Placing a Phone Call Using Your Voice
You can use a voice command to call a contact from the phone book of your paired smartphone.
Say OK, Garmin, call, and say the contact name.
For example, you can say OK, Garmin, call Mum..
Changing Device Settings Using Your Voice
You can say phrases like these to set device settings to a value from 0 to 10.
• OK, Garmin, increase the volume.
• OK, Garmin, set the volume to 0.
• OK, Garmin, set the volume to 9.
Using the apps
Viewing the Owner's Manual on Your Device
You can view the complete owner's manual on the device screen in many languages.
1 Select > Owner's Manual.
The owner's manual appears in the same language as the software text (
Language and Keyboard Settings,
2 Select to search the owner's manual (optional).
Viewing the Weather Forecast
Garmin is not responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of the weather data.
Before you can use this feature, your device must be receiving weather data. You can connect your device to the
dēzl app to receive weather data (
Live services, traffic and smartphone features, page 33
1 Select > Weather.
The device shows the current weather conditions and a forecast for the next several days.
2 Select a day.
The detailed forecast for that day appears.
Viewing weather near a different town
1 Select > Weather > Current Location.
2 Select an option:
• To view weather for a favourite town, select a town in the list.
• To add a favourite town, select Add Town, and enter a town name.
Viewing the weather radar
Before you can use this feature, your device must be connected to a supported phone running the dēzl app (
services, traffic and smartphone features, page 33
1 Select > Weather Radar.
2 Select to animate the radar map.
Using the apps