Frequency central
Build documentation for:
State 700
Based on the Roland System 700 state variable filter module. Rev.1 Jan 2016
100K Lin 100K Lin Dual 50K Log 100K Lin 100K Log 100K Log
Key to PCB screen print:
This signifies NPN BC547 transistors. Note the correct pinout as shown by the half circles.
This signifies PNP BC557 transistors. Note the correct pinout as shown by the half circles.
The PCB shows the correct orientation for BC547/BC557. Other transistor types can be used (eg
2N3904/2N3906), but please observe the correct pinout.
Please observe the correct polarity of the electrolytic
ground connection between PCB and all sockets
In 1:
wire to Audio1 socket
In 2:
wire to Audio2 socket
wire to HP output socket
wire to BP output socket
wire to LP output socket
wire to CV1 socket
wire to CV2 socket
Tip #1 - don’t mix up the 47R and 47K
Tip #2 - don’t mix up the 100R and 100K
A big part of the sound of the State 700 is the way in
which resonance is reduced as the audio inputs are
driven harder. It won’t self oscillate with a hot audio
input, throttle back a little and you’ll get squelchy ear
bleeding resonances!