Microwave & Range Hood Venting Kit
Follow the appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions when installing your appliance. Always comply with local
building codes. Following these instructions, your range hood will vent directly out of the top of the unit. Always use
caution to avoid any wiring or plumbing when cutting into walls and ceiling. Always exercise caution and put safety first
when working with metal ductwork and power tools; protect yourself by wearing safety goggles and gloves.
Step 6
Secure all connections with
duct tape.
Install your goose neck vent
(you may need to remove the
elbow. Re-attach from below
after proper vent installation.)
With vent out of the hole,
remove all nails within 4"
of hole in all directions.
Liberally coat underside of
flashing with roofing cement.
Carefully slide under upper
shingles and position over hole.
Secure the vent with roofing
nails at all corners. Also seal
all flange and shingle edges,
making sure all raised shingles
have been thoroughly caulked
and pressed back into position.
Step 7
Step 1
Determine area to be
removed from bottom
of upper cabinet. Cut
and remove.
Step 2
Step 3
Install appliance per the
manufacturer’s installation
instructions. Put fan boot in
place; and do not secure at
this time.
Determine area to be removed
from top of upper cabinet and
ceiling. Always use caution to
avoid wiring or plumbing when
cutting into walls and ceilings.
Cut and remove.
©2010 GAF Materials Corporation 3/10 #498, 1361 Alps Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
LL Building Products Inc.
Technical Support: 1-800-211-9612
Step 4
From the attic, use a plumb
bob to determine the center
point of pipe on underside of
roof. Drill hole at center point.
Put an object through the hole
to mark it outside. Measure
and cut the opening.
Step 5
Click elbow into roof cap.
Drop into opening.
From inside attic, determine
length of 7" pipe (70" length
of pipe is included–if more is
needed, purchase separately)
needed to complete run.
Allow enough pipe for proper
connection when marking
pipe for cuts. Always cut pipe
from non-crimped end.
Test fit all connections. Make
adjustments as needed.
NOTE: All installations are
different. Additional parts may
be needed to complete your