Prepare for a run at cold room temperature
When using the instrument in a cold room or cold cabinet, make sure to follow the pre-
cautions listed below.
Precautions concerning runs at
cold room temperature
Avoid condensation. If ÄKTA pure is kept in a cold room, cold
cabinet or similar, keep it switched on in order to avoid condensa-
Avoid overheating. If ÄKTA pure is kept in a cold cabinet and the
cold cabinet is switched off, make sure to switch off ÄKTA pure and
keep the cold cabinet open to avoid overheating.
Place the computer in room temperature. If the ÄKTA pure instru-
ment is placed in a cold room, use a cold room compatible comput-
er or place the computer outside the cold room and use the Ether-
net cable delivered with the instrument to connect to the computer.
When the instrument is kept in a cold room, it is important to tighten all tubing
connectors, also the inlet manifold connectors. Otherwise air might get into
the flow path.
Make sure that the instrument, buffers and sample have had time to reach
the ambient temperature. When the instrument has reached the ambient
temperature, calibrate all pressure sensors.
ÄKTA pure Operating Instructions 29022997 AF
5 Prepare the system for a run
5.6 Prepare for a run at cold room temperature