Chemical resistance
This section describes recommended cleaning agents for ÄKTA ready XL as well as
the chemicals allowed for use.
External surfaces
Water with weak detergent should be used for daily cleaning of the cabinet.
70% ethanol or 2-propanol (Isopropanol) can be used for sanitization.
Wetted parts
Only the flow kit components are wetted parts. Refer to the product documentation
provided with the flow kit for the materials of construction. You must consider the
compatibility of the wetted parts and your process chemicals so that no negative in-
teraction takes place.
Contact your local GE Healthcare representative if you are not sure of the compati-
bility of your chemicals.
List of chemicals allowed
The table below lists chemicals that can be used with ÄKTA ready XL flow kits. The
concentrations listed are not normally exceeded during an operating cycle.
The information in the table should only be used as a guide. The effects of a chemical
will generally be more severe at higher temperatures.
The information in the table is valid for a maximum exposure time of 48 hours.
The percentage in the table is given in %(v/v).
The combined effects of agents have not been taken into account.
Chemical allowed
Acetic acid
1 M
Aqueous buffers pH 2-12
<0.3 M
2 M
Ammonium sulfate
4 M
9 Reference information
9.3 Chemical resistance
ÄKTA ready XL Operating Instructions 29281616 AE
*** TeDIS Valid on Date Printed Printed on: 15-09-2023 11:27:35 ***