Rebound Net
GAMMA | 200 Waterfront Drive | Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4750 | O: 412.323.0335 | F: 412.323.0317 | GAMMASports.com | Facebook/Twitter: GAMMATennis
Updated 03.23.12
Made in China
Step 1: In a wide open area, grasp the
Rebound Net firmly and remove the
elastic strap that holds the Rebound Net
Frame in a folded position.
Step 4: Take one pole and insert the pole tip through one of the metal grommets in the top
of the net frame and cover the pole tip with the rubber cap. Insert the pole tip on the other
end of the pole into the metal grommet of the frame on the ground and cover the tip with
the rubber cap. Repeat this process on the other side of the net using the second pole.
Step 2: Using both hands, toss the
Rebound Net far away from your body
into an open area. Use caution, the
Rebound Net springs open quickly.
1 - Rebound Net Frame
1 - Rebound Net
1 - Rebound Net Carrying Case
2 - Metal Support Poles
1 - Support Pole Carrying Case
Important Precautions:
• Read ALL instructions before assembling.
• Use caution when assembling, net opens very fast.
• Never use where property or bystanders may be harmed.
• Should only be used for the purpose it was intended.
• Always store indoors in a dry place when not in use.
Step 3: Begin by assembling the two
Metal Support Poles. Once assembled
each pole will have a metal tip at either
Step 5: Tighten the crossing straps at
the back of the Rebound Net by pulling
on the loose strap ends near each
buckle. This will stabilize the net when
in use.