Location Search Results
The location search results appear in a list, with the nearest location at the top. Each numbered location also
appears on the map. You can scroll down to view more results.
Select a location to view the option menu.
Select to view detailed information about the location.
Select to find parking areas near the location.
Select to view alternative routes to the location.
Select to start navigating to the location using the recommended route.
Select to start navigating using Garmin Adventurous Routing.
Changing the search area
By default, the device searches near your current location. You can also search other areas, such as near your
destination, near another city, or along your active route.
1 Select Where To.
2 Select .
3 Select an option.
Finding a location by category
1 Select Where To.
2 Select a category or select Categories.
3 If necessary, select a subcategory.
4 Select a location.
Finding and saving locations