Страница 1: ...heseitemsonornearthewasher Thesesubstances giveoffvaporsor chemical reacticss that couldignite orexplode _Do notputoilyorgreasyragsorclothingontopofthewasher These substances giveoffvapors thatcouldignite thematerials _Donot addgasoline cleaning solvents orother flanmableor explosive substances to thewash water These substances give offvapors that couldigniteorexplode _ Under cer tain conditions h...
Страница 2: ...r be removed Never ground thewm_er toa gaspipe DO notuse anextensioncord or anadaptor _ Followpackage directicms whenusinglaundryproduct s Incorrect usage canprcduce poiscnaus gas resulting inserious injury ordeath Donor combinelaundryproducts foruse ini loadunlesss_ecifiedonthe L el Donor mixchlorine bleachwithararonia oracidssuchasvinegar _To preventseriouspersonalinjuryanddamagetothewasher Allr...
Страница 3: ...le trims and o_ts Removepins decorativebuttons helt buckles andotherobjectswhich couldhe damaged This also helpsprotect other it_ in the wash load Mend rips and tears to prevent further damage during washing Placedelic_teitems suchashras shculderveds hcsiery _tsinam_sh bag to prevent tanglingduring the washcycle Turnkrititersinsidecuttoprev_ntpilling 3 Pretreat stains and_ soil See Staln_ pages 6 ...
Страница 4: ...ainst sideof cup seepicture to the left After clearm zj push cap and c_ firmly together Replacedi_nser by liningup the ribs andgroaves andsnapping it Fabric softener willbeflushed fromareaunder thebuilt infabric softener dispenser whenLargeLoadWaterLevelisselected If abuild up offabric softeneroccurs cleanwith hot water DO_ T _ _Im_9 _ _ CAP Formodelswith a remmrabledispemJ_r see picturebelow toth...
Страница 5: ... reduce theriskoffireorserious injury topem_ozms orproperty ccnplywiththebasicwarningslistedbelow Readandc mplywithallinstructions onstainremovalproducts Keepprodmctsintheiroriginallabeledcontainers andoutofchildren s r_rh Thoroughlywashanyutensilused Donot canine stainremovalproducts especial lyanm_onia andchlorine bleach Dangerousfumesmay result Never wash itemswhich have been previously cleaned...
Страница 6: ...ls nonflam_able dzy clean_ng fluld toback o f stai 1 Replace towels m_ier stai _ frequent ly _ e thoroughly Wash us_r_ cargrease motor oils hottestwater safe forfabric Irk S_e i_J s may he i_poss_ble to r_e Washing may set some inks Use prewash stain remover de_atured alcohol or _onflam_mble dry clear_ fluid Mildew scorch Wash w_th chlorine bleach if safe for fabric Or soak _n oxy_ bleach and hot ...
Страница 7: ...er Not enoughdetergent 0 _idncnpreclpltatlngwaterc xxlitioner to Use co_ cectan_mlntof detergent water i_xlissolveddetercsent bins left wash water te_rature ar_ water level reeld 9_ Aid llquid fabricsof_r to f9_i rinse Staticcli_isatts_rdr_lint Dry lead _ldryer Load washed too long R_Dve lint_ th lintbzushor roller Fihersb_ekef f hall up asd cling to _ Pilling is_o_mlwith synthetic m_ _t pressfabr...
Страница 8: ...ned cleanwithdiluted chlorinebleach I 2 cup 120ml inlquart 95L water _ several times withclear water Remove glueresidue frmmtapeorlabels withamixtureofwarmwaterandmild det_t Or tcuchresiduewiththe stickyside ofthetapeorlabel _mDv_g _hewasher plaoe a strip ofcardboard orthinfiberboard under thefront leveling legs toprevent floor dmrege FollowWinterizing I_s_ frrcold weather care w n rlzi n tr tlu s...
Страница 9: ...loor just levelir_ legs see INSTALLATIC_ INSTRUCTIONSfordetails shipping belt andblockhavenotbeen See INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for removing remmveddmJr_installaticn shipping boltandblock Zi_sh loadunevenlydistributed intub Stop washerand rearrange wash load OPERATING Ws_har 4_e8 _ j_ Elect rical power cord may not be plugged M_kesure pluz fits tightly inwal 1_it let in or connecticn maybe loose H...
Страница 10: ...ot Hotwaterheaterissettool_or isadistance Measure hot water temperatureat nearby faucet hotenough frcmwasher with candy or meat thermometer Water teqserature shouldbeatleast130OF 70oC Adjust _t erheaterasnecessary Hot_ter isheingusedelm _where inthehc_se Avoidusinghot waterelsewherebefore or during washer use There may not be enough hot water available forprc_er clemma_ Z Ifprd01empersists your ho...
Страница 11: ...erconnectiontoagroundedpower supplyof sufficient voltage replacement of blown fuses repairof loose connectionsordefects inhousewiring_ _q0_ses forn_J ingthe applianceaccessible forservicing suchas removalof trim cupboards shelves etc whichare not a part of the appliance when it was shipped from the factory S Danmgestofinishafter_nstallation 6 Replacementof lightbulbsm_d or fluorescenttubes onmodel...