short for 3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP is an international project in which standardization
bodies work together to standardize mobile communications.
Participants in the project include the ETSI (European Tele-
communication Standards Institute).
bandwidth management
Bandwidth management distributes the available bandwidth
of an Internet connection among various Internet applica-
The bandwidth management of the FRITZ!Box ensures that
the speech quality during telephone calls over the Internet is
not reduced by surfing activity. The FRITZ!Box adjusts all up-
loads and downloads to the currently available bandwidth.
Furthermore, the FRITZ!Box grants Internet telephony connec-
tions a higher priority than Internet data connections. This
largely prevents undesired disruptions during Internet tele-
phone calls.
short for Dynamic Domain Name System
DDNS is a service which allows a computer always to be
reached under the same domain name despite constantly
changing public IP addresses. This means the home network
can always be reached from the Internet, regardless of the us-
er’s location. Even private users have an economical way of
placing their own Internet offers on their computer at home.
Every time the Internet connection is established, the Internet
provider assigns a new public IP address.
FB6840LTE-e2.fm Seite 146 Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012 5:34 17