: OSPF is activated for this interface, i.e. routes are
propagated or OSPF protocol packets sent over this interface.
: OSPF is disabled for this interface.
Proxy ARP Mode
Select whether and how ARP requests from your own LAN are
to be responded to for the specified connection partner.
Possible values:
(default value): Deactivates Proxy ARP for this
connection partner.
3, 1
: Your device only responds to an ARP re-
quest if the status of the connection to the connection partner
. In the case of
, your device only
responds to the ARP request; the connection is not set up un-
til someone actually wants to use the route.
3, /)
: Your device responds to an ARP request only if the
status of the connection to the connection partner is
, i.e. a
connection already exists to the connection partner.
DNS Negotiation
Select whether your device receives IP addresses for Primary
DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server and WINS Server
Primary and Secondary from the connection partner or sends
them to the connection partner.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default.
17.1.5 AUX
In the WAN+In Dialup+AUX menu, a list of all AUX interfaces is displayed.
You can define various settings for communication between the gateway and modem in
this menu. You require a special cable for the console port of your gateway (e.g. AUX
Backup cable) to connect an external analogue modem to the AUX port on a bintec gate-
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
17 WAN
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2