Funkwerk elmeg t444 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 40

System parked inquiry

You are talking on the telephone and would like to route this call to a colleague. However, you are unsure about your colleague's current loca-
tion. Use the »system parked inquiry« feature to keep the caller within the PABX waiting loop. You can now use your telephone for an an-
nouncement or message signaling to your colleague that he or she has a waiting inquiry call. The numeric code of the system parked inquiry
allows the colleague to accept the call from any telephone.

This procedure is possible from analog, ISDN, and system telephones. The system parked inquiry is initiated with the inquiry call feature.
The called subscriber uses the inquiry call feature to dial the default numeric code (


) or one of 4 configurable numeric codes from

the internal telephone number plan. If the dialed extension is not already being used for a different system parked inquiry, the subscriber
will hear a positive acknowledgement signal and hangs up the telephone. If the negative acknowledgement signal is heard, the subscriber
cancels the enquiry call and repeats the process for another internal extension released for the system parked enquiry. During system park-
ed inquiry, the external subscriber will be put on hold by the system and will hear music on hold (when programmed). The telephone is now
available for other uses, for example an announcement or message. If the call within the waiting loop is not accepted by a subscriber within a
specified time, the initiating subscriber receives a call-back or a call-waiting signal.

The system parked inquiry is possible only from within an external or internal connection. Only one inquiry call is possible for each code. If
an internal number is already being used for »System parked inquiry« you must search for an unused internal number. Only subscribers
with at least an »incoming receive only authorization« can accept a call from the system parked inquiry loop of an external waiting / on hold
caller; all other subscribers hear a busy signal.

Initiating a system parked inquiry








config. Internal






Accepting a system parked inquiry






Lift up


config. Internal number

Accepting a call

Function keys for calls on hold (park keys)

The system park inquiry feature for ICT systems has been expanded to include support for function keys on system telephones. This allows
calls to be parked or unparked just by pressing the corresponding function keys.

Conducting calls with several subscribers


Содержание elmeg t444

Страница 1: ...elmeg T444 English Operating instructions ...

Страница 2: ...ce indicates that the device must be disposed of separately fromnormaldomesticwasteatanappropriatewastedisposalfacilityattheendofitsusefulservicelife Youwillfindaddi tional information on an individual returning of the old appliances under www funkwerk ec com 2006 Funkwerk Enterprise Communications gmbH All rights reserved Reprintingofthisdocument evenexcerpts ispermittedonlywiththeexpressconsento...

Страница 3: ...of Touch 21 Monitoring costs 23 PABX Settings 27 Features without user action 28 Conducting calls with several subscribers 32 Installation 37 Installation of the PABX 37 Modules 42 Commissioning the phone part 45 Starting an IP telephone with the DSP module 52 Initial startup 52 PABX and PC 53 Application programs 54 Drivers 54 Configuration with a PC 56 Description of the router functions 57 Appe...

Страница 4: ...Table of contens II ...

Страница 5: ... a loss of power all stored contents program and application data are retained inthe PABXwithout any changes The inter nal clock for the phone system is set automatically via the ISDN port on the next external call Cleaning YoucancleanyourPABXwithoutanydifficulties Useaslightlymoistenedclothorananti staticclothforthis Donotuseanysolvents Ne ver use a dry cloth electrostatic charges could damage th...

Страница 6: ...naldevicesatapoint to point connection CLIP CLIR Activation Deactivation ofcallerIDtoparty beingcalled COLP COLR Activation Deactivation ofcalledparty IDtocaller AOCD Transmissionofchargecostsduringacall AOCE Transmissionofcostsofcallatendofcall AOCS Transfer oftariff information duringthecallingphase for examplefor payphones CCBS Completionofcalltobusysubscriber assoon assubscriberisavailable CCN...

Страница 7: ...ort Not lit The USB port of the PABX system is not ready for operation at the connected PC not logged in or not recognized or when the PC USB port is in the suspended mode Green lit The USB port of the PABX system is ready for operation at the connected PC USB driver ac tive PC applications that run via the USB connection can be started Green flickering Data is being exchanged via the USB port E G...

