USB-KW019032 Freescale USB Dongle Development Board , User’s Guide, Rev. 0, 10/2015
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
USB-KW019032 development board
OpenSDA interface clock
The USB-KW019032 provides 8 MHz reference oscilator as the clock source for the OpenSDA
MK22FN512 MCU.
Figure 11
shows the external 8 MHz crystal X1. This mounted crystal meets
the MK22FN512 requirements. It also provides C23 and C24 to bulk the crystal load capacitance.
Figure 11. USB-KW019032 board's 8 MHz clock source for MK22FN512
MK22FN512 peripheral
The USB-KW019032 OpenSDA interface circuit also includes two switch buttons; one for
general-purpose peripheral functions to assist in implementing targeted applications, and the other for the
MK22FN512 MCU hardware reset.
The USB-KW019032 also includes one general-purpose LED for the OpenSDA interface circuitry.
Figure 12
shows the push-buttons and LEDs for MK22FN512.
Figure 12. USB-KW019032 board’s push-buttons and LEDs for MK22FN512