FMP Equipment Corp.
PO Box 14069
Greensboro, NC 27415
Phone 336-621-2882
Fax 336-621-7901
To Whom It May Concern:
The FMP-400 roaster/smoker is an exceptional piece of equipment with thousands of
units in current use.
1. A User/Maintenance Manual explains and describes all functions and basic user
parts that are original to the oven. A Manual is included with every new oven and is
available on a per cost basis for purchasers of used equipment. In that it is not
practical to individually go over all this information with each customer, obtaining a
Manual is a basic first step to successfully installing and using your oven.
When ordering a Manual, please specify:
1.1. Part # 0015 User/Maintenance Manual
1.2. Price is $25 per Manual (includes postage) and is payable by credit card (Visa or
Mastercard ONLY).
1.3. Inform us of the serial # of your unit and we will provide an electrical
diagram/schematic for your particular unit. The serial # plate is located on the
right side of the oven on the upper or lower right corner of the service access
2. If you intend to use the smoking function of this oven, it would benefit you to initially
buy a bag of wood chips from FMP in order to learn how to properly use the Smoke
Generator. These high quality Hickory Chips are the optimum size for burning in the
FMP-400 and will yield optimum smoke time and density with minimal operator
experience. Wood chips available from most stores (intended for use with home-use
BBQ grills) are very large in comparison with our chips and typically burn too fast
and create more heat than smoke. “Sawdust,” at the other extreme, is very erratic
and unpredictable. This is not to say that, with experience, other
sizes/shapes/brands of woodchips cannot be used with success. We simply advise
“Try it our way before you try it your way.”
When ordering Woodchips, please specify:
2.1. Part # 0010 Woodchip Bag (50 lbs)