D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Grid Solutions
GE Information
4. Application Software
The D20/D200 can be equipped with a wide range of substation automation and enhanced
SCADA applications, some of which are summarized below:
4.1 User Programmable Logic
Calculator DTA
Soft logic utility to perform mathematical and logical operations
LogicLinx DTA
IEC61131-3 compliant PLC type logic with full support for 5
programming languages
4.2 Generation, Transmission, and Feeder Bay Automation
Automatic Voltage Control DTA
Maintain steady voltage based on user-defined targets and
Local / Remote DTA
A master local/remote switch to control the local/remote state of
distributed devices
Secondary Master Trip/Close DTA
Enables the use of individual relays (with external terminations) as
master trip/close relays
Setpoint Adjustment DTA
Adjust setpoints based on control request durations or analog
input values
Tap Position Indication DTA
Translate status points into scaled analog input values to reflect
transformer tap positions
4.3 Distribution Automation Applications
Auto Reclose DTA
Automatically reclose tripped circuit breakers following momentary
Automatic Restoration DTA
Patented load transfer scheme isolates faults and restores power
to non-faulted sections if possible
Distribution Capacitor Control
Algorithm DTA
Improve reactive support during peak periods through more
effective use of existing capacitor banks
Fault Localization DTA
Locate and isolate faults to reduce customer outage times
Load and Dead Bus Transfer DTA
Monitor a network of substations and move load off overloaded
transformers to other stations as required
Load Shedding/Curtailment DTA
Shed load intelligently during overload conditions