FRITZ!Box 7369
Creating FRITZ!Box Users
A user with this right can use her or his mobile device or
computer to establish a safe VPN connection to the
FRITZ!Box and its home network.
Accessing the FRITZ!Box from the Internet
Damit Sie über den MyFRITZ!-Dienst aus dem Internet auf Ihre
FRITZ!Box zugreifen können, müssen die folgenden Vorauss-
etzungen alle erfüllt sein:
You have set up an account with the MyFRITZ! service;
. Your FRITZ!Box is registered with this My-
FRITZ! account.
The option “Access from the Internet allowed” is en-
abled in your user account.
The option “Internet access to the FRITZ!Box via HTTPS
enabled” is checked in the “Internet / Permit Access /
FRITZ!Box Services” menu, or in the “Internet / My-
FRITZ!” menu.
When the MyFRITZ! service is enabled this check mark is
set automatically.
A FRITZ!Box user who has been granted Internet access can
use the MyFRITZ! service (
) to access the corre-
sponding FRITZ!Box from any location. From the Internet this
user can reach only those FRITZ!Box functions for which she
or he is authorized.
Check at regular intervals whether a FRITZ!Box user still re-
quires access to the FRITZ!Box from the Internet, and if not,
disable this feature in the properties of the user. For securi-
ty's sake we recommend disabling Internet access to the
FRITZ!Box via HTTPS whenever no more FRITZ!Box users re-
quire access to the user interface of your FRITZ!Box from the
For more information about MyFRITZ!, see the chapter