Open the Contrast tool by selecting the contrast button in
the image tools menu.
The contrast tool allows for modifications of image contrast
and brightness and displays the results as modifications
are made.
The software will automatically adjust the contrast if you
select the Auto button.
Image histogram
A histogram is displayed illustrating the intensity distribu-
tion, plotting the number of pixels for each intensity value
in the captured image. The horizontal axis represents inten-
sity variations. The vertical axis represents the number of
pixels with a given intensity.
The blue and red lines indicate the min/max range of the
grayscale in the displayed image.
Use the blue and red arrows to modify the contrast.
For samples with colorimetric marker, use the contrast tool
for setting the contrast of the chemiluminescent sample.
The selected contrast is saved with the combined color im-
Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29-0645-17 AD
5 Operation
5.6 View the image