobe removed fr...
Страница 8: ...es Thisistheplacefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesuresmallplastic itemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan tfallontothe Calrod heatingunit WATCHUUTFOR THIS Thewashtowerrisesthroughthecenterofthebottom rackduringthewashandrinseportionsofthecycle Don tbIockit or loadtallthingsnexttoit Also be carefulnottoletportionsofiternssuchasknives skewersor pothandlesextendthroughthebottomrack or the silverwarebas...
Страница 9: ...rnersor inthe back Heavilysoiledpots pansandcasserolesMUSTbe loadedinthebottomrack facingdown Propbroiler pansandracksalongtheedge Shallow itemsmaybe angledprovidedthelowersidedoesnotshieldthesoiled surfaceinsidefromthewater Takeoutanythingthatmightfallor extendthroughthe bottomofthesilverwarebasket ...
Страница 10: ...to damage silver avoid exposure todetergent fromthedetergent cup Don tusecopperutensilsin thesameload Silvermaygeta brownfihn I hiXk tW2d to attach SOIW hollow handle knivescanloosen Afterwashing wipethemm stick coating areawith vegetable oiltokeepitfromlosingitsnon stick quality l Cari rust VVbod canwarp crackorlose itsfinishwitharytypewashing I WwQ Yt a dki f H6X W9S when However openingthedoord...
Страница 11: ...airemenk Thisappliance mustbesupplied with120V 60Hz andconnected to anindividual properlygrounded branchcircuit protected bya 15or 20ampcircuitbreakerortime delayfuse n Q 16 e A INSUREPROPERGROUND EXISTSBEFOREUSE Isfssw Iftheelectricsupplyprovided does notmeettheabovespecifications itisrecommended thatalicensed electrician installanapproved outlet Yourdishwasher circuitshould notbeusedforanyothera...
Страница 12: ...gandthesinkdrainis openforwaterthatwilldrainfrom yourdishwasher Ifyourdishwasher drainsintoadisposer operatethe disposeruntilitiscompletely empty beforestarting thedishwasher L Turnoffthehotwater 2 Release thewaterpressureby depressing thepressurerelease lever Thisrelieves waterpressure andprotects you andtheroom fromseveresplashing 3 Release Unicouple fromfaucetby depressing thecollaratthetopofth...
Страница 13: ...ary to startthedishwasher Waterpressuremaybetemporarily low Ibrnona faucet Iswatercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Improperrackloading Seepages8 9 Ahminum depositsoftenleavemarkswhen theyrubagainstotherthings Remove markswitha mildabrasivecleanser Spotting canbe causedbyallthesethings Extremelyhardwater Seepage6 ILowinletwatertemperature Totest see...
Страница 14: ...tenercompanycantellyouabcmt the filter Yellow filmonsterlingsilverresultswhenyouwashcopperu ensils inthesii me load Silverpolishwillusuallyremovethisstaifi I CHIPPINGOF CHINA SMALLAMOUNTOF WATER STANDING UN THEBOTTOM OF THETUB Rough handling cancausechipping Loadwithcm Makesur6glas andchinaaresecure andcan tjar loose Seepages8and9 forcorrectwaytoloadglassware Makesuretail glassesandstemware willcl...
Страница 15: ...Toremovetheprotectivecover usea scissortocutthebagfromthe underside Thenreinstallthetop takingcaretoengagetherear bracketsasshown DONUI operatethedishwasher withoutthewoodtopinplace careofthewoodtop Beforeusing wipewellwitha dryclothtoremovesutiacedust Saturatea cleanclothwithmineral oilandpolishallexposedwood surfacesuntiltheygleam Allow woodtoptostandovernight toabsorb theoilandrepeatthetreatmen...
Страница 16: ...how to usethe product Readyour L and Care material If you then haveany questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer Youare responsible for providing adequate ele...