Страница 8: ...setofyourphoneinthecarriage orthetelephoneisidle l Indicatessignalingataterminaldevice forexampleyourphonerings t Youcandialthedesirednumber 1x0 Dialaspecifiedcode numberorcharacter x Dialacodeoracharacter R Promptsyoutopresstheflashkey signalkey q Indicatesthatanacknowledgementsignalcanbeheardinthehandset d Indicatesaconferencecall P This symbol indicates that a configuration is required Enter St...

Страница 9: been accepted Negative acknowledgement signal mixed tone 421Hz and 320 Hz ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you hear this tone the selected function can not be used or the feature has not been configured or has been canceled Internal ringing signal 421 Hz _______________________________________ This signal indicates that the telephone of the external or internal extensi on is ringing Speci...

Страница 10: ... it will be called with this signal External call external call back external recall _________________________ _______________ External call You are called by an external party External call back You are called automatically when the party you at tempted to call hangs up the handset for his her phone Externer Repeat call You initiate an inquiry call but replace the handset before dialing The first...

Страница 11: ...ephone without this connection having to be accepted by pushing a button Intercom calls are accepted automatically by the phone being called when the function Hands free calling is activated provided thetelephone isidle theintercomcallfunctionhas not beenspecificallydeactivated and Donot disturb has beendeactivated If you lift the handset of a system telephone during an intercom call the call is c...

Страница 12: ...your PABX system to your telephone or mobile unit This call forwarding is based on the feature Follow me for the PABX Enterthenumberofthesubscriberthatistobeforwarded toyourtelephoneandthetypeofcallforwardingusingthesystemmenu Inaddi tion you can also delete an existing call forwarding function A distinction is made between the following types of call forwarding Activate Always active All calls ar...

Страница 13: ...hecostsofcallsfortheterminalde vices This feature is protected by the 6 digit PIN2 If you wish to clear all of the counters for the terminals devices enter instead of the number for the internal user LCR You can query the status of LCR using this menu item Settings are not available PABX system menu 9 ...

Страница 14: ...essyoumustdialaprefix LAD whenyoumakeanexternalcall Youwillheartheinternaldialtone when you lift up your handset Ifyourphoneissetfor Automaticlineaccess youmustfirstpressthe keywhenyouliftthehandsetbbeforebe ginning any internal call procedures The symbol b is highlighted in color as shown in the example below for the corresponding performance feature b t g Lift up handset Making internal calls Co...

Страница 15: ...youcanthendi al an internal number If you hear the busy signal when you lift the handset external ISDN connection busy press the asterisk key again and you will hear the internal dial tone b t l g Lift up handset Dial internal extension number Subscriber is called Conversation Announcement Would you like to call your co workers to a meeting or invite your family out to eat You could call each sepa...

Страница 16: ...for making calls throughout the world It is sometimes even more advantageous when some telephones are authorized for local calls only phone bills also more transparent Theexchange authorization functionexiststocontrol andmonitor this Anindividualauthorization for outgoing calls external canbeas signed in PC configuration for each PABX user This authorization is broken down into 5 different categor...

Страница 17: signals are given during your calls Enable inhibit call waiting b 58 q a Lift up handset Enable announcements Inhibit announcement Dial this code Ack signal Replace handset Automatic completion of call Thisfunctioncanonlybeusedbytelephonesthatpermitsuffixdialing Automaticcallcompletionsfromaninquirycallarenotpossible Automatic completion of call to busy subscriber Let s assume that you must urg...

Страница 18: ...oes not answer Ack signal or voice announcement Replace handset When the subscriber that was called hangs up his her handset your telephone will ring Whenyouliftupyourhandsetthesubscriberforwhichcompletionofcallisactiveiscalled Ifthepartyanswersyoucanconductyourcall Deleting automatic completion of call for analog phones Analog telephones use this procedure for canceling Internal andexternal compl...

