UNICORN software overview
This section gives a brief overview of the UNICORN software: a complete package for
control, supervision and evaluation of chromatography instruments and purification
From hereon, UNICORN refers to compatible versions of the software. The examples
given in this manual are from UNICORN 6.4.
UNICORN modules overview
UNICORN consists of four modules: Administration, Method Editor, System Control and
Evaluation. The main functions of each module are described in the following table.
Main functions
Perform user and system setup, system log and database
Create and edit methods using one or a combination of:
Method Editor
Predefined methods with built-in application support
Drag-and-drop function to build methods with relevant
Line-by-line text editing
The interface provides easy viewing and editing of run
Start, monitor and control runs. The current flow path is
illustrated in the Process Picture, which allows manual
interactions with the system and provides feedback on
run parameters.
System Control
Open results, evaluate runs and create reports.
The default Evaluation module includes a user inter-
face optimized for workflows like quick evaluation,
compare results and work with peaks and fractions.
To perform operations like Design of Experiments,
users can easily switch to Evaluation Classic.
ÄKTA pure Operating Instructions 29022997 AF
3 System description
3.2 UNICORN software
3.2.1 UNICORN software overview