: OAM CC requests are sent and answered after CC ne-
gotiation (CC activation negotiation).
* $
Depending on the setting in the Direction
field, OAM CC requests are either sent and/or responded to.
There is no CC negotiation.
: The function is disabled.
Also select whether the test cells of the OAM CC are to be sent
or received.
Possible settings:
(default value): CC data is both received and generated.
: CC data is received.
: CC data is generated.
17.3 Leased Line
A leased line is a permanent (fixed) connection between two communication partners via a
telecommunications network. Unlike a switched line, the entire transmission channels is al-
ways available. The leased line cannot be set up by the subscriber by dialling and therefore
has no call number. The connection must be set up by the network operator.
17.3.1 Interfaces
In the WAN->Leased Line->Interfaces menu, a list of all is displayed. Automatic genera-
tion requires the corresponding ISDN interface to be configured.
Fig. 119:
Leased Line
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
17 WAN
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2