Страница 19: ...s team can not forward calls when the call is being signaled call deflection Defining Your Own Number for the Next Call Forexample ifyouwanttomakeabusinesscallfromhome lateatnight youcandefineyourbusinesstelephonenumberastheMSNforthis business call TheadvantageisthattheconnectionanditscostarerecordedundertheselectedMSNandyourbusinesspartnercanseethatitisyoucalling Before youbeginto makeanexternal ...

Страница 20: ... and up to a 20 character name text You can dial these speed dialing numbers with analog phones using the codes 000 499 Authorization for dialing from the telephone directory The authorization level for dialing from the telephone directory can be set individually for each subscriber There are three different authorization levels Subscriberisnot authorizedtodialnumberslistedinthetelephone directory...

Страница 21: ...ction This alsoapplieswhentheconnectionhasthefeatureCD calldeflection ThePABXcannotbereachedbyexternalpartieswhilecallforwarding is in progress If only one member is entered for a team call forwarding in the PABX is carried out via the second B channel of the ISDN connection when theconnectiondoesnothavethefeatureCD ThePABXcannotbereachedbyexternalpartieswhilecallforwardingisinprogress Ifthecon ne...

Страница 22: ...phoneintheroombeingmonitored orifyoudeactivatehands freecalling room monitoring is ended and the feature is deactivated again This feature can not be used in conjunction with inquiry call call forwarding or team call functions Roommonitoring isdeactivated after eachPCconfiguration of the pabxand mustsubsequentlybeenabledand con figured once again Enabling room monitoring for an internal telephone ...

Страница 23: provider You will then be informed of further procedures there If you dial the appropriate code during a call or after the caller has ended a call you willhear the busysignal from the exchange the caller s numberis saved at the ex change ISDN telephones can also use dedicated functions for this feature Attention Only hang up the handset after you have entered the code for tracing the caller an...

Страница 24: ...or a user defined inconfiguration inthe section Internal user on the tab Features Ifthe fea ture Direct exchange line access is activated you will only be able to use the keypad function if you press the button first and then dial 0 after you lift the handset ThekeypadfunctionscanonlybeusedbyterminaldevicestowhichanMSNhasbeenassignedduringconfigurationandforwhichthisfea ture has been applied for a...

Страница 25: ...ardinghasbeenconfiguredbutisnotcarriedoutbytheexchange becausethisfeaturewasnotappliedfor calls will automatically be forwarded by the PABX There are three different variants of call forwarding Callforwarding immediately Thecallisforwarded immediatelytothedefinednumber Callforwarding onnoanswer Thecallisforwarded after 15seconds dependingonthesetting inthePABXoratthe exchange partial rerouting Cal...

Страница 26: ...e can celed Ack signal Replace handset Configuring De activating call forwarding from external location Follow me external For the weekend you have rerouted the fax number of your office to your private fax machine at home Let s say you re on the way to the office which takes around 30 minutes and would now like to also receive fax messages that are addressed to your office Youthencancelthe Follow...

Страница 27: the network service provider is authorized for binding connection call cost logging For configuration information using the telephone please refer to page 49 Call data record overflow The memory for your call data records is limited If the PABX memory has already stored more than 480 communication data sets a com munication data overflow can be indicated by system telephones Depending on the sy...

Страница 28: ...ion Call account charge limitation pocket money account Acallchargeaccountcanbeprogrammedforeachinternaluser Thechargerateamountsavailabletothatparticularuseraredefinedinthis account Ifthe user usesuphis her allotted unitshe she canthen only makeinternal calls Ifthis limitisreached duringan ongoing call the call can be completed The user can make external calls again when the number of units on hi...

Страница 29: standard trunkgroup MSN Upto50zones withamaximumof200entrieseach prefix phone numbers subscribers canbeconfigured YoucanconfigureaGSMgateway asprovider Thetrunkcodefor theport isdialedfor connectionsattheexternal ISDNport ofthePABXsystemasthe Providerprefix Whenconnectedtooneofthepabx sanalog port theinter nalextension numberofthepabxisdialed Threedifferent fallbackstages canbeset Therate table...

