Back up the polling service setting file.
This step can be skipped if you are not customizing the polling service setting file.
If you have customized the polling service setting file pollingService.xml, back up this file using the step shown below.
Create the directories for the backup data.
mkdir -p $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling
Copy the file to the backup location.
cp -p /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/pollingService.xml $BAK_DIR/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
A.28 Backup of Solaris/Linux Version Manager Operation Environment
(for Cluster Environment)
For cluster environment, follow the procedure below to back up the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.
Stop all cluster services to which the Manager belongs.
Refer to "Cluster Transaction and Local Transaction" in the
ETERNUS SF Cluster Environment Setup Guide
for details of cluster
Mount the shared disk on the primary node.
Perform step 2 to 7 of "
A.27 Backup of Manager Operation Environment (for Solaris, Linux)
Unmount the shared disk mounted in step 2.
Start all cluster transactions to which the Manager belongs.
A.29 Restoring of Manager Operation Environment (for Windows)
Follow the procedure below to restore the environment for the Storage Cruiser's manager.
Notation in Procedure
Directory Name
Backup destination directory.
"Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.
"Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.
"Work Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.
Execute the following batch to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager services.
Restore the device administration information
Using Explorer or a similar program, delete the files belonging to the following restore destination directory.
However, be sure not to delete the restore destination directory itself. If the restore destination directory itself does not exist,
create it.
Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following subdirectories and files from its backup location.
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