H.264 Network Digital Video Recorder User Manual
Host computer IP
Input the IP address installed NTP server.
Default: 123. You can set the port according to NTP server.
Time zone
London GMT+0 Berlin GMT +1 Cairo GMT +2 Moscow GMT +3 New Delhi GMT +5
Bangkok GMT +7 Hongkong Beijing GMT +8 Tokyo GMT +9 Sydney GMT +10 Hawaii GMT-10
Alaska GMT-9 Pacific time GMT-8 American mountain time GMT-7 American mid time GMT-6
American eastern time GMT-5 Atlantic time GMT-4 Brazil GMT-3 Atlantic mid time GMT-2.
Update cycle
The same with the NTP server check interval. Default: 10minutes.
EMAIL setup
If the alarm is turned on or the alarm linkage photos are taken, send an email about the alarm information and
the photos to appointed address.
Picture 4.8 EMAIL setup
SMTP server
Email server address. It could be an IP address or domain name. Domain name can be
translated only it is the correct DNS configuration.
Email server port number.
Decide whether using Secure Socket Layer protocol to login.
Apply the email server user name.
Input the password corresponding to the user.
Set the email sender address.
Send the email to appointed receivers when the alarm is turned on. You can set three receivers at
most,and each receiver separate by “; ”(Sem Space),receiver and sender can use same email.
You can set as you wish.
IP purview setup