Страница 30: ... of the complete number Some network service providers require block dialing to enable direct dialing to a certain terminal device This feature is described in the operating instructions for the ISDN terminal devices Block dialling is also possible for internal communications b Liftupthehandsetofyourphone Youwillheartheinternaldialtone 55 Dialthiscode 0 Dialthiscode 0 t Dialthenumberyouwishtocall ...

Страница 31: ...cess If a team member answers the call then his or her name will be displayed IftheMSNisdialedbyanexternalparty ortheteamnumberbyaninternaluser alloftheassignedterminaldevicesarecalled Youcanenter various terminal devices e g telephone fax group 4 for the teams the calls are signaled in accordance with their specific service ID Teams can also be called during an ongoing inquiry call or on call for...

Страница 32: ...d by any user with the proper privileges default setting Switching all call modes You can switch over all team call modes simultaneously This switchover can be performed by any user with the proper privileges Switching day night team call assignment for all teams b 93 or 93 q a Lift up handset call modes Day call modes Night Ack signal Replace handset Switching team call assignments day and night ...

Страница 33: ...ported bythe ISDNterminal devices Pleaserefer to the operating instructions for your ISDN terminal devices for proper use You can also utilize the transmission of text messages from and to external telephones if the feature UUS1 User to User Signaling1 has been activated for your connection Ask your network service provider for details Information from the ISDN network MWI The MWI feature allows y...

Страница 34: ... assigned to the individual days of the week When a calendar is assigned this overrides any manual changeover made for these modes in the day night team call assignment list Example Week day Calendar 1 Switching time 1 Switching time 2 Switching time 3 Switching time 4 Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Monday 09 30 18 00 18 45 24 00 Friday 14 00 Inactive Inactive 23 00 Saturday 09 00 Inactiv...

Страница 35: InPCconfigurationyoucanassigneachterminaldeviceindividuallytocallcontrol ThenumberslistedintheRestrictedNumberstable intheSection RestrictedNumbers cannotbedialedusingtheanalogterminaldevi cesincludedintheassociateddialingregion Forexample theentryofthenumber 0190 inthelistwouldpreventcallsbeingmadetocostly service providers The entries in the unrestricted numbers table in the Section Unrestric...

Страница 36: ... can call another party at any time during an ongoing call g Youareconductingacall Youwouldliketocallanotherparty R PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t Ifyouwishtospeaktoanexternalparty dial0first Ifyouhearabusysignalafterdialing0 eitheryourtelephonedoesnothaveproperauthorizationforanexternalcall orthe lineisbusy t Dialthenumberofthepartyyouwishtocall Youwillheartheringingsignalinyourhan...

Страница 37: ...artheinternaldialtone t Dialthenumberoftheinternalpartytowhomyouwishtotransferthecall Youwillheartheringingsignalinyourhandset Thepartywillbecalled IfyouhearthebusysignalpresstheRkeyagaintoretrievethecallthatisonhold a Replacethehandset Thepartywillbecalled Thepartybeingcalledliftsupthehandsetandconductstheexternalcall If thecalledpartydoesnotliftuphis herhandsetyouwillbecalledbackatyourtelephonea...

Страница 38: ...thiscode Party2answers youcanspeakwithParty2 andParty1isputonhold R4 Youwouldliketoconnectthetwopartieswithoneanother Dialthiscode Thetwopartiesarethenconnected Thechargesfortheconnectionarebilledtothepartywhoestablishedtheconnection Connecting a waiting subscriber with several subscribers on hold You have the option of putting several connections on hold and using a further connection inquiry cal...

Страница 39: ... is busy with two external callers Thefeature HoldinPABX mustbeconfiguredtoconductathree partyconferencecallinthePABXwithexternalorinternalcaller BothB channels of the ISDN connection are used when making a three party conference call with two external parties You can also include a caller from call waiting or on hold in an ongoing call Initiate a three party conference call g Youareconductingacal...

Страница 40: ...ked enquiry Duringsystem park edinquiry theexternalsubscriberwillbeputonholdbythesystemandwillhearmusiconhold whenprogrammed Thetelephoneisnow availableforotheruses forexampleanannouncementormessage Ifthecallwithinthewaitingloopisnotacceptedbyasubscriberwithina specified time the initiating subscriber receives a call back or a call waiting signal Thesystem parked inquiryispossibleonly from withina...

