Configuration of fraction collectors
System properties
Follow the instruction below to update the system properties.
Open the system properties Edit dialog.
Select Fraction collectors from the Component types list.
Select components and properties according to the following table:
Component selection
Fraction collector
Fraction collector F9-C
Fraction collector
Fraction collector F9-C
Fraction collector F9-R
Fraction collector
Fraction collector F9-R
Fraction collector 2 (F9-R)
Fraction collector F9-R, 2nd
Fraction collector 2 is only available in the Component selection list if Fraction collector is
already selected.
System settings
If non-standard tubing is used between the outlet valve and the fraction collector, the delay volume
must be set. See Check/Set delay volume, on page 146.
Fraction settings and numbering mode can be set.
Fraction collector F9-C
Instruction name
Fractionation settings comprises fractionation mode and frac-
tionation order.
Fractionation settings
Fractionation mode (Automatic, Accumulator or DropSync).
Fractionation order (Row-by-row, Column-by-column, Serpen-
tine-row, Serpentine-column). For fractionation mode DropSync,
only the Serpentine option is available.
Last tube filled: Action when last tube is filled (pause, direct the
flow to one of outlets or direct the flow to waste.
Last tube filled
Cassette configuration: Automatic or Manual configuration.
Cassette configuration
If Automatic is selected, a Quick scan or a Full scan will be per-
formed when the door of the fraction collector is closed to deter-
mine which type of cassettes and plates are used. If Manual is
selected, used plates and tubes in each tray position are entered.
ÄKTA pure User Manual 29119969 AB
4 System configuration
4.2 Configure modules
4.2.11 Configuration of fraction collectors
Содержание AKTApure
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