GE 165D3080P049 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 165D3080P049

Страница 1: ... 3 China Crystal Sterling 10 UserMaintenance Instructions 11 CycleFeatures 5 Warranty BackCover Detergent DetergentGuide 6 7 WaterTemperature 6 DispenserCups 7 WinterStorage 11 DoorLatch 4 EnergySaver 4 5 Energy Saving Tips 2 Features 4 Loading 8 9 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 OperatingGuide 4 5 mm in Model GSD400YK ...

Страница 2: ...lemsthatyoucan correctyourself ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call GEAnswerCenter 8Q0 626 2000 consumerinformation service Paraobtenerlaversibnen espaiiolde temanual namea GEAnswerCenter serviciodeinformacibn paraelconsumidor telifono800 626 2000 Ene y saviU tips Thepowerconsumption ofyour dishwasher canbeminimized if youfollowthesesuggestions qmate dishwasherdy when full Letdishesaccumulate i...

Страница 3: Wittid bpd ged A Loctt slIiu items 0that th y e noi likely to damage the door spal and Loads ha kniveswiththe handles up tored cgtherisk ofcut typeinjuries Donottouchtheheating elementduringorimmediately afteruse Donotoperateyourdishwasher unlessallenclosure panelsare properlyinpl ce Donottamperwithcontrols Donotabuse siton or stand onthedooror dishrackofthe dishwasher Hosesupervision isnecess...

Страница 4: ... any further than necessary tostartthedishwasher For NoliU JJWASHeych HEATED ENERGY DRYING SAVER HEATEDDRYING Turnsthe dryingheateronforfastdrying ENERGYSAVER Turnsthe dryingheaterofftosaveenergy Dishesdry naturallyovera longer periodsuchm overnight Nyouneedyourdishessooner openthedishwasherdoorafterthe cycleiscompletetoreducethe dryingtime I_Jse ofthisoptionreducesthe electricalenergyusedbythis m...

Страница 5: ... mathappens in eachcycle You ll hearoccasional clicking Themotorstopsduringdrying sounds Watervaporcomesthroughthe Soft fooddisposershredding ventbythedoorlatchduring action dryingandwhenwaterisb ng Drainvalveopeningtopump pumpedout waterout Timer controlascycle progresses Detergent cupopening Wash Water UseCycle Time wash Gallons approx cycles approx minutes Cycle Sequence NORMAL WASH 10 7 5 mm13...

Страница 6: ...or if our watertravelsa Iongdistance rllm waterheatertodishwasher lou mayneedtosetyourwater kc ter s thermostatup Ifyouhave mvusedhot waterforsometime dlcwaterin thepipeswillbecold Turnon the hotwaterfaucetalthe sinkandallowit to run untilthe Ui er ishot m i startthe Liishwasher If you vercccntlydone l undry or run hotwaterfor 6 How to chooseandl lse theright detergent First useonlypowderor liquid...

Страница 7: ...ened manually with no harm Detergent usage Guide pmder or liquid Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay requireadditional preparation for goodresults Remember touse yourRINSEONLYcycleforsmall holding loads Note Thefoodsmentioned above areforexamples only Otherfoods notmentioned mayalsoneedtobe re...

Страница 8: ...on tblockitor loadtallthingsnexttoit Also be carefulnottoletportionsofitemssuchas knives skewersor pothand es extendthroughthebottomrack r thesilverwarebasket HOW b kM3d tk m IR ACK Thetoprackisbestforglasses cupsandsaucers Cups andglassesfitbestalongthesides Thisistheplacefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesuresmallplastic itemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan tfallontothe Calrod heatingunit Saucepa...

Страница 9: ...romthewater Putflatwareintheremovable silverware basketwith handlesuptoprotectyourhands Nlixknives forksand spoonsso theydon tnesttogether Distributeevenly Smallplasticitems suchasmeasuringspoonsandlids fromsmallcontainers arenotrecommendedfor automaticdishwashing If placedinthedishwasher they shouldgoin thebottomofthesilverwarebasketwiththe silverwareon top 9 Don t let any item extend through bot...

Страница 10: ...seifnotwashing immediately ik oracidfoods canstainifMt onr W rlhg Sw r wid Sikw I gdak Rm f putinsamesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Dcm t usecopperutensilsin thesameload sib may get a brown fih n Adhesive wsedtoattachsome hollo ilandle krliw canklosml YES YIN A r washing w e thenon stick coating area with vegetable oil keep itifrom losing non stick quality...

Страница 11: ...eone Notallplumbing codesrequireairgaps If youhaveanairgap checkit at leastoncea month THEAIR GAPISNOTPART OFYOUR DISHWASHER IT ISNOT COVERED INYOUR WARRANTY The air gap is easy to clean With mosttypes firstturnoffthe dishwasher thenlifloffthechrome cover Thenunscrewtheplasticcap andcheckforanybuild upofgrit A toothpickmakescleaningeasy Checkthe air gap any time your dishwasher isn tdraining well ...

Страница 12: seepage6 TQobtainthebenefitsofa completecycle becarefulthatyoudo not turn the dhd any furtherthan necessarytostartthedishwasher Waterpressuremaybetemporarily 10W Turnona faucet Is watercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher PluWedairgap Seepage11 Improperrackloading Seepages8and9 Aluminum depositsoflenleavemarkswhentheyrubagainstotherthings Remove mar...

Страница 13: ...tevinegarintothebottom ofthedishwasher Closethedoorandallowtocomplete thecycle f vinegar rinse doesn twork Repeatasabove exceptuse 1 4cup 60tnl ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours oesn t callGEFactoryService Usinga vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwiceamonth Considerahome ater sofiener fvinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsedoesn twork thecloudine...

Страница 14: ...f theentirebottomofthetubhaswater you mayhaveadrainprobkxn Cleantheair gap ifyouhaveone Seepage11 Checkthekitchensink Is itdrainingwell Youmayneedaplumber Ifdishwasher drainsintodisposer rundisposertoclear Besuredisposerisnotclogged Sudsingdetergents arenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAU IOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTS TOAVOID SUDSING Toremovesuds from the tub Openthedishwasher Letsudsevaporate Add1ga...

Страница 15: ...orfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT iIyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinoi...

Страница 16: ...duct Read your he and CaremateriaL If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you have an irmtallation problem contact your dealer or installer Youare responsible for providing adequate electrical plumbin...