Страница 41: ...ipment electronicofficeequipmentormicrowaveunits AvoidinstallingyourPABXnear sourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiators orinrooms withexcessivehumidity Theambienttemperature mustbebetween5and40 C Havingidentifiedtheappropriate location placethedrillingtemplate ontheselectedmountinglocationandensure that itisperfectlyperpendicular Takecaretokeepthespacesasspecifiedonthedrillingtemplate Markthedrillingpoi...

Страница 42: ...eyoursystemviatheinternal ISDNconnection youmusthaveanoperational ISDNPCcardinstalledin yourPC ConnectyourPCandPABXsystemviatheinstalledISDNjacks ToconfigurethesystemviathePCport connectthePCport ofyourPABXsystemtotheUSBport ofthePCusingthe PCconnectingcordsuppliedwiththesystem ToconfigurethesystemviaEthernet connecttheEthernet port ofthePCtotheLAN1port ofyourPABXsystem usingaCat 5connectingcord C...

Страница 43: ... LEDs 6 Fixed internal ISDN connection 7 a b5 a b6 Analog connections module 8 a b3 a b4 Analog connections 9 a b1 a b2 Analog connections Installation of the PABX 39 a b1 a b2 a b3 a b4 a b5 a b6 a b7 a b8 1 2 NO 1 2 NO S0 intern S0 extern a b1 2a b 1a b 3a b 4a b Modul S0 intern 2a b 1a b 3a b 4a b 5a b 6a b a2 a1 b1 b2 P o w e r I S D N P O T S D S L L A N U S B 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 9 a b1 a b2 a b3...

Страница 44: ...C configuration The PABX is equipped with two types of internal connections Fourconnectionsa b1 a b4for hard wiring ofoutlets AfteryouhavepluggedaterminaldeviceintotheRJ12jackofthePABX youmaynot usetheassociated fixedcon nectiona b1anda b2 Twoanalog terminaldevicescanbeconnectedusingRJ12connectors attheRJ12jack Assignment of the RJ12 jack 1 a2 Sbcr2 2 nc 3 a1 Sbcr1 4 b1 Sbcr1 5 nc 6 b2 Sbcr2 USB P...

Страница 45: cable for this CAT 5 1 1 with RJ 45 connectors at both ends Connecting the DSL modem to the Ethernet 10BaseT port IfyouhaveaDSLconnectionyoumustconnectyourDSLmodemtotheWANportofthePABXsystem Useanetworkcableforthis CAT 5 1 1 with RJ 45 connectors at both ends This cable may be included in the standard delivery scope for your DSL modem Please be sure to use a DSL modem with an Ethernet 10BaseT...

Страница 46: ...ons Attention You may be electrostatically charged To ensure that you have no electrostatic charge touch a conducting object connected to ground e g wa ter pipe before you open the PABX system Please observe that only one module can be inserted into each available PABX slot Slot 2 Module elmeg M 1 POTS or module elmeg M 2 a b Slot 1 Module elmeg M 4 DSP only elmeg T444 Installation of the module e...

Страница 47: ...stem near the installation location of the module Thisconnection isre quired for use of the module POTS The connection to the PABX must be made with a connecting lead of at least 2 5 mm2 The function grounding connection can be plugged in to the module Both functional ground connections are connected together If you use terminal devices that are linked with the PABX system via USB or RS232 you mus...

Страница 48: ...hes of theconnectorlockinplaceinthemodule Toremovethemodule pressbothcatchesoutatthesametimeandthemodulewillsnapouttothe position shown at the bottom of the picture You can then take it out by pulling out against the direction A shown here 1 Module slot 2 Module slot 3 Slot catch 4 Module 5 Plugging direction for the installation of the module Modules 44 1 2 3 4 5 A B A ...

