Select "false" when not releasing automatically.
Nothing is set by default. In this case, the value set to the definition file is used when an L-Server is created.
Only "false" can be specified. It can be omitted.
Specify "all" when deploying all disks with the same configuration for images, including data disks.
Specification is possible for VMware and Hyper-V.
This specification is not required when deploying only system disks.
When "all" is specified in the definition file for L-Server creation, priority is given to "all" even if this setting is not
[VMware] [Hyper-V]
Specify whether to match the disk size allocated to an L-Server with the disk size of an image during L-Server creation.
Specify "true" when matching the disk size of an L-Server with the disk size of an image.
When specifying "false", the disk capacity allocated to L-Servers is as follows:
- When specifying the images and the L-Server templates
The larger of the disk capacities of the disk size of image and the disk size of the L-Server template (specified by the
DiskSize element, when using XML definitions)
- When specifying the images, L-Server templates, and the DiskSize elements in the XML definition files for L-Servers
The larger of the disk capacities of the disk size of image and the disk size specified for the DiskSize element in the XML
definitions for L-Servers
- When specifying "false" for the DiskSize elements and the fit_disk_size attributes in the XML definition files for L-
Servers, and specifying an image without an L-Server template
The larger of the disk capacities of the disk size of image and the disk size specified for the DiskSize element in the XML
definitions for L-Servers
When increasing the size of the data disk included in an image during L-Server creation, this parameter should be set to
"false", and [ServerImageLink] should be set to "all".
Click <Next>.
The dialog to confirm the entered information is displayed.
When "Are you sure to create a new L-Server Template?" is displayed, confirm the content, and then click <Create>.
For the input ranges for the [Create L-Server Template] dialog, refer to "15.2.2 Virtual L-Server Templates" in the "Reference Guide
(Command/XML) CE".
When configuring a template using wizard-style GUI, the detailed configurations can be confirmed in the last confirmation window.
The confirmation window of detailed configurations is displayed in order to enable confirmation of the setting values. When using
the confirmation window for operation, there may be difference in the displayed contents. Do not operate it on the confirmation
15.1.3 Modifying
Use the following procedure to modify an L-Server template:
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