Comments lines
Strings enclosed in parenthesis "( )" indicating omitted values
Extra commas at the end of lines (",")
As with chassis for server blades, and chassis for LAN switch blades, items that need to be registered in advance to enable
registration of other should be defined in the system configuration file or registered in advance.
Character Code
The system configuration files (CSV format) used for pre-configuration are saved using ASCII (often referred to as "ANSI" in Windows
systems). When files that use a character code other than ASCII are imported, the system may not operate correctly.
When directly editing configuration files using a text editor, please do not save the file using a character code other than ASCII.
B.3 Resource Definitions
This section explains the resource definition information specified system configuration files.
Admin LAN Subnet Data
Section Name
Enter [Subnet] as the section name.
Section Header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the subnet name.
Enter a character string beginning with an alphabetic character and containing up to 16 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"),
hyphens ("-"), and periods (".").
Enter the network address for the subnet used as the admin LAN.
Enter valid values for the network address.
Enter valid values for the subnet mask.
Enter the settings for the gateway used for communication with the admin server on the admin LAN.
Section Name
Enter [VIOManager] as the section name.
Section Header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Specify "VIOM".
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