Страница 49: ...and Roommonitoring from anoutsidelocation Team00 Intheinitialstate thenumbers10 11and20areentered andenabledfor Team00intheday night callallo cation Default setting Theexternal ISDNconnectionissettopoint to multipointaccess Thefour digitPIN1 password issetto 0000 Thesix digitPIN2 password issetto 000000 Assignmentofanexternal ISDNconnectionismadebyentering 0 Theinternal ISDNbusisconfiguredas S0bus...

Страница 50: ...n isactivated Thekeypadfunctionfor theexternal ISDNconnectionisnot enabledfor terminaldevices Themeterpulsefrequencyissetto16kHz Remoteaccesscanbeinitiatedfrom anyterminaldevice Remoteswitchingauthorization External follow me isdeactivated Theswitchovertimesaresetasfollows inthecalendar for alldaysoftheweek SwitchingNight Day 8 00PM SwitchingDay Night 4 00PM Acalendar has not beenassigned tothetea...

Страница 51: ...andset or press the button in the cradle briefly with your hand as the PABXwould take this as a flash signal instead of hanging up Configuration using a telephone Configuration using a telephone Various settings are protected by PIN1 in the PABX In the default state this PIN 1 is set to 0000 After you begin configuration you can set thefeaturesforyoursystemusingthecodesdescribedhere Thetelephonebe...

Страница 52: ...digitPIN2isonly possiblewhen this PIN2has beenchanged individually i e itisno lon ger in its initial setting of 000000 Changing PIN1 PIN2 Begin the configuration procedure see page 47 P911 or 912 t t q Change PIN 1 4 place Change PIN 2 6 place enter new PIN enter new PIN Ack signal Write down your PIN and keep it in a safe place because if you forget or lose your PIN 1 you will no longer have acce...

Страница 53: ...emote access authorization P780 q Code Enable inhibit remote access Ack signal Restoring settings reset of the PABX system Youcanusethe Reset option for your PABXto return the system to a defined initialstate Thismay benecessary ifyouwish to cancelconfi gurations you no longer require or want or to re program the PABX Resetting settings to initial state P999 q a Code Ack signal Replace handset An ...

Страница 54: ...teremoteaccessusinganISDNtelephoneyou will have to push the Recall flash button once again depending on the terminal device being used Theservicetechniciancanthen loaddata from yourPABXandconducttheconfiguration basedonyourrequest and needs Theservicetechniciancannot however vieworedityourpassword butYoursystemmaybereset toitsinitialstatus 0000 however Theservicetechnicianthen loads theediteddata ...

Страница 55: service center You can also have your PABX system enabled continuously for dial in by the service center You can only set up this release function using the WIN Tools Professional Configurator To activate this function you must define at least one number max 3 numbers that is authori zed for dial in into the PABX Ending an active incoming remote access connection You can terminate a connection ...

Страница 56: ...h Select dial tone Use the arrow keys to select the country Press Oto confirm Dial tone Australia Dial tone Great Britain Select a time zone Use the arrow keys to select the time zone Press Oto confirm Select Timezone 10 USA Honululu Select a time zone 0 Great Britain Lon First log in Subscribers must be configured in the PABX system Enter your user code for example for MSN 22 This code consists o...

Страница 57: ...a records according to internal users project numbers or numbers that are di aled transferred The filtering functions can be used to display data records containing individual properties You can set these filtering functions to fit your specific needs Telephone Directory Manager The PABX system is equipped with an integrated telephone directory In which you can store up to 500 numbers with their a...

Страница 58: ...s not require a license to run CAPI in LAN The package includes a program called CAPI for LANs for use in your network This software can be installed on any PC in the network This gives you the possibility of running your CAPI application from a central location via an interface i e the PABX system There is no ISDN card required for the PCs Please note that software used for the CAPI application m...

Страница 59: ...ver The CAPI driver is not required for accessing the Internet BeforeinstallingthenewdriversbesuretoremoveanyexistingCAPIdriversinyoursystem suchasthedriversforaninstalledISDNcard as Windows only supports one installed CAPI Refer to the operating instructions for the device concerned or for the operating system for details on removing drivers You can also use other programs that access the CAPI dr...

