Tasks to Be Performed After Upgrade (Primary Node)
The tasks below need to be performed on the primary node.
The shared disk for shared data of ETERNUS SF Manager must be mounted.
In the version level of this ETERNUS SF Manager, Symfoware is not used.
To upgrade from Version 16.1 or later, the procedures listed below are not needed.
To upgrade from Version 16.0 or earlier, follow the procedures listed below to uninstall the Symfoware Server.
Confirm that other products are not utilizing the Symfoware. If Symfoware is in use by another product, refrain from
uninstalling Symfoware.
Start the uninstaller of Symfoware to delete the Symfoware package.
# /opt/symfoware/setup/symfo_remove
Confirmation message to uninstall Symfoware is displayed.
To perform the uninstallation, enter "y". To cancel the process, enter "q".
When "y" is entered, a message allowing to select the function to uninstall is shown. Input "all" or "number to delete" to
select the function to uninstall.
A message to re-confirm uninstallation appears. Enter "y" to perform the uninstallation and "q" when it is not required.
Example of Uninstallation with the Specification "all"
Start checking the installation environment.
Check of installation environment is ended.
WARNING: There is a possibility that another product uses "Symfoware Server Enterprise
Continue the uninstallation?
y: Continue the uninstallation
q: End directly without uninstallation
[y,q]: y
Uninstallation of "Symfoware Server Enterprise Edition" begins.
Please select the functions to be uninstalled.
1: Base function (Server function, Client function)
Separate multiple selections with ",". (Example: 1, 2)
[all:All functions,1,q]: all
Selected functions
- Base function (Server function, Client function)
Start the uninstallation of the above functions?
y: Uninstallation begins
n: Select the functions again
q: End directly without uninstallation
[y,n,q]: y
Uninstallation begins.
The following message is displayed after the Symfoware uninstallation is completed normally.
Uninstallation of "Symfoware Server Enterprise Edition" is ended normally.
Edit the environment setting files for ETERNUS SF Manager.
Edit the following files:
Mount point of shared disk for shared data of ETERNUS SF Manager
Mount point of shared disk for shared data of ETERNUS SF Manager
Change the version information within each file, as follows.
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