4.3.5 Installing the discharge screw
❒ Assemble the open trough (C)
➥ Check the alignment of the flange plates!
❒ Fit open trough (C) with seal to transfer channel (B)
➥ Check the alignment of the flange plates!
❒ Fit flange with bearing unit (F) to end of open trough
➥ Fit flange to open trough
➥ Position bearing end and friction bearing on friction bearing support
➥ Fit friction bearing support to flange
➥ Grease bearing end with copper paste
❒ Fit trough cover for wood chips (D1) (standard) OR wide trough cover for wood
chips (D2) (optional) OR trough cover for pellets (D2) (optional)
❒ Where required: fit raising plate (E) for discharge without raised floor
❒ Fit 2x adjustable feet each at start and end of open trough
➥ Adjust height as required
➥ Use shortened adjustable feet for horizontal installation
❒ Push transfer channel through hole in wall
Installing the discharge system
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com