Chapter 2 Installation
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© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
2 Installation
After opening the box, please check first if all parts are included. If any parts are missing,
ask your vendor.
After removing the packing-material, check all parts and especially the PCB for
damages. Also check the jumper-settings before initial powering up of the board.
For the power supply a DC input voltage of 9V is recommended. The positive voltage
(+) must be connected to the centre, and ground (GND) must be connected to the
shield of the connector X2!
After power-on, the green power-on LED for 3.3V (LD9) should light up. If the LED does not
light up, switch off the power supply and check input polarity as well as the setting of JP3.
The in-circuit programming allows the user to program own applications into the Flash
memory. The procedures for Flash programming are described in chapter 7.