(For Voltages > +28V)
(For Voltages < -28V)
Configuration to sink current at the LSCOM
terminal and source current at switch inputs
Configuration to source current at the LSCOM
terminal and sink current at switch inputs
Figure 3-2. Connecting a single Limit or Home Switch to an Isolated Supply
As stated in Chapter 2, the wiring is simplified when using the ICM-1900 or AMP-19X0
interface board. This board accepts the signals from the ribbon cables of the DMC-1600 and
provides phoenix-type screw terminals. A picture of the ICM-1900 can be seen on pg 18. If an
ICM-1900 is not used, an equivalent breakout board will be required to connect signals from the
Bypassing the Opto-Isolation:
If no isolation is needed, the internal 5 Volt supply may be used to power the switches. This can
be done by connecting a jumper between the pins LSCOM or INCOM and 5V, labeled JP3. These
jumpers can be added on either the ICM-1900 (J52) or the DMC-1600. This can also be done by
connecting wires between the 5V supply and common signals using the screw terminals on the
ICM-1900 or AMP-19X0.
To close the circuit, wire the desired input to any ground (GND) terminal or pin out.
Analog Inputs
The DMC-1600 has eight analog inputs configured for the range between -10V and 10V. The
inputs are decoded by a 12-bit A/D decoder giving a voltage resolution of approximately .005V.
A 16-bit ADC is available as an option. The impedance of these inputs is 10 K
. The analog
inputs are specified as AN[x] where x is a number 1 thru 8.
Amplifier Interface
The DMC-1600 analog command voltage, AC MD, ranges b/-10V. This signal, along
with GND, provides the input to the power amplifiers. The power amplifiers must be sized to
drive the motors and load. For best performance, the amplifiers should be configured for a current
mode of operation with no additional compensation. The gain should be set such that a 10 Volt
input results in the maximum required current.
The DMC-1600 also provides an amplifier enable signal, AEN. This signal changes under the
following conditions: the watchdog timer activates, the motor-off command, MO, is given, or the
Chapter 3 Connecting Hardware