Access Control
Controllers & Processors
The ACUXL16 Networked Intelligent Controller features state-of-
the-art technology, and provides both the flexibility and reliability
needed to meet today’s complex access control and alarm monitor-
ing requirements. Using a sophisticated, high speed embedded 32-
bit, 90 MHz microprocessor and high-capacity 16 MB memory, the
ACUXL16 controls up to 16 readers. Each ACUXL16 supports large
card populations of up to 250,000 and has the ability to communi-
cate over LAN, fiber, dial-up or RS-485 networks.
The ACUXL16 interfaces with all GE Security Diamond II and Sap-
phire Pro servers, and offers the widest range of features and
flexibility, with a design focus on reliability, durability, and ease of
installation and maintenance.
The ACUXL16 panel incorporates two external device ports, each
capable of controlling eight readers/interfaces, which are multi-
dropped using an RS-485 interface. Input and output capacity can
be expanded — see the ACU Remote Modules datasheet for details.
Each panel includes a parallel printer port to provide local, real-time
printing of transactions.
Standard Features
Supports up to 16 readers and associated interfaces through
two RS-485 communication ports.
Supports magnetic stripe, Wiegand, barium ferrite, barcode,
proximity, biometric and smart card technologies. Each reader
is user-configurable (card only, card & keypad, or keypad only).
Variable card formats, multiple site codes and company codes
are supported.
Alarm Monitoring: The ACUXL16 includes 12 fully supervised six-
state alarm inputs which provide false alarm filtering and utilize
digital signal processing. Any combination of up to eight remote
interface modules can be connected in place of reader inter-
faces for additional capacity, including Relay Output Modules
(described below), and Alarm Input Modules (RIM) which provide
16 additional six-state supervised alarm inputs with tri-color LED
status indicators (each).
Each alarm input allows detection/reporting of circuit trouble
conditions: loop resistance too low (short circuit), loop resistance
too high (open circuit), loop voltage out of range (circuit fault),
and a portion of loop grounded (ground fault).
The ACUXL16 includes 12 SPDT relay outputs that are configu-
rable for control of locking devices, activation of local annuncia-
tors and other output applications. Each SPDT relay is rated at
2.0 A, 30 VDC, and includes an LED status indicator. Any combi-
nation of up to eight remote interface modules can be connect-
ed in place of reader interfaces for additional capacity, includ-
ing Alarm Input Modules (described above), and Relay Output
Modules (RRM) which provide 16 additional output relays (each).