Страница 60: ...ePABXandthepc Configuration ofthePABXthrough theUSBport requiresaWindowsoperating systemsthat supports USB asof08 2002 Windows98 ME XP 2000 or with elmeg T444 UseaCat 5Ethernet cabletoconnectoneoftheEthernet ports ofyourpabx withthePC or ConnectyourPCwiththeinstalledISDNPCcardtotheinternal ISDNbususinganISDNconnectingcord IfyouhaveanISDNcardwithCAPI2 0installedinyourPCyoucanalsoconductPCconfigurat...

Страница 61: ...lect an ISP and where required And before you know it you re surfing the Internet Connecting the DSL modem to the Ethernet 10BaseT port IfyouhaveaDSLconnectionyoumustconnectyourDSLmodemtotheLANportofthePABXsystem Useanetworkcableforthis CAT 5 1 1 with RJ 45 connectors at both ends This cable may be included in the standard delivery scope for your DSL modem Please be sure to use a DSL modem with an...

Страница 62: ...ans of LAN1 100 MBit s 6 Network PC at the HUB switch 7 Network PC at the HUB switch 8 Network PC at the HUB switch 9 PC at the USB port Configuration of the PCs IP addresses After you connect a PC IP addresses must be assigned When doing this you must ensure that the IP addresses assigned to the PCs and the PABXsystemsareinthesameIPnetwork Thisalsoappliesifyouwishtoutilizecommonresourcesamongseve...

Страница 63: ... you operate a WINS server in the LAN Time Servers The parameter TimeServers is used for announcing the IP address for the Timeleasee when your PCs direct Windows XP Linux the NTP Network Time Protocol DNS Servers DNS queries from computers inthe LANare normally forwarded to one or more external DNS servers bythe DNS proxy The addresses for theexternalDNSserverscanbeobtaineddynamically orcanbeperm...

Страница 64: ... example Freenet The type of access is independent of the tariff charges this can be based on actual time volume or be a flat rate You can set up a connection to the Internet with your PABX system as follows Dial upconnectionsviaISDN usingPPPprotocol withoneortwoISDNBchannels i e at64kBit sor128kBit s Thesetypesofconnectionsrequireaccessdata withthenumbertobedialed theusernameandpassword and in so...

Страница 65: a flat rate charge with your ISP you can set the parameter Terminate on inactivity In this case the PABX system will not automatically terminate the Internet connection but will re establish the connection if required for exampleB after beingdisconnectedbytheISP IfyouhaveconfiguredseveralISPs makesurethat youmakethisset ting for the correct ISP entry in the ISP list Using a Fallback Let s assum...

Страница 66: ...odified edited configurationintothePABXsystem Clickthebutton Sendconfi guration data to transfer and activate the filters After the data is sent the new configuration is activated in the PABX system and any on going Internet connection is terminated The connection is re established however as soon as a data packet must be routed to the Internet which the firewall lets pass in accordance with its c...

Страница 67: ...l in into the LAN RAS UsingtheRemoteAccessServer RAS afieldrepresentative forexample cancallintothelocalnetworkfromanexternallocationandthen via the local network access the Internet Access from an external location is also possible via an ISDN connection External access is provided with user name and password protection If the call is made from an external location only the phone number canalsobe...

Страница 68: ...ons Check the user settings in the PC configuration for the PABX No outgoing external calls possible Call charge limit reached Allo wance account Check the user settings in the PC configuration for the PABX Increase cost limit or reset the sum coun ter External numbers classified as re stricted numbers for call control Check the settings for call control in the PC configuration for the PABX No ext...

Страница 69: ... the PC make this entry under External Numbers Invoicing for your Charge Manager is set too high or too low by one fixed fac tor Transfer of the currency amount is set for your ISDN connection ins tead of transfer of tariff data Apply for the procedure you wish to have or change the tariff unit factor in the Charge Manager and in the Professional Configurator Troubleshooting 65 ...

