FRITZ!Box Fon ata – 6 Guidebook
The guidebook contains detailed instructions on the follow-
ing subjects:
Linking up the cable network
Setting the IP address
Errors opening the user interface
DHCP server
6.1 Linking Up the Cable Network
Extending the length of the FRITZ!Box Fon ata cables is no
problem. Cables of the desired length can be purchased at
any computer store. Be sure to note the type of cable, and re-
member that the quality of the line may decrease as the dis-
tance from the hub increases.
Follow the instructions below when purchasing extension ca-
6.2 Setting the IP Address
All of the computers connected to FRITZ!Box Fon ata obtain
their IP addresses from the active DHCP server in the local
network. The connected computers must be configured such
that they can receive their IP addresses automatically. The
steps for checking and adjusting this option differ among the
operating systems. See the relevant section for your operat-
ing system.
Only one DHCP server may be active in a network.
Maximum Length
Cable Properties
Network cable 100 m
10bT network cable, 1.1 wired,
USB cable
3 m
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