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©2004 Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries

With Garmin’s GNS 530, your customers can meet the FAA’s mandate for a
whole lot less. 

As you know, the FAA has mandated installation of Class-B TAWS on business

jets or turboprops with six or more passenger seats. But the good news is: (1) It’s valuable life-
saving technology, and (2) it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With Garmin’s GNS 530 integrated
GPS/Comm/Nav series, you can offer the certified TAWS-B terrain capability your customers need
– at a surprisingly down-to-earth price. Better yet, if they already own a GNS 530, it’s easy to
upgrade to TAWS-B compliance for a fraction of the cost of competitive add-ons. In one 5-inch
box, users get the database mapping and color terrain displays of those high-end ground-prox
systems – plus all the IFR navigation and communication features of the best-selling GPS panel-
mount line in business aviation. Installing TAWS? The smart money’s going with Garmin.

Go to

for more information.

Who wants to spend a mountain 

of cash for TAWS-B terrain alerting?

Terrain awareness
meets tower avoidance
in Garmin’s GNS 530.
In addition to aural 
and visual terrain alerts,
an obstacles database
helps pilots see and
avoid towering man-
made structures as well.



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