Страница 70: ...nection DSS1 protocol point to multipoint access ISDNinterfaces Power appr 2 5 W Channelstructure B B D ISDNcablelengthswith0 6mm wirediameter Short passive bus max length of 120 meters Analog ports Supply PABX symmetrical 60 mA at 25 ohms Max Lengthoftelephoneconnectioncables telephonedirectoryatConnection withinstallation gradecable 0 4 mm wire diameter 200 m 0 6 mm wire diameter 350 m Dialingme...

Страница 71: ...Terminal Self powered terminal Speedrating Full Speed Ethernet connections LAN1 10 100MBit s via RJ45 jack LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45j ack Technical specifications 67 ...

Страница 72: ...Technical specifications 68 ...

Страница 73: ...on CD 17 call distribution 28 Call forwarding from another phone Follow me 22 call mode 28 Call modes 8 Call modes for Teams 28 Call pick up from answering machine 11 Call rerouting 21 Call waiting 32 accepting 32 transferring 34 Call waiting tone 5 Calling cycles 6 Calling several telephones team call 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAPI driver Installation Important note 55 CAPI in LAN 54 Cat 5 38 41 CD ROM C...

Страница 74: ...30 External call 6 External call back 6 External dial tone 5 External POTS connection 43 F Fallback 61 Fast Ethernet 58 Features in the ISDN network 2 Features without user action 28 29 30 31 Firewalls 62 Flash 10 40 Flash key 1 Follow me call forwarding 8 canceling from an external phone 23 Follow me Call forwarding 22 authorization privileges for external Follow me 49 configuring from external l...

Страница 75: ...l 5 Net direct Keypad 20 Netbios filter 62 Netbios name queries 62 Netbios Name Server 59 Noting an external ISDN connection 16 Number defining for the next call 15 O Own number defining for the next call 15 temporarily suppressing transmission 15 P PABX and PC 53 PABX dimensions 66 PABX setup 27 PABX system description 1 Park 30 Partial Rerouting 2 PC interface 40 PC programma on the CD ROM 53 PC...

Страница 76: ...s 7 T Talk to two parties alternately 34 TAPI driver 55 TAPI in the LAN 54 TAPI Configuration 53 T DSL 60 61 Team call 15 16 17 18 19 20 Team call adding 15 Teams 27 Busy on busy 27 enabling inhibiting a member s phone within a team 27 Switching call modes Day and Night Call distribution 28 Technical specifications 66 67 68 69 Telephone directory 8 Telephone directory for the PABX 16 Telephone Dir...

Страница 77: ...Windows 98 NT4 56 Windows configurator 53 X X 31 Standard 30 Index 73 ...

Страница 78: ...74 ...

Страница 79: ...n number CLIR b 594tg Temporarily suppressing transmission of your own number CLIR Dialing phone numbers from the phone directory b or tg Dialing a phone number via the speed dialing key of the PABX s phone directory Forwarding a call connecting gRtga Forwarding an internal call with prior notice gRta Forwarding an internal call without prior notice gRtg Room inquiry gRg Terminating a room inquiry...

Страница 80: ... b 93 qa Activating night team call assignment for all teams Call forwarding b 61t qa Activating immediate Call forwarding b 62t qa Activating call forwarding delayed b 63t qa Activating call forwarding on busy b 61qa Canceling immediate call forwarding b 62qa Canceling delayed call forwarding b 63qa Canceling call forwarding on busy Follow me b 64t qa Configuring internal Follow me b 64t qa Cance...

Страница 81: ...wering machine Multifunctional device b 773tg Multifunctional device Telefax group 3 Keypad functions b0 or t Initiating keypad functions For a description of the features please refer to then network operator s documentation System parked inquiry gRt or 596qa Initiating a system parked inquiry bt or 596g Accepting a system parked inquiry Brief description of functions 77 ...

Страница 82: ...Brief descrip tion of functions 78 ...

Страница 83: ...79 ...

Страница 84: ... Woltorfer Str 77 31224 Peine End customer hotline 0900 1510 110 pro Minutes 0 62 EURO Mo Fr 08 00 p m to 05 00 p m Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH Südwestpark 94 D 90449 Nürnberg http www funkwerk ec com Subject to modifications 5116 000000 0 Ausgabe 2 060106